Friday 12 September 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 36

I didn't want to go back to my apartment. Edward would be coming tonight. Tell him where Nikolaos slept in daylight or he'd force the information from me. Complicated enough. Now, I thought he was my murderer. Very complicated.

Personally I think the answer to this is actually pretty easy... DON'T GO BACK TO YOUR FUCKING APARTMENT!
 If you really believe he is your murderer (though the reader who isn't moved around by a hack writer already knows for sure that he isn't) go to Nicky and tell her, she kills him. Easy Peasy.

For once Anita follows my advice since she figures that the best way to avoid this mess would be to avoid the person causing the most problems for her currently. Thinking that Ronnie might have pulled through for her and actually gathered some important information she pulls into a service station and calls her home number since she has one of those high-tech answering machines that allowed me to read my messages without having to go home for them.
She then thinks that if she had any solid proof she would simply go to the police.

I would have thought she would have gone to Nicky since you know.. She's being paid to do that, but sure... Whatever lets just go with it.

Anywhose, she checks her messages and has one from Willie. He's freaking out saying that they've got Phil and that she has got to come before the phone goes dead. Nicky then leaves a pretty cliched message about how she has Anita's lover, laughing she hangs up.

Edward who was clearly already camping out at Anita's place picks up the phone and tells her that if she tells him where she is, he'll happily help her.
Anita turns down his help since not only would Nicky instantly kill Phil if she brings backup but she can't trust him.

I'm kinda torn about this, I wouldn't trust him either but she's not exactly spoiled for choice her either. If I was her I'd chock down my pride and accept his help, you can always shoot him if he betrays you, while you can't just reload and see what would happen if you take him with you.

Anita is so hulk mad angry that she doesn't feel safe driving, stopping to take a couple of deep breath and telling herself that speeding won't help anyone but the cop who pulls her over. She starts her car and sets out for the Circus of the Damned.
While she drives she has this weird anger angst thing about how Catherine, Ronnie and now Phil are being hurt because she agreed to this investigation. She also thinks that once she gets Phil out she'd tun the entire thing over to the police, proof be damned.

Uh... Anita, Nicky hired YOU to investigate the murders. I get that she isn't exactly playing fair here but how do you think she's going to react to you bringing in the... What's the American term... Fuzz? Right?
So how's she going to react when you bring the fuzz down on her? Not well I would think, at least if she is as evil as you're trying to portray her as.

Anita is hiding her fear behind her anger, which if this book had any sense of reality would mean she would die pretty quickly, no one likes feeling fear because society says that you're a coward or weak for feeling it.
In reality it's a survival instinct, its warning you that you are about to get/are over your head and should start looking for a way out. Hence why different people feel fear over different things, some might make good warriors, others are experts at facing down stressful situations. Burying your fear, especially behind an emotion like anger which tends to make you lash out without thought isn't the brightest of ideas.

So Anita decides that storming in full of hatred and anger would be better then walking in being slightly fearful but cautious. Sure, normally I would say this would end badly but it's Anita so I'm sure she'll come out smelling like roses.

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