Wednesday 17 September 2014

Twilight: Chapter two part two

Right so the last time we checked in with Bella, she was writing to her mum via email, reading Wurthering Heights and musing that her dad seems to trust her enough not to shoot herself with his police gun.

Riveting stuff I can assure you.

Anyways, her dad asks her what's for dinner since she's taken control of the kitchen and menu. She informs him that it's steak and potatoes, Charlie looks relieved that she's cooking simple or something before wondering into the lounge room to watch TV while she works.
Apparently she lied about giving him a basic meat and veg meal since she mixes up a salad while she waits for the meat to cook. Which makes me ask how big the damn things are, steak doesn't take that long to cook unless you're going for extra well done or something.
Seriously, to get it medium rare you don't want to keep that sucker on flame for more then five minutes unless the damn thing is thick enough to be half a cow.

We get more yammering from Bella about how neither of them are big talkers and that they can sit comfortably in silence before they have a fairly awkward conversation about her school day etc etc.
It turns out that Charlie knows pretty much everything about anyone in this town including the Cullen family, though it seems to get pissed that everyone judges them because their adopted kids are weird.
It turns out that the father figure of this cult like family is a well renown surgeon and that this hick town should be happy that he seems content to get paid nothing and work all the hours or some crap.
The kids are no trouble unlike some of the people who have been in the town for generation and that they go camping and shit, sticking together like a real family should. 

I've read somewhere that this book pulls strongly from the Mormon belief system, since I know very little about the religion I can't comment on it, but if you feel like reading about someone making these comparisons click here.

So Bella apparently backpedals feeling somewhat alarmed at how passionate Charlie seems to feel about this mystery family making me wonder if they have gotten to him somehow.
Face it, in a town as small as this one is made out to be then owning the police sheriff would pretty much mean owning the town.
She goes on about how attractive they appear to be, instead of being a normal father and starting to polish up his boyfriend shotgun he laughs and claims that it's a good thing that he's happily married. A lot of nurses at the hospital have a hard time concentrating on their work with him around.
Because it's all about looks right ladies?

-clears throat- Moving on then!

It does turn out that he dad is a bit of a douche though since he also has Bella wash the dishes before going up and doing her homework.
Dude, she cooked! The least you can do besides yapping on about how good the food is, is to do the goddamn dishes!

A uneventful week goes by and Bella marvels at the fact that she can recognize at least the faces of most kids in her school, In gym the kids have learnt not to let her play anything since she's such a klutz. Going out of their way to make sure that she never ends up with the ball and jumping out of the way when she ends up with the ball.
She has also spent the entire week anxiously looking out for Edward like the creepy stalker that she is, Relaxing when the rest of the Cullen cult comes in without him.


Heh, Mike is putting together some sort of group thing at the beach. Surprisingly enough Bella agrees to go, she then goes on to beach that she's going more out of politeness then actual desire. Ah Bella, never get a likable personality, I won't know what to do with you otherwise.

By Friday Bella is no longer stressing out about Edward waiting for her in Biology, even though she keeps gnawing over the fact that she feels responsible for him not being there.
We breeze over the weekend with a short sentence claiming that it was uneventful, and that Charlie worked it because he's not used to having someone waiting for him at home or some crap.

She manages to make a stab at the local library claiming that it was so ill-stocked that she didn't even bother to get a card, at this point is where I realize that she is not going to brush over the uneventful weekend like one might expect.
No she actually goes over the highlights of her uneventful weekend, because you know... I wouldn't be able to read this book without this sort of detail!

School starts back and everyone is so impressed with the new girl that not only do they wave to her but call her name out even though she doesn't know theirs.

Now, as I stated in an earlier blog I went to a extremely small high school, and while we all knew that there was a new person unless they were in your grade or someone who was pretty interesting no one gave a crap. The closest anyone outside of their own grade talking about the fact that there was a new person was idle grumbling about how the tuck shop line is slowly getting longer with every new student.

