Monday 11 August 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 32

Another day, another chapter... It's 1am, I have booze and can't sleep, maybe I'll be able to make this entire flog without spazzing out somehow.

Right, so the chapter and this post starts off with Anita being woken up at 9am by her alarm because she somehow managed to forget to turn it off, before going on about how if she gets up now she has enough time to get her ass to church, only she doesn't want to get up and that her god should be able to forgive her this once for not going.
It turns out that she's had a revelation at church and everything has fallen into place, she calls this divine aid, I call it using what little brain she has and apparently listening to sermons help with this.
When the world is full of vampires and bad guys, and a blessed cross may be all that stands between you and death, it puts church in a different light. So to speak.

That sentence right there, this sort of writing pisses me off so bloody much (even though I'm sure I've fallen into this trap before) how does this put church in a different light? It would for us because we don't have vampires and bad guys (that word will lose all meaning in this series) so yes, it would make church and religion have a bigger impact on our lives.
But for Anita? They've apparently had this monsters running around forever, so the church and all bonuses that come with whichever God/s you kneel before would be a part of every day life and not that surprising.
And face it, it's hard to not believe in at least a God when you have glowing crosses.

Anita decides she should get up, and right on cue her phone rings, for some reason she lets it go to her answering machine first. Thought finding out that it's Dolph who's calling her about another murder she picks up the phone.
She gets all snarky that now she won't be able to go to church because the police won't be willing to stand around till noon or so until the service is over and she can arrive.
I get that she's just woken up and I'm never one for waking up in a good mood, but for fucksakes women, someone is dead. Try and have some bloody respect!
My face while reading this mess.

We then get a pointless focus on the fact that she needs to write the address down but the pen she has near her phone has died without her knowing about it.
It turns out that the murder scene is only a block away from the circus of the damned, Anita then info dumps to Dolph that this is on the edge of the district and that no other murder has been so far from the riverfront.
When Anita asks if there is anything else weird about the murder, Dolph tells her that she'll see once she gets to the scene, which causes Anita to bitch about him being Mr. Information.
He then hangs up before she can finish speaking because he's a people person like that.

We then get a list of Anita's injuries, what state of repair they are in and that someone named Zebrowski will never let her live down the bite mark on her neck if he see's it. Apparently Anita has a bandaid large enough to cover a human bite mark, but small enough to make people think that it's a vampire bite, I just.......

So Anita puts on a red shirt, a pair of nikes, a shoulder holster containing extra ammo which then leads us right into this gem.
[...] Truth was, most firefights were finished before the first eight shots were gone. But there was always a first time.
Am I the only one who is starting to think that LKH is sticking in random facts that she's picked up and thinks sounds cool?
She puts a windbreaker over her arm, thinking that the cops will be armed so why can't she? I'm pretty sure the law has something to say about that attitude, especially when she starts going on about how she's tired of games. Let the bastards know I was armed and willing.

After the section break, it starts off with Anita observing the fact that there always seems to be too many people at a murder scene. She doesn't mean the civilians who tend to stand around watching in both horror and curiosity, no, she means the officials.
[...] the place always swarms with police, mostly detectives with a sprinkling of uniform. So many cops for one little murder.
I'll... Just leave that there, I'm not entirely sure why this sentence fills me with such annoyance, but it does.

It turns out that there is also a news fan sitting just outside of the yellow tape, it's huge satellite antenna sticking out it's back like some 1940s science fiction movie.
She then goes on about how vampire murders seems to be the cream of all news, since they don't need to add anything to make it sensationalized.
Figuring that if she stays near the gruesome remains she'll stay safe from the cameras, why she's avoiding the news is never explained. So I'm just going to assume that she's actually wanted in another state for illegally murdering a vampire and is trying to keep a low profile.

She gets to the yellow line and hands her consultant ID over to the copper who's guarding this particular entrance, he studies it long enough for Anita to wonder if he'll call over someone further up the food chain to verify her right to be on the scene.
He lets her in without a fuss, but Anita feels the need to swallow her urge to tell him 'attaboy' settling instead for a 'thank you'.
17yr old me had awful taste in books...

The body is lying near a lightpole, legs spreadeagled an arm is out of sight but Anita is pretty confident that it's broken, also the chest of the corpse has been scooped out.
We now meet Detective Clive Perry, he is one of the few people of colour that we'll run into in this series (who isn't instantly put in such an obvious stereotype that even non-Americans get uncomfortable reading about) he's the most recent member of the spook squad and is so soft spoken and polite that Anita can't imagine how he pissed someone off enough to get assigned to this mob.
Apparently vampires react differently to actually being dead then humans, since they don't always get rigor mortis, but Anita shrugs it off thinking that it's the coroners job to determine time of death, not hers. The sun is touching the vampires body and... Nothing is happening, even in death (since burning in the sun is cannon in this book) I would assume that the body would react to the sunlight. But this is never covered or explained in any of the books I remember reading, so I guess the sun knows not to effect dead vampires or some shit.

The spine showed white and glistening. Blood had poured out of the neck like a broken bottle of wine. the skin was torn, twisted. It looked like someone had ripped the freaking head off.

First off, yay for random pointless gore!
Second off, what the fuck is with that description? So many words, yet I struggle to get an accurate picture of what she's intending here...
Anita quickly stands up, thinking that it's been months since she's thrown up at a murder scene and that she'd like to keep it that way.

She then goes on to wonder if a human could do this, thinking that no matter how hard a human could try to make it look otherwise the coroner would always be able to tell if a knife had been used or not. Did they use the knife before or after death? And was it a human trying to look like a monster or a monster trying to look like a human?
She asks where the head is, instead of answering Perry asks if she's feeling ok which naturally leads to this.
Me, big tough vampire slayer, no throw up at the sight of decapitated heads. Right.
Who is she trying to sell this to? The readers or herself?? Doing this once or twice I'm more then happy to look over, prep talks and all. But every other chapter? Maybe Anita isn't actually cut out for this work is what I'm trying to get at here.
Eight feet (2 meters for the rest of us) away from the body, the head is resting under a plastic sheeting that someone threw over it.

Insert here some pretty pointless descriptions and attempts at tension, and we find out that the murder victim is Theresa, if Anita doesn't start point all the clues in front of her together soon I'm going to start smashing things! Or... more likely just post more random pics in my blogs because I can.

Now, I shall attempt to sleep!

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