Monday 28 July 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 26

Ok, again, sorry about the delay with updating this site. My social life crawled out of whatever hole it'd been hiding in so I thought I'd better play along while I still have the opportunity.
Anyways, the last time we dove headfirst into the Anitaverse, Anita and Phil were hanging out at a 'freak' party when Eddy appears out of no-where to do... Nothing, brilliant. Lets get this show on the road!

The chapter starts off with Edwards, auburn-haired friend sitting in Phil's lap. Apparently she's short enough for her feet not to touch the floor while doing this act and doesn't try to molest and/or undress him, Edward follows her over, he has a harmless smile on his face and a drink in hand.
Anita goes on to think that if she didn't know him, she never would have pegged him for a sociopath, which... Is kinda the point, sociopaths tend to be pretty good at blending in.

We learn that the auburn haired female sitting in Phil's lap is called Darlene, Edward appears to be going undercover with this entire operation since she calls him 'Teddy'.

Edward kissed the side of her neck. She snuggled against his chest, managing to wiggle in Phillip's lap at the same time. Coordination. 

Now I remember why I kept procrastinating on getting back to this book...

Darlene then asks Phil for a taste, he agrees so she basically starts biting and sucking on his scars. I... Don't see the attraction here, I get that they enjoy being chewed on by vamps but kinda see how that turns into a scar fetish. Or am I just looking at this wrong?
Anyways, Phil starts getting into having his scars licked at such before shuddering and telling Darlene no. Darlene is surprised but sits back, Phil explains that this is Anita's first party and that if he leaves she'll be fair game...


Right.. Moving on.

Darlene exclaims disbelief since Anita is all scared up in a scar like way, which must means she likes it or some bullshit...
Phil explains that it was from an attack, he's only just convinced her to come and doesn't know the rules. Darlene never one to take no for an answer apparently (then again, does anyone in this fucking book?) Begs him to leave for the backrooms with her since she's missed him, volunteering Teddy to watch Anita since he knows the rules.
Wait... Why didn't Phil fill Anita in on the rules here? Even a basic understanding would be better then going in blind, for all she knows taking a drink off someone means you've agreed to be sacrificed to demons...

Anita asks Edward (Yes it's Teddy in these scenes, but for confusion sake I'll keep it as Ed) if he's been to any other parties, which he admits to doing... The king of overkill has more experience in stalking vampires then the actual bloody vampire hunter, am I the only one sensing an issue with this??

Phil puts his foot down, getting to his feet he sounds certain and confident as he tells her no once again before holding his hand out to Anita, who takes it. Anita bitches that his hand feels sweaty and he drags her out of the room.
He takes them to the bathroom, once inside he locks the door and leans against it, Anita perches on the edge of the bathtub. Just watching Phil take slow deep breaths before turning the sink on and washing his face.
I could be wrong, I'm no expert in this sort of shit, but isn't he reacting pretty strongly to telling someone no and leaving the room? I would expect this sort of reaction from someone whose just had to face something they really, really didn't like. Maybe I'm wrong and they really do just have a huge rape orgy thing at these parties....
We then get this conversation.

"I did it." He said.
"Yes," I said, "you did it."
"I almost let her."
"But you didn't Phillip. That's what counts."
He nodded, rapidly, head bobbing. "I guess so." He still seemed out of breath.

Yeah... I'm really not liking the undertones in this, not sure if it's actually suppose to be there or not...

Anita offers that they leave, Phil is shocked that she is willing to let him out of his promise and doesn't understand why.
Oh I dunno, maybe because you're freaking out pretty bloody hardcore about telling another human being no?
Yadda yadda, it basically boils down to the fact that while Phil would like nothing more then to leave, they can't. And he's not telling Anita why.
Probably because he has vampires holding something over him? Haven't we already covered this?
So, how does Phil respond to her kindness? By groping her... How else??

He pulls her close to him, when she points out that his shirt is wet he shoves her back before removing his shirt in a fluid movement, causing Anita to internally snark about him having load of practice in removing clothing.
Anita tells him to stop, inquiring about the sudden change of mood, Phil responds that he likes her so that should be enough.
Anita doesn't agree, getting into the bathtub to give her more distance from the half-naked male stalking towards her. Phil the randomly points out that someone is watching them, which... Freaks Anita out since she turned, slowly, like a bad horror movie. It turns out to be Harvey or Mr. Leather, Anita goes on to think that the window should be too high for him to see through without having to stand on a box.
I'm... Honestly not entirely sure why we needed to know this bit of information, the fact that he's watching is enough to convince me that he's a creeper without knowing the length he's gone to, to watch this show.
Plus isn't this his house? If he was that much of a creeper wouldn't he have a less obvious way on spying on his sex-fiend friends??

Phil uses the fact that they now have an audience to blackmail Anita into playing along, since if Harvey works out they aren't who they claim to be shit is going to hit the fan. 
He smiled, dazzling, hold it in your hand and stroke it, sexy.

Uh... What??
Moving on! I guess....

So Phil leans down, kisses her then moves to bite down on her neck, hard.
Anita naturally flips her shit, Phil on the other hand has a dazed look in his eyes and blood on his lip. He licks his lips before pointing out that not only did Harvey believe the show, but now she's marked, which is somehow proof of you are and why you came. 
The level of fucked-up-ness this book is reaching is kinda, you know, fucked up.
Instead of trying to make any sense out of that, Anita just goes on about how many germs are in human mouths, which while yes, you do have a point. This isn't exactly the time for you to be stressing about that since a) there isn't shit you can do about it and b) being found out as a vampire hunter in this place would probably be very bad for your health.
Phil points out as much, stating that they need to look for clues and having that mark will somehow make this chore easier. Anita on the other hand shows us her maturity level.
[...] Bare tanned chest, leather pants, lips full like he'd been sucking on something. Me. "You look like an ad for Rent A Gigolo," I said.
I'm just... Going to leave that there for you to enjoy.
Phil shrugs, asking if she's ready to go and rejoin the party. Anita has a small freak out, basically running through the basic questions like if he's telling the truth, or if he merely wanted to see what she tasted like.
They leave the bathroom, as she follows him into the main room, she realizes that he's distracted her question of whom he's working for. 
Ugh, I'm sorry but if you're going to have a mystery like this, at least throw in a alternative. Right now he's either working for the vampires, or the vampires... Or if you want to get picky, it's either Nicky or JC, and right now that doesn't matter one iota. 
[...] But no more; I had my first and last kiss from Phillip of the many scars. From now on I would remain the tough-as-nails vampire slayer, not to be distracted by rippling muscles or nice eyes.
My fingers touched the bite mark. It hurt. No more Ms. Nice Guy. If Phillip came near me again, I was going to hurt him. Of course, knowing Phillip, he'd probably enjoy it.

This fucking book... Seriously.

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