Sunday 13 July 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 23

This chapter starts off which Anita moving all her bags to one hand, leaving her gun hand free why? Well lets read together hrm?

You'd be amazed at what a nice target you make juggling two armloads of shopping bags. First drop the bags-that is, if one of the handles isn't tangled over your wrist-then reach for your gun. pull, aim, fire. By the time you do all that, the ad guy has shot you twice and is walking away humming Dixie between his teeth.

Ok, so I'm the first to admit that my grammar is begging to be fixed. But are those dashes really necessary? It just looks wrong.
And thank you for hand walking us through the obvious struggle you face when it comes to your life chooses, you have no idea how glad I am to be involved in this.
Anita then goes on about how she's been overly paranoid this arvo, which I can understand, what I can't understand though is why she also hand walks us through that too.

[...] aware of everyone near me. Was I being followed? Had that man looked at me too long at me? Was that women wearing a scarf around her neck because she had bite marks?
Not entire sure why this bugs me so much, I think it just makes her look less paranoid because she's being careful and more unstable and about a startle away from shooting everyone around her.
She goes on to state that the scariest thing she's seen all afternoon was the price of the designer clothes she was buying, not sure why she needs designer clothes, but sure. Lets just go with it.

It's easy to forget the passage of time in a mall. It is air conditioned, climate controlled, a private world where nothing real touches you. Disneyland for shopaholics.

I'm trapped somewhere between this...

 And this...

I just... Why is this passage in the book? And why does nothing real touch you in a shopping center? Seriously, my wallet sure feels the realness of walking into one of those places.
And correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't air con and climate control pretty much the same thing?

Anita packs her bags into the boot of her car, feeling dread creep up over her as the sky darkens above her. She cracks her neck, rolls her shoulders and decides that she needs aspirin before bitching about the mall food.

The pizza had tasted like cardboard with imitation tomato paste spread over it. The cheese had been rubbery and tasteless. Yum, yum, mall food. Truth is, I love corn dog on a stick and Mrs. Fields cookies.

 This is going to be a very long chapter isn't it?

She rambles on about how she brought on cheese pizza and one with the lot, saying that she hates mushrooms and green peppers, thinks that sausages belong in breakfast not on a pizza. She was half way through the slice before she realizes what she's doing.
She's freaking out a little since she doesn't know why she's craving food she normally hates.

We now meet her neighbor Mrs. Pringle, shes over 60, almost 6ft tall has faded blue eyes and owns a Pomeranian called Custard that according to Anita looks like a dandelion with feet.
Anita doesn't like Custard, though he seems pretty determined to win her over, or is content to irritate her, she's not sure which.
Blah blah, turns out that there is a man waiting for Anita in the flat. Pringle is giving her a hard time about it, asking why she wasn't told Anita had a beau and that he seems nice. Anita tries to remain calm, not sure how to ask what he looks like without tipping her neighbor off to the fact that no one should have a key to her apartment.
When Anita asks if she saw him leave, Pringle looks at her hard, saying that no she hasn't seen him leave and asks if she'd let a burglar get away.
Anita laughs it off, claiming that she merely didn't expect him today, and that if she see's anymore of Anita's friends hanging around to just let them into her apartment since she'll be having guests coming and going over the next few days.
Mrs. Pringle who is now a retired teacher, pulls out her big guns using that voice teachers used when you were ass deep in trouble and sinking fast. Demanding to know what Anita is up too, she uses Anita's full name and everything so we know she means business. And honestly, I'd be terrified.
Anita on the other hand is made of sterner stuff, claiming that she's never given a boyfriend keys to apartment before and she's nervous about it.
Pringle doesn't appear to be completely convinced, but instead says that if this was the right guy she wouldn't be jittery about giving him her keys.
Anita feels light with relief that either Pringle believes her or isn't rude enough to keep nosing about in her business. Anita says that it's good advice and that she might even take it, she feels so good in fact that she pats Custard briefly on his head before heading inside.
Thinking that this is the second time in one day that she's had an intruder in her apartment. As she walks down the corridor to her apartment she draws her gun, quickly hiding it in her bag as a dad and two kids pop out of a room and walk towards her. Pretending to be searching for something she waits for them to walk past before continuing on her way.
She puts her gun in her left hand since if anyone see's her with a gun they are going to call the police on her, using her right hand she muffles her keys with her hand, thinking smugly to herself that she's a fast learner.
Kneeling down and aiming the gun at the door, she turns the key, flinching when it clicks when it unlocks the door. After a few seconds of not being shot to death or hearing any other noise she pockets her keys, transfers her gun back to her right hand and opens the door.
She pushes the door open hard, letting it bounce off the wall as she does a quick sweep of the room. Finding nothing and again not hearing any noises she proceeds to check all her rooms. Feeling stupid but figuring that she'd prefer to feel stupid in an empty apartment then feel cocky and get shot to death.
Be glad I summed that up, LKH has a bad habit of talking the tension out of her scenes.

