Tuesday 29 July 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 27

Alrighty, so Anita and Phil leave the bathroom only to instantly walk into Madge. Still proving to us what an awesome host she is tries and touches Anita's new bite mark. 
Anita stops her, which leads to Madge exposing the top of her boobs, showing her a old scar of a bite mark. It turns out that going around biting people is Phil's trademark.
Storming past Madge she walks back into the main room, which is where we run head first into this...

A man I did not know fell at my feet. Crystal on top of him, to me. He looked young and a little frightened. His eyes looked up past Crystal, to me. I thought he was going to ask for help, but she kissed him, sloppy and deep, like she was drinking him from the mouth down. His hands began to lift the silk folds of her skirt. Her thighs were incredibly white, like beached whales.
Ah Anita, couldn't even wait out a page before getting all judgmental and bitchy on us...

Apparently having enough of this shit for the night, Anita makes to leave the party. But Phil intercepts her at the door, leaning a hand against it, preventing her from opening the door and making good of her escape.
Phil apologizes, claiming that it's better this way since the humans won't bother her now. I'm just going to go ahead and claim that he means taking a chunk out of neck since no one understand the point of the word 'no' in this shit hole.
Anita shakes her head, claiming that she's only going outside for fresh air, not to run for the hills like he seems to be thinking. Phil states that he'll head outside with her then, apparently completely missing the point that he's the reason she needs fresh air in the first place. She points as much out to him, which leads to his eyes shutting down. Whatever the fuck that means, Anita wonders if she hurt his feelings before brushing off such thoughts and making to go outside, causing the heat to fall around me like fur.

 This is the second time that Anita has referred to heat feeling like fur, I just... Why? I can't even think of a witty response to this without sounding like a complete fucktard....

Anywho, Phil points out that it's getting dark and that he can't protect her from the rape-y vamps if he isn't with her. Anita once again proving to us what a compassionate and caring heroine she is points out to him that the newest vamp would easily have him for lunch. Phil's face naturally crumbles at this fairly harsh crack which leads to her response. [...] "Dammit, Phillip, pull yourself together." Before storming out of the house, tempted to slam the door before deciding that would be childish, and that while she was feeling childish now, [...] I'd save it. You never knew when a childish rage may come in handy.

 There's your childish rage, fuck I'm not even sure why I'm feeling annoyed at this...

The cicadas and crickets filled the night. There was a wind pulling the top of the tall trees, but it never touched the ground. The air down here was as stale and close as plastic.
Uh... What? Maybe I'm in the wrong here, but if you have wind strong enough to blow your trees around how can you have stale air? Even if she's protected from the wind where she's located, you'd still have fresh air constantly blowing in.

Anita thinks that the heat feels good after being in the air con controlled house, touching her bite mark she states that she feels dirty, used, abused, angry, pissed off. She's also come to the conclusion that she won't find anything out tonight because if someone or something was killing off vampires who did the freak circuit, it didn't seem to be such a bad idea.

Gah, I'm so torn about that... I get she's angry because she's been violated in a pretty unexpected and violent way. But at the same time she's suppose to be this awesomely professional and brilliant vampire hunter/random PI, so blaming everyone in the circuit for what one person has done to her is pretty fucking immature and childish.

Regardless if she sympathizes with the murderer or not, if she wants to keep living her life she's required to solve this murder. Anita takes a deep breath and smells a plot point since apparently there's power oozing through the trees.
It turns out that this random and mystery power spawns from someone fairly powerful trying to raise the dead, we get the fascinating drama of Anita struggling to walk properly in the soft earth that's covered in acorns as she heads towards the plot bunny.

A sharp bleating, high and panic-stricken, sounded. It was close. Was it a trick of the still air or was it really a goat bleating. 

 Yeah... Anita you're officially to stupid to live.

Anyways, the last bleat ends with a wet sounding gurgle which should put an end to her questioning if the wind is bleating at her or not.
She takes off a shoe, gropes the ground with her toes before deciding that she can live with walking on it. Sliding off her second shoe she runs, the yard is huge but she gathers that the grave is somewhere behind the hedge fence. We learn that the actual ritual for raising zombies are surprisingly short, the magic of the ritual tugs at Anita's stomach, confirming that she's running in the right direction. As she gets to the hedges she works out that there's no way through.
She can hear a women demanding to know where the zombie is, a male responds that the zombie was too old for him to raise. Apparently the older the zombie, the bigger the kill since the women explains in a shouty way that he couldn't use chickens so they got him a goat and still no zombie.
Anita manages to find a gate in the hedge fence... Since, I guess the hedge was nice enough to grow one? As she opens the gate, the screaming metal catches the attention of our would be zombie raisers.
It turns out that the group standing in a small family cemetery are all vampires, in fact the dark vamp standing closet to her was in Nicky's lair, though the master (shouldn't that really be mistress?) vampire doesn't appear to be at this particular party.
He smiles, asking if she had been watching. Apparently he was going to call her 'executioner' but doesn't. Causing Anita to wonder if it's now some sort of secret.

