Thursday 7 August 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 29

Alright, so after running away from the zombie tormenting vampires, Anita collapses on the wet ground, bitching that hoses aren't made for running in. After doing the first thing one must never, ever, ever, never do when in a bad situation she wonders what else can go wrong.
Almost as though she knows what Anita is thinking and has impeccable timing, Nicky shows up to taunt Anita about having such a busy night.
Nicky is accompanied by McCoy from the first chapter, Anita goes on to think that while he's standing near her like a bodyguard, she's betting that he's merely a servant in this affair... Which is, fascinating?

Nicky points out that Anita seems agitated and asks what's wrong, Anita responds that Zac rose the zombie so she can't use that excuse to kill him... Why she needs an excuse to kill off the help is beyond me, grow a backbone already! You're a bloody thirsty vampire!
Anita goes on to internally snark that Nicky doesn't appear to know that Zac is actually dead, and seems to think it's beyond funny, laughing hysterically she figures Nicky never asked. "Are you alive Zachary, or a walking corpse?"

 Yeah, I don't get it either.
To ere on the side of fairness I will admit that she's probably suffering from shock and a little screwed in the head right now. But again, humor in this book isn't exactly great.

Ok, so Willy McCoy asks if Anita is feeling alright, since you know, she's currently laughing like a bloody loon. Anita nods, admitting that she's fine.
Nicky on the other hand doesn't seem to find the humor in the situation, before accusing Anita of helping Zac raise the zombie.
Anita admits that she did help him raise the zombie, she notes that while she can hear Willy walk towards her Nicky is soundless. Apparently Nicky also isn't as perfect in her looks as Anita first thought, since the closer she gets the more flaws Anita can spot.
Shallow much??
I know she's clearly pointing out that this a side effect of JC fucking with her, but...
This is what foreshadowing feels like in this damn book

Nicky taunts Anita asking her why she's looking at her as if she's seen a ghost, kneeling down in front of her Nicky  gets all up in her grill.
Anita, ignores her question. Instead pointing out that she raised the zombie so she doesn't want it hurt. An argument Nicky apparently doesn't understand she she responds that "It's only a zombie animator. They have no real minds."

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the fact that all of these sorts of titbits are always done through forced conversations and makes no sense (as in Anita is an animator, I'm pretty sure she should know more about zombies then the damn vampire) just seems like shoddy and lazy writing.

Blah blah, they have a basic back and forth about how the zombie was once human so Anita doesn't want it hurt and a bit of an info dump about how vampires can't feed off the dead but ghouls can. Not entirely sure why this is here, I'm hoping it'll be explained later in this book. Nicky then asks Anita if she's dead (Nicky, not Anita) Anita says yes she does think Nicky is nothing but a walking, talking corpse, said walking corpse doesn't seem convinced that Anita actually believes that.

Nicky laughs in a smile to your face and a song in you heart way and Anita broods that she'll probably never be able to enjoy Shirley Temple movies again.
Anita demands that she wants the zombie put back into it's grave tonight, Nicky naturally doesn't take this well, pointing out that Anita isn't in a position to demand anything.
Anita argues that she raised it so doesn't want to see it tortured, Nicky asks why this is so important to her, which leads to this..
I didn't think I could explain it to her. "It just is."

How hard was that?? You'll happily chew words on what people and locations look like, but God-fucking-forbid you use some of those words to create a well rounded fucking character!

Right.. Moving on.

"How important?" she asked.
"I don't know what you mean."
"What would you be willing to endure for your zombie?"
Fear settled into a cold lump in the pit of my stomach. "I don't know what you mean."


Anita stands and is surprised that she's taller then a vampire stuck in a 12yr old body.
Asking what Nicky would want in return, Willie reanimates to point out that she probably shouldn't fall for the obvious trap, causing Anita to think that he was smarter dead then alive.
Nicky tells Willie to shut up in a conversational tone, causing him to instantly shut up like a well trained dog. Well geez Anita, if I knew I would be harshly tortured by smarting off I'd try to keep quiet too, it probably wouldn't last very long, but I'd at least try.

It turns out that Nicky is an awful leader since she tortured Willie by sticking him in a cross-covered coffin because Anita told him to get fucked. Nicky continues her cliched evil overlord act, by grinning and pointing out that Willie was terrified she would leave him in there for months or years.
Seriously, you'd do this because something out of his control happened? I could understand if you ordered him to bring Anita to you regardless of her answer, but I'm under the impression he was just there to try and talk her into it before blackmailing her into doing your dirty work...
Anita misses the entire point of how nightmarish it would be to be locked in a coffin for a couple of years, but spouting that she knows vampires can't starve to death. Before thinking You bitch. I can only be terrified so long before I get angry. Anger feels better.
Nicky can smell fresh blood on Anita and offers an exchange, blood for the zombie. Yeah, Nicky isn't the smartest is she? Anita is pretty much in the palm of her hand right now, she could pretty much ask anything of her and all she wants is blood? Really? That's.. Kinda short-sighted of you there.

