Sunday 5 October 2014

Anita Blake: Guilty Pleasures chapters 39 & 40

Again, we have two extremely short chapters. No seriously, both chapters take place over four pages, that's just pointless. But then again, look at what I'm flogging. So lets get this party on the road!

I woke up, which was a pleasant surprise all on it's own. I was blinking up into an electric light set in a ceiling. I was alive, and I wasn't in a dungeon. Good to know.

And so kicks off chapter 39, first off why is it stated that the light is set in a ceiling? I just... She's on her back and looking up, where else would the damn light be??
Secondly, how does she not know she's in some sort of dungeon? For all she knows right now she is in a very clean cell!

Either way Robert the vampire who keeps changing personality is there and it turns out that she is currently in JC's office at Guilty Pleasures because... Nicky is nice like that I guess?

"Nikolaos brought you here. She said, 'Here's your master's whore.'" I watched his throat work as he swallowed. It reminded me of something, but I couldn't think of what.

Random foreshadowing is random.

Robert knows that Anita has been marked twice by JC which means that when I speak to you, I am speaking to him. Which freaks Anita the hell out since she's not sure if he means it figuratively or literally.

Anita touches her neck and feels dried blood, she then has a flashback of Phil with his throat torn out and asks for the bathroom, she rushes in and throws up in the toilet.
Seriously this is probably the most unemotional scene in this book, it would make sense if it was driven in that she was in shock or denial or something, but it literally reads like the author had no interest in writing this scene.

She goes on about how Nicky has contaminated  her and then has a small 'break down' which basically involves her kicking a bin and abusing Robert, again this could work IF ANY EFFORT HAD BEEN PUT INTO THIS SCENE!
I just feel bored reading this and I shouldn't, I should be shocked, horrified, sad, this scene should be making me feel something and it simply doesn't.

Kicking Rob out, Anita sat in the floor and rocked and cried and screamed. When my heart felt as empty as my stomach, I felt laden, used up.
Way to tell not show there LKH, I cannot contact to her grief because it's simply not there. Oh, Phil is dead, I cried and felt sad about it, how tragic... Wah.
I could understand if she was all 'this is horrible, but I can have a breakdown once I've survived this mess.' But this... This just seems, yeah I've bitched about this enough.

Nikoloas had killed Phillip and bitten me to prove how powerful she was. I bet she thought I'd be scared absolutely shitless of her. She was right on that. But I spend most of my waking hours confronting and destroying things that I fear. A thousand-year-old master vampire was a tall order, but a girl's got to have a goal.

So, random topic change. It literally went from 'crying on the floor' to 'smart mouthing about how she's going to get revenge' also moving from pretense to past tense is blatant in this book, granted loads of upcoming authors make this mistake but bloody hell, how did this slip past all the editing this damn book went through?
(If I remember correctly, LKH spent something like five years editing and hassling publishers to take this book on)
Anyways, that's how chapter 39 finishes, because... Yay for emotional character building.

Anita wonders out into the club, thinking that she's the only one here and rambling about how once everyone leaves the place has a life of it's own or some shit.
She finds a post-it note telling her that her weapons are currently behind the bar since Nicky was considerate enough to bring them with her.


Ugh, whatever. She puts her weapons on thinking that the knife she used on Winter and Aubrey is missing, pausing to wonder if she actually managed to kill either or both of them.
She then goes on about how she should call Catherine, but then tosses the idea away because apparently being told that a vampire is probably going to come after you because I fucked up. Doesn't sound like a good enough reason to get the hell out of dodge for a few days.
Honestly, I think Anita is underestimating how terrifying she could make this scenario.

Anita leaves the club, and pauses to wonder what happened to her car, allowing Edward to pop out of no-where, he places a gun against Anita's back before frisking her down, he finds and disarms her of all weapons before telling her that she can turn around now.
He asks her where Nicky is, Anita makes it very clear that the only reason that she's telling him this information is because she got screwed over hardcore by the vampires.
She also mentions that she's been bitten by Nicky and needs Holy Water to clean the wound, which is apparently going to hurt like a bitch and overall makes no sense, but I'll get into that with more detail in the next chapter.

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