Turns out that the mystery man was Edward, since there is a shotgun on the table with two boxes of ammo and a note informing her that she has 24 hours before he comes over and beats the knowledge he needs out of her.
Anita wonders that if Pringle had hesitated at his lie would he have killed her? I'm not sure why he would, sociopath or not he wasn't doing anything illegal so killing her wouldn't benefit him in anyway or form.
She goes on a angst fest about how she is like a plague since everyone near her is in danger. But, you know what can she do? Besides remove herself from endangering others of course, because pfft, don't imply logic into this series!

She goes on to think that she might have told Ronnie that they were professionals. But compared to Edward they were both n00bs.
Instead of thinking of a plan to get Edward off her back, she sighs and starts getting ready for the party... As you do I guess, I get being practical and doing what needs to be done, but really? That's all the thought she's going to put into the pressing danger of being tortured?

We learn that her answering machine is blinking, the first message being Ronnie telling her what she told her at the bar... So why did she track her down if she'd already left a mess... Forget it, this chapter is almost over so whatever, she enjoys stalking Anita.
The second message is from Phil, telling her that he has the location of the party and to pick him up from Guilty Pleasures at 6:30... Doesn't this guy have a home to go to?
The tape rewinds (holy fuck this book is dated) and Anita thinks that she has two hours to get ready for the party.
We then learn that it generally takes her 15min to get ready and that she rarely wears makeup, but when she does she gets compliments rained on her, which... She doesn't like because dammit! She's an independent women who don't need no man or compliments from people because she'll manage to turn them into insults.

We then clothes porn that I'm not even going to snark because I'm not in the mood to read about how she doesn't like the bow and how her tan bandages clash with the black dress.
Anita then happily goes on about how it doesn't matter how many times you see females in movies wear thigh holsters they make you walk like a duck in a wet diaper.
I get what she's trying to do, but honestly she doesn't come across as educated here, it's more like she enjoys making herself look more educated then everyone. Especially those idiots in Hollywood.
She has a small purse that completes her outfit, shoving her firestar into it (some sort of gun) she then goes on that yes, she is aware that by the time she digs it out she'd be dead, but you know. God forbid she leaves the house without a gun, how could she prove how tough she is?!
She puts her cross on before thinking that vamps won't let her into the party wearing it, shrugs and thinks she could just leave it in the car with the shotgun...
Whats the point of bringing the damn gun if it's locked in your boot?
Anyways, she then rambles on about Edward giving her 24hours, thinks that he doesn't strike her as a morning person so she'd be safe till mid-afternoon or so.

Thank fuck that is over, I need to start doing this shit when I'm not in a terrible mood.

Another Ranger pic! Why? For the glory of because it's my blog so fuck you!
Basically this is what happens when it's cold and make the mistake of leaving a pillow and blanket on the ground, while not allowing him on the couch. He'll just make his own bed and not talk to you for an hour.

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