"Does taste mean bite?" I asked.
Yes, I'm well aware I'm using a lot of .gifs in this post, but gotta keep my self sane somehow.

To my surprise Nicky doesn't call her out on her stupidity before laughing since Phil has apparently already beaten her to it, I'm going to go ahead and assume she noticed the bite mark on Anita's neck.
I'm struggling to see why this bite isn't bothering her more, tough-as-nails vampire hunter or not, that shit has got to sting in the fresh air.
Anita shakes her head, claiming that she won't let Nicky have her blood. Nicky then asks if she could enter Anita's mind then since that is apparently a type of feeding... A little more information regarding that would be nice... No? Alrighty then...
The zombie screams loudly since she's apparently found her voice and Anita winces as if she's been slapped. Nicky again offers to free the zombie for a taste of Anita's blood, as an added bonus she won't even use teeth or actually feed off her.
Is it just me, or does this seem like too good a deal?
Anita tries to use the fact that the wound has stopped bleeding, I'm not sure why that would deter a vampire. Nicky, instead of staying that her saliva will fix that problem, or something along those lines. Merely responds that she'll lick it clean.
They hear the zombie scream again, Willie again makes to speak up, but is shut done pretty quickly my his mistress.
Anita tells him not to get hurt on her account, but doesn't appear to consider that this sounds incredibly a lot like a trap, and since we are in her head and it's not mentioned at all at this point, I'm just going to assume that she hasn't even considered that fact.
Instead she asks Nicky what will she gain from licking an old wound, the answer is apparently nothing, yet fear is a type of substance so... She will gain something from it? WHY IS ANITA NOT QUESTIONING THIS MORE?!

Nicky moves closer to Anita, who demands that the zombie is set free before the trap is sprung. Nicky agrees and looks into the middle distance, Anita feels the shock of electricity then claims that Theresa will chase off the vampires and get Zac to lay the zombie to rest.
I have two issues with this, 1) why is Anita just taking this at her word? It's like in games where you complete a mission, go back and they just pay you without proof you actually did it. No, I'm not sure why it bothers me as much as it does and 2) Zac couldn't raise the zombie by himself, shouldn't he need help putting it back??

We then get a pretty bland scene that I guess is suppose to make us feel tension about Nicky tasting Anita's blood, it's pretty genetic then again I'm a pretty harsh critic.
Nicky gets angry when she discovers that Anita isn't happy to have her touching her, then completely out of no where Nicky asks her where the scar on her face is. Which, Anita responds without thinking that it's near her face causing the vampire to flip the fuck out.
Phil appears out of nowhere, demanding that Nicky leave Anita alone. Well this is clearly going to end well..
Nicky says Willie's name and that's all he needs to go and hero-block Phil, only it turns out that Willie is a complete and fucking retard.
He stepped in front of Phillip, one arm straight out from his body. He was going to stiff-arm him. Phillip sidestepped the arm brushing past.
Willie had never been much of a fighter. Strength isn't enough if you had shit for balance.

 Let's bust out a list for what's wrong with this shall we?
1) It's called a clothesline, not a stiff-arm, small but irritating.
2) Why the fuck did Willie think he'd just run into his arm? If Phil had enough distance between them to easily dodge his arm then he's a fucking retard.
3) Willie is a vamp with it's speed, why didn't he just grab Phil on the way past?
4) What the fuck does balance have to do with this? I'd understand if Phil hit Willie's arm and send him stumbling, but nothing in that sentence points out that Willie has shit balance.
5) Don't vampires teach other vamps how to defend themselves and use their powers properly?
There's more but lets just leave it here at five.

Nicky grabs Anita's chin, forcing her to meet her eyes threatening that she won't like what would happen if she has to force her attention to remain on the angry vampire holding her.
Anita states that Nicky has her full attention, her voice sounds hoarse but she figures coughing in Nicky's face in an attempt to clear it probably wouldn't end well for her.
Nicky suddenly spins to face Phil whose almost reached them before Willie manages to grab his arm but doesn't seem to be certain of what to do with it. Anita waxes on that it probably didn't even cross Willie's mind that he could simply crush Phil's arm.
If I were you Anita, I would be extremely glad Willie is a horrible excuse for a vampire.
I like the idea of new vampires being uncertain of their powers and how to use them, but why did Nicky bring him to this meeting if he's still this incompetent? And why doesn't he have a keeper/trainer?

Nicky orders Willie to release him pointing out that "If he want's to keep coming, let him." Phil looks past Nicky, asking Anita if she's alright. Anita responds that she is and that Phil should go back inside before something really bad happens.
It then turns out that Nicky had promised Phil that Anita wouldn't be harmed tonight while they investigated the party...
So, she knew that Anita would be in the area and had her vampire minions take Zac to the cemetery right next door to the party to raise a zombie they knew he couldn't raise. Only to get pissed that Anita intervenes and saves the night? These vamps aren't the smartest in the book world are they?
But Wolf! I can hear my faithful readers shout, it could have all been an elaborate trap and it's just not been sprung yet!
In which case I look at you skeptically and ask if you've been reading rest of the flogs on this site and that you clearly have higher hopes for this book then I do, in which case I hope that flame of nativity and hope never goes out for you.