We don't get an answer though, since he steps back allowing her to see Zac laying on the ground covered in the goats blood. Theresa is standing him in her best cliched vampire all black outfit, hands on hips, she notices Anita but ignores her as she once again asks Zac about the lack of zombie situation they currently have going on.
Zac repeats that it's too old, not enough left of the body to construct into a zombie, Theresa taunts him about being weak since the body is only 100 years old. Zac digs his fingers into the dirt before quickly glancing up at Anita before looking back down again, causing her to question what he was trying to communicate with that glance.
Basically it turns out that the vamps apparently already knew Zac wouldn't be able to raise the zombie, and was basically using this as an excuse to be able to use him like a milk cartoon. Theresa tears his shirt off him, revealing that he has a voodoo charm of some sort around his upper arm, not being able to watch a fellow animator get chowed on...
Really? Wonder what would've happened if he hadn't been an animator...
Anita tells them to wait, naturally the vampires don't give two fucks about her disagreeing with them, they get closer to Zac and Anita kindly informs the reader that once Zac was bleeding the feeding frenzy would start, which of course she's seen and still has nightmares about.

Anita calls out that he belongs to Nicky, so unless they have her permission to chow down on him they might wanna back off.
Theresa walks out of the crowd, informing Anita that this is none of her business and she should just leave while she still can. Anita responds that she'll make it her business, Theresa asks if she wants to join Zac as a dinner guest, causing the vamps to spread out to include her in the circle of hunger.
Anita says that she merely wants to talk to Zac, one professional to another. Theresa asks why and Anita gets all up in her grill, claiming that the vamps anger was palpable since Anita is making her look bad in front of her buddies.
Anita then goes to claim that while Nicky might want Zac dead, she needs her alive and that if Theresa kills her there's a pretty good chance that she'll spend eternity inside a cross-wrapped coffin.
Theresa snaps her head back, cursing Anita out before claiming that talking to him will do her no good, since if he can't raise the zombie Nicky has given him to the vamps.
Anita asks if he'll be able to leave unharmed if he gets the zombie up and about, Theresa says yes, but he can't raise this zombie, which is what Nicky was counting on.
Theresa then turns on her heel and storms off her vampire companions parted for her like frightened pigeons.
That's probably not the best descriptive term she could have used there... Now I have this image of vampires flapping their arms and jumping around trying to fly off. Though my imagination takes comfort in being weird, so this could just be me.

Anita kneels next to Zac, once she's asked if he's ok and he's angst's about dying tonight, we get down to business since apparently Anita can help Zac raise the zombie by lending him some of her strength of zombie magic.
Apparently the fact that she won't let the vampires eat him confuses Zac as he claims that she doesn't understand her at all, I dunno man, it's pretty obvious that while she's a horrid person she still has morals. And leaving humans be killed by vamps seems to be pretty high on her morality no list.
So being a focus or someone who can lend others their power is pretty rare, but surprise, surprise Anita is able to do it.
The thing is though, she's only ever done it twice, and both of those times with her mentor. She's never tried it with a stranger.
Theresa stalks back over, claiming that it's either time for Anita to fuck off, or become part of their feast.
I'm... Going to have to show you how Anita responds to this because, uh... Yeah.

"Are you having rare Who-roast-beast?" I asked.
"What are you talking about?"
"It's from Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch stole Christmas. You know the part, 'And they'd Feast! Feast! Feast! Feast! They would feast on who-pudding, and rare Who-roast beast."

Yeah, look I love a witty smart-alec protagonist, Harry Dresden and Hiccup the Viking are my spirit animals. But, this... This is not what I'd call funny or sharp humor. Seriously, go back and read that, then tell me what that has to do with vampires feasting on another human. Nothing, that's what.

Theresa asks if Anita wants to die, Anita gets all cock sure of herself claiming that someone might kill her before the night is over, but it won't be Theresa.
Now, if I was Theresa I'd rip Anita's throat out and claim you found her like this in some dark alleyway while on the way back to base. But no, Theresa steps down like the wimpy Twilight vampire that she is, since... Dr. Seuss quotes are so terrifying, or something. Now I'm wondering what would happen then if Anita showed her one of the new movies based off his books then.
Theresa balls her fists and turns her back to her, claiming that if they don't raise the zombie this time she'll kill them both.
I'm sorry, but while death is a pretty scary prospect. It's not the worst thing that can happen to you either, especially when you consider that vampire bites feel good to the bitee and the worst they could do is bleed you to death. Now, if I was wanting to cause someone to fear their death, I'd make it pretty clear that death will be a long time coming in a burn you alive or draw and quarter kind of way. I'm a horribly blood-thirsty bastard like that.

So she tells Zac to get up since they have work to do, Zac informs her that she'll have to explain what is needed of him since he's never done this before. She agrees and now I'm free to distract myself from the fact that I have 6 hours before my shift starts and seem to be unable to sleep.
Yay for fucking life.


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