
As my description mentions, my online handle is the highly imaginative 'wolf' this blog is designed and created for the express purpose of snarking, flogging and otherwise tearing down any books that take my fancy because I'm an asshole like that.
Only books will be flogged on this site, authors and their private lives don't effect me in anyway regardless of how much of a meltdown they have.

The 'other' section of this blog will mostly contain rants and anything else that doesn't involve snarking because I'm seriously too lazy to manage two blogs.

I am an aspiring author in the urban fantasy genre and most of my flogs will reflect this, I do have massive, critical level writers block which is why I started this blog in the first place, not only in the mild hopes that it'll shake whatever wall I've encountered loose, but that my writing and grammar will ultimately improve from this experience.

I won't be flogging 50 shades of grey, not only because it's not apart of a genre I feel qualified enough to flog, but because  Jenny Trout who is a published author in the erotic genre and ten times funnier then I am has already covered it.

I plan on slowly but surely working my way through the Anita Blake series, so if you're more interested in the later books give A_Sporking_Rat a shot, she also has essays covering everything that is wrong in the series such as Anita's blatant Mary Sue-ism.
Also Satire Knight is back and if you enjoy reading snarks I highly suggest clicking the link.

That pretty much sums up what this entire blog is about, and I hope you'll enjoy my brutal bashing of other books.
For all your stalking needs, I also now have a Twittergoogle+ account, Kik and facebook which will save you from having to randomly drop into my blog to see if I've bothered to update it or not.
Or if you prefer to contact me old school hit me up at Snarkingwolf@hotmail.com.
Feel free to hit me up with any books you'd like to see me tear apart and I'll do my best to get my hands on a copy if I don't already have one.

And in case you're wondering why I have a dog as my profile pic, that's Ranger. My mutt and best mate, he's the official mascot of this site and any others I decide to expand myself into.

Snarking wolf.

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