Phil is trying to be brave, Anita keeps trying to talk him into leaving before Nicky gets tired of the distraction and kills him, it isn't long before Nicky points out that if Phil want's to be a hero here is his chance and he should take it.
Phil clenches his hands, Nicky moves fast enough to be a blur before kicking the legs out from under him, she looks down on him blinking up at the sky and Anita shouts at her not to hurt him.
Why doesn't she intervene and prove to us how good she is fighting vampires?
Because again you expect way to much from these books, plus she's a shitty person.
Instead Nicky reaches down and I assume she slaps him, but it's pretty badly written and vague, so for all I know she poked him.
Anita steps forward, again asking Nicky to leave him alone while thinking that if she went for her gun she might have a chance to kill her.
Just in case you think we might finally get some vampire hunter action, a wild Dues Ex Machina appears to save the plot from becoming interesting.

Screams come from the party house, and they can hear people screaming that everyone inside are perverts, Anita asks what's going on and Nicky responds that the church of eternal life congregation has decided to join the party and that she's leaving before spinning around and demanding how Anita knew about her scar. When Anita claims not to know, she calls her a liar and that they'll finish this later before running out of the clearing.
Anita kneels next to Phil, asking if he's alright. He claims he is while sitting up slowly and claiming they should follow Nicky's example and leave because the church members always disturb these parties armed.
Again, why doesn't the Government clamp down on this sort of terrorist/racist (monster-ist? specie-ist) behavior???
Anita asks if this is a common thing, and Phil replies that they gate-crash any party they hear about, he gets to his feet and Anita internally snarks that she's happy about this because she'd never be able to carry him to the car. Never mind the fact that he should at the very least have a mild concussion, no I'm glad you don't have to worry about carrying him.

Willie states that while he knows it isn't in his place to ask, but he could really use a ride out of here. When Anita asks why, he responds that he hasn't learnt how to speed run like the rest of them yet.

How'd he get there with Nicky then? Did she carry him, or did she slow her pace so he could keep up? WHY DID SHE BRING HIM?!

Anyways, Anita says that he can carpool with them and they make to head towards her car. There is still screaming coming from the house and Willie points out that someone will call the cops, which Anita agrees with internally snarking that she'll never be able to explain why she was there.
Off the top of my head, "sorry officer, I was here trying to dig up info on the current vamp murders when this group of vigilantes rocked up and ruined everything." I'm failing to see how she's the best at this shit..
She then bitches that if she knew she'd be running from crazy people all night she would have worn lower heels. You're a vampire hunter going into a vampire party, why wouldn't you expect shit to go pear shaped??

They're almost at the car when three figures burst out of the house, two vampires and a human wielding a club, fuck, why hasn't Anita and her crew called the police? This doesn't appear to be a light shake down...
Anita draws her gun, pointing it at the threesome she tosses her keys to Phil, telling him to get the car started while she watches their back. 
Phil points out that he can't drive, but luckily for them Willie can, so he grabs the keys and makes for the car. 
One of the vamps spreads his arms and charges at her with a snarl, Anita having enough drama for one night shots into the ground at his feet. He hesitates before pointing out that bullets won't hurt him, (I'm pretty sure it would still hurt like hell though) Anita notices movement by the trees but figures that since she's in a residential area she can't just start blindly shooting into the dark, instead she shoots the vampire in front of her. She lands a gut shot before informing him that she carries silver plated bullets (in this world why would you even bother with any other kind? It wouldn't matter if they were human/vamp/were silver bullets tend to fuck them all up) Oh, Anita also manages to use 'fang face' as an insult again, this women and her razor sharp wit I'm telling you.

She starts backing towards the car, threatening the second vampire as he tries to circle behind her that he should stop and that if he even makes a wrong move she'll plant a bullet in his brain. He claims that it won't kill him, I'm skeptical since you know, silver makes them heal human slow, but whatever this chapter is almost over.
She hears the car starts and keeps backing towards the car, thinking that if she falls they'll rush her and someone will die. She gets to the car, has to tell Phil to scoot over so she can get it... *face palm* she gets in and the human rushes them so she shouts for Willie to make with the acceleration already.
Willie speeds off as Anita slams her door shut, thinking that she didn't really want to kill anyone tonight and watches the human shield his face from the flying gravel.
It turns out that Willie is as bad a driver as he is a vampire, since the car bounces wildly and they nearly collide with a tree. Anita orders him to slow down and that they're safe.
Willie eases off the peddle, turning to grin at Anita claiming that they've made it. Anita isn't so sure and neither as Phil as he asks for how long.
Anita tries to comfort Phil that everything is alright now, but he calls her on her bullshit and that's where this chapter leaves off. 
Thank fuck for that.

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