Sunday 30 November 2014

Laughing Corpse: Chapter two

This chapter starts off with Anita going to a bridal shop and whinging that it's close to a beauty saloon were you can get all prettied up by a vampire.

Vampirism had only been legal for two years in the United States of America. We were the only country in the world where it was legal. Don't ask me; I didn't vote for it. There was even a movement to give vamps the vote.  

... Really LKH? 'merica is the ONLY country in the ENTIRE freaking world that has legalized becoming undead and fangy?
Nope, sorry, can't believe it, Australia might be pretty closed minded right now and it wouldn't surprise me if our government would be pretty slow on the uptake as they are with gay marriage and such.
But I'm extremely skeptical that we'd be condoning wholesale slaughter of vamps on sight as is implied in this series. Plus it's been two years, no other country has opened a debate about this? Seen how it's working in America and gone 'huh, that could actually be a good thing for our economy and such?'
Shit, one state in America legalizes weed and our government is discussing about doing the same (not gay marriage though, can't have that happen. Our leader is a good Catholic man don'tcha know?)

Also, vamps can't vote? Then they're not really citizens are they? That'd be like legalizing gay marrage then taking away their right to vote. Kinda stupid isn't it?

Anita then starts bitching about how it's such a drag now since two years ago if a vamp bothered you, you'd just go out and kill them. Now you have to get a court order, have a case against them. You know, actually ensure that you're not killing some innocent smock because he decided that a liquid diet and no vitamin D would be a good life choice.
And if you do go out and kill a vamp because you feel justified enough to, you get done up one murder charges!!!!
Plot twist!

Walking towards the bridal shop she bitches out that the wedding dress in the window has too much lace, seed pearls and sequins and that she's been dress hunting with Catherine (the unlucky bachelorette from the last book) to know that anything remotely girly is evil and that she especially hates sequins.  

Yadda yadda, going on about how Catherine tried to convince Anita that when she gets married she'll also start to get a taste for large dresses that are impractical for anything but a wedding, minor back story on Catherine being her best friend (whom we rarely ever see in the series before completely dropping off the face of the earth without a sound) and that she hates the pink bride maid dresses but because she apparently never has a day off work she missed out on the final decision and ended up having to pay $120 on a dress that was decided by other females. Le horror!

We then meet Mrs. Cassidy, the dress maker, this is also apparently Anita's last fitting for the dress. Mrs, Cassidy is determined to hide the awful scars (that randomly vanish when it's convenient for them to do so)
Anita wanks on about how Mrs. Cassidy is clearly gearing up for a fight as she leads the way towards the dressing room, but the almighty Anita doesn't need to gear up to fight because she's always ready to fight random strangers and small children who look at her or simply walk to close!!!

Random bitch about how Bert never gets his hands dirty, all he does is line up the costumers, make sure money is flowing, paying the bills, making sure everything is nice and legal. You know, all the useless stuff wimpy office folk have to deal with while the REAL workers are out doing all the dirty work.

We meet two randoms that we'll probably never see again, another brides maid and the flower girl who promptly asks Anita if she thinks the dresses are stupid looking.
I'm sorry, while I hate to fall into sstereotypesunless that girl is a tom-boy I've yet to meet a young girl that doesn't like getting all dressed up and pretty. It's what they do, kinda like how young boys like beating the crap out of each other and rolling around in the dirt with toy soldiers.

Anita takes off her jacket and moves into the dressing room before she can tell the young girl that she does look stupid in the dress, the flower girl then pipes up asking if that's a real gun Anita is failing to hide. When she replies that it is a real gun, the girl then asks if she's a policewomen.
Her mum quickly ushers her away, apologizing to Anita probably hoping to appease her before she starts shooting up the place.

So the next two pages are a mixture of Anita wanking on about her scars and how she got them, and getting fitted for a dress. Holy shit is it boring so I'm skipping over it because even I couldn't make this slog amusing.

Make that four pages, with another discussion with the mum and daughter from before and how nice the mum and how ugly Anita considers the dress.

This is thankfully interrupted by the phone ringing, Mrs. Cassidy answers it before handing it over to Anita telling her that it's a detective Storr asking for her. This makes the flower girl happy as she gleefully tells her mum that she was right and Anita really is a police women.
Anita doesn't explain because her mum (the flower girl's mum, not Anita's mum) asked her not to ages ago. Thinking that an 8 year old deserves a few more years of innocence before learning that her government hires people to go out and murder civilians.
(I would say assassinate, but Anita doesn't use enough class or skill to be considered an assassin)

We then have a conversation that is made up of choppy, short worded sentences. But pretty much sums up that there's a murder scene, Anita has been called in because whatever did it wasn't human, and that it happened in St. Charles which is less then fifteen minutes from Anita's current location, the phone call is ended with a curt good and Anita being childish into a empty receiver.

I had been offered a million dollars today, just to kill someone and raise a zombie. Then off to the bridal shop for a final fitting. Now a murder scene. Messy, Dolph had said. It was turning out to be a very busy afternoon.

I just love how casual she is about 'oh, someone offered me a fuck ton of money to simply murder someone, the idiots. I'd happily do that for free!'

Gods this book is already annoying the hell out of me, this is not what I'd call a promising start...

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