Mike sits next to her in English as usual and she passes the standard pop quiz featuring Wuthering Heights easily because she's smart y'all!

"Wow," Mike said. "It's snowing."
I looked at the little cotton fluffs that were building up along the sidewalk and swirling erratically past my face.
"Ew." Snow. There went my day.
He looked surprised. "Don't you like snow?"
"No. That means it's too cold for rain." Obviously. "Besides, I thought it was suppose to come down in flakes -- You know each one unique and all that. These just look like the end of Q-tips."

I've never seen snow, I hate the cold and I cannot relate to her in anyway... For one who really thinks that you can see the unique snow thing?
She goes on to claim that she's only ever seen snow on TV and ugh, unless it's a cartoon or some touchy feely Christmas special snow is basically just small white, cold balls of annoyance.

Regardless of this crap someone (Eric) throws a snowball at Mike and suddenly we have a snowball war on our hands.
Bella being the embodiment of fun that she is, she runs inside dodging the entire thing because gods forbid something interesting happening in this useless book.

They line up for food Mike and Jessica laughing and talking about the snow fight when Bella looks up and freezes because guess who is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Dramatic music-
No, seriously guess! I bet you'll never guess who it was!
Come on!
You get two chances and Sparklepire doesn't count!
If you guessed Edward good job! Here's a internet cookie and the joy of reading the rest of this blog, huzzah!!

Well it's of course dragged out a little more then this, Bella freezes and only gets a soda claiming that she's feeling a little sick, bitching because Mike is showing concern over this sudden sickness that has crept up on her.

They were all laughing, Edward, Jasper and Emmett all had their hair saturated with melting snow. Alice and Rosalie were learning away as Emmett shook his dripping hair towards them. They were enjoying the snow day, just like everyone else -- Only they looked more like a scene from a movie then the rest of us.

First off, from what we learn of Alice later in this book you'd think she'd be all over the whole snow fight thing, especially since she would have an awesome advantage over the rest. But she's a gurl! And gurls don't get involved in these sorts of hi jinks! That's what MEN are for!!!!

Ugh, I feel dirty for just typing that...

Bella continues to gawk at them, thinking that even though they're laughing and having fun something doesn't seem right. Thinking that Edward appears to have more colour in his cheeks before figuring that it's properly from the snow fight that they've clearly had. She keeps staring thinking that something else is different but she can't think of what.

Personally I think that it has something to do with the fact that he's acting like an actual human being in this scene, enjoy it while it lasts folks. If memory serves right this will be the last time you see it.

Jessica ruins the moment by demanding what she's staring at, Edward raises his eyes meeting her gaze at the same time.
I'll give the book this, the foreshadowing regarding Edwards powers are pretty well done, unlike every other power this family pulls out of their collective arses.

I dropped my head, letting my hair all to conceal my face. I was sure, though, in the instant our eyes met, that he didn't look harsh or unfriendly as he had the last time I'd seen him. He looked merely curious again unsatisfied in some way.

Of course he is no longer angry, who could stay angry at such a lovable protagonist such as Bella?!?!
Jessica giggles saying that Edward is staring at her, much like she was staring at him actually... Which would result in some seriously questions and or teasing by a normal teenager but sure, Jessica is more mature then that or something I guess.
Bella asks her if he looks mad, Jess replies no and rightfully sounds confused by her question. Bella goes on to explain that she doesn't think he likes her.
Saying this seems to make her feel queasy so she rests her head on her arms.
Jess goes on to explain that the Cullen's don't like anyone so she shouldn't be upset about it.

Bella keeps her eyes on her table, refusing to look up again at Edward, telling herself that since he didn't look annoyed she would go to Biology and that she would stay away from Mike since he seems to be a popular target for snowballs.
As they leave the cafeteria though there is a collective groan since it has started raining, washing all the snow away.
Bella puts her hoodie up quietly feeling pleased with herself that the snowball fights have been cancelled for today.

This seems like a good spot to stop since the next scene is the infamous blood test scene and I want to snark it with fresh eyes.

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