Saturday 11 October 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 41

I sat with my back pressed against the cool porcelain of the bathtub. The front and side of my shirt was clinging to me, water-soaked. Edward knelt beside me, a half-empty bottle of Holy Water in one hand. We were on the third bottle. I had thrown up only once. Bully for me.

This.. Is actually an impressive start to a chapter, for once I'm actually lacking a reason to bitch at the first paragraph,
Unfortunately it doesn't last very long though.

We then learn that Anita didn't take the whole ordeal well, not that I blame her. Having what would basically be acid poured onto your flesh would be anything but fun. But why does she have to insert that she also called Edward a son of a bitch. He didn't hold it against me.

|I just... WHAT DID THIS ADD TO THE SCENE? If it was suppose to make Anita look or super tough and shit you fail, mostly because I would be calling him a lot worse then a son of a bitch for starters.
She also mentions that when Edward asks if she's feeling alright his face was utterly blank. I couldn't tell if he was enjoying himself or hating it.

We get it, he's an evil sociopath.
Anita gets snarky saying that it feels like someone's been shoving a red-hot knife against my throat.
Edward clarifies that he wants to know if she wants a rest or not, Anita says no, she wants to wound cleaned all the way and her body be damned.

You know, I get that she wants the wound cleaned (no, this never does appear again in this series. Why do you ask?) but basically torturing yourself constantly without any consideration for your body isn't what I'd call smart. More so when you consider the fact that afterwards she's going straight back out to tangle with the vamps (spoilers)

We then learn that this sort of thing usually takes place over a couple of days, but Anita is far to tuff for such talk! Stating that if the wound isn't cleaned then Nicky will still have a hold over her.

How does this work exactly? It's never explained! Yay!!

Huh, so it turns out that even if the wound is purified there is still a chance that Nicky can call to Anita if she has enough power backing her up. Anita asks Edward if he thinks it's possible, he evades the question so Anita tells him to finish cleaning the wound before she looses her nerve.

He did smile then, eyes gleaming. "You will never lose your nerve. Your life, probably, but never your nerve."

And we were doing so well in this chapter too!
Yes, this is yet ANOTHER Mary Sue trait that keeps popping up in this series, everyone yapping on about how great and powerful Anita is, no matter how stupid it sounds in the book.

We then get Anita going on about how painful in is in a very purple prose way, which just comes across as stupid. The sentences are too clean for this sort of thing, like take this as an example.

I shrieked. I couldn't hold it. Too much pain. Couldn't run way. Had to scream.

There is no way in hell I could imagine someone thinking so clearly if it hurt that bad, though to be honest when I'm in massive pain my mind is either just static or full of different curse words in various mostly made up languages. I would not lie there thinking, 'so much pain, must scream!'

Edward stops pouring Holy Water on her, telling her to breath since she's hyperventilating. Once she has her breathing under control Edward mentions that he wants to try resting a cross against the wound.

If we hadn't cleaned the wound with enough Holy Water, the cross would burn me, and I'd have a fresh scar. I had been brave above and beyond the call of duty. I didn't want to play anymore. I opened my mouth to say, "No," but it wasn't what came out. 
"Do it," I said. Shit. I was going to be brave.

So Edward rests the cross against the wound and lo and behold nothing happens!

Edward then asks if she can sit up, which she can. He then asks if she can stand, which she can't without help. So Edward picks her up, which causes her to freak out since she's not a child.
Once he puts her down she staggers against the wall, sliding down it she starts crying more out of anger then anything else since she starts screaming about how she hates being helpless.

I can actually relate to her on this one, I'm a total bastard to help, even if I really need it.

Edward boosts her ego a little before helping her to bed.
The stuffed penguins sat against the wall. Edward hadn't said anything about them. If he wouldn't mention it, I wouldn't. Who knows, maybe death slept with a teddy bear? Naw.

Edward tells her to go to sleep as he'll guard her, he pulls out a mini Uzi (you only find this out because they have a conversation regarding it) he then shows her everything about it for some reason before in a chair that's magically appeared, resting the gun on his knees.
We get some more bad banter that I'm not going to go into because it doesn't add to the story at all.
Just as Anita drops off, Edward asks her where Nicky is hiding out, she basically tells him to go fuck himself and now I have to find something else to amuse myself with.

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