Friday 8 August 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapters 30 & 31

Don't get too excited about getting two chapters in this post, chapter 30 is only a page long so it seemed kinda pointless having an entire post devoted to it.

Right, so chapter 30 starts with Anita double checking her gun while Willie asks where he wants her to drive to, Anita selfishly thinks about how she just wants to go home and sleep but Phil's face looks pretty bad so they should probably go to the hospital.
Phil veto's this, saying that he'll be fine. I'm guessing this is all due to some macho bullshit since he claims that she was hurt worse then this last night. Instead of slapping him stupid and taking him to the hospital regardless, Anita says that he was very brave. Which he agrees to, before they can get too mushy on us Willie interrupts (he also gets a random accent that doesn't appear to ever pop up again) needing to know where the fuck he is driving to.
Phil says they can drop him off at Guilty Pleasures since they apparently can take care of him there, they must get rougher with their dancers then I originally thought...
Phil then turns to Anita and says that she was right about someone feeding him orders, you ready for this reveal? It's pretty surprising... It was Nicky.
My exact reaction to this huge reveal.

He then goes on about how he was suppose to seduce her clearly wasn't up to the job. He then continues his pity party by going on about how he's sick so isn't surprised that Anita doesn't want anything to do with him.
Anita responds to this by getting all awkward before telling him that she enjoyed the kiss before he tore a chunk out of her neck.
After clearing up that Anita actually meant what she said they sit in awkward silence until Anita can't bear the silence anymore and tells Phil that standing up to Nicky was one of the bravest yet stupidest things she's ever witnessed. Phil laughs so Anita tells him not to do it again since she doesn't want his death on her hands, when he points out that it was his choice, Anita shoots him back down. So Phil takes a different tack by asking if she'd regret him dying, Anita responds that she would and he seems sorta happy with that outcome. Anita wonders if he's stupid enough to then expect her to confess undying love or something but isn't brave enough to ask. 
Wow... Pointless chapter is pointless.

Chapter 31 begins with Anita bitching about the fact that it's almost 3AM and that she is basically one massive bruise. Thinking of nothing but a warm shower and bed she snarks that she probably won't manage to get the 8hours of sleep she is hoping for.
As she wonders towards her apartment she has her gun out and held against her leg in case someone randomly opens their door, why she has her gun out in the open is beyond me and the fact that she seems to rely on it so heavily makes her a pretty weak hunter.
Think about it for a moment, what happens when she doesn't have access to a weapon? Does she just roll over and let the vampires rampage??
Anyways, she unlocks her door, kicks off her shoes and notices that her answering machine is beeping at her. She has a message from Ronnie stating that she has a meeting set up with a HAV member, and a message from Edward informing her that the clock is ticking.
Anita bitches about Edward being a little bitch since she realizes that this is all part of messing with her head before he comes and forces the info he needs out of her. 
Admitting that she has no idea about what she's going to do about the current pile of shit she is sitting in she heads to the shower in the mild hope that inspiration will strike her while she washes the goats blood off her.
She locks the bathroom door behind her and rests her gun on the toilet musing if she's being paranoid or realistic. I just want to know how much good a gun will do her at the distance, while she's dripping wet, naked and confused while something breaks into her bathroom to munch on her face just saying...

As she stands in the shower she bitches that she's no closer to solving the vampire murders then she was 24-hours ago and that once it is solved Nicky's protection will be revoked and Valentine and Aubrey will start coming after her because she's so good at making friends.
She then starts thinking about Zac, his charm and the fact that he murders people to keep it powered, before thinking that if he had been killing people willy-nilly the papers would have already picked up the story and run with it.

Oh you mean like those ritualistic vampire murders you're currently investigating? Yeah, no I can see why this wouldn't cross your mind at all...

She then goes on to think that he needs to be stopped and that if she hadn't interfered tonight he would be stopped which is... Seriously? Why the fuck do you work with the police???
Anita goes on to think that she has to kill Valentine and Aubrey before they get her, Valentine's warrant of execution was never revoked so she can legally kill him anytime she pleases, not so much with Aubrey.
She also thinks that she could hand Zac over to the police since she's certain that Dolph would believe her. But because she has no idea how his charm works she'll never be able to prove anything.
I... What? Don't they have any specialists besides Anita? Who... When you think about it isn't very knowledgeable about anything besides zombies (that she's really shown us anyways, so fair it's been a lot of 'I don't know')
Turning her thoughts to Edward coming tomorrow she wonders if she should just toss Nicky under the bus since it would solve a lot of her problems, before figuring that if he failed she'd come straight after Anita which she would love to avoid.
Anita gets out of the shower, grabs something to eat because her stomach doesn't believe that she's too tired for food and falls into bed around 4am, she then waxes on about the fact that she has her cross back on, a gun in it's holster on the headboard and for paranoids sake a knife between the mattress and springs even though it probably won't do her much good.
I really hope that knife is in a sheath or something, otherwise she'll wake up with a knife sticking out of her.

We then get a dream info dump... YAY!
Basically she's sitting across a table from JC whose eating blueberries, she points out that vampires don't even solid food.. (that's actually a good question, is it they can't eat solid food? Or just chose not too??)
JC smiles and says exactly before pushing the bowl towards Anita, who apparently hates blackberries. We then learn that JC loved them when he was alive and still misses the taste of them, Anita picks up the bowl and finds that the berries are floating in blood. So she drops it and JC points out Nicky will kill them both and that they must strike before she gets the chance.
Anita demands to know what this 'we' crap is, JC catches some of the blood from the bowl in his hand and offers it to her claiming that it will make her stronger.
Jerking awake Anita stares at the ceiling, wondering what the fuck JC has done to her. She looks at the clock to discover she's only been asleep for two hours before rolling back over, bitching that the whirl of the air con can't hide the sound of running water from one of her neighbors, so she turns the radio on which is playing Mozart's piano concerto in E flat. Before bitching that it's really too lively to sleep to, before promptly falling asleep.

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