Monday 22 December 2014

Laughing Corpse: Chapter four

The alarm screamed. I rolled over swatting at the buttons on the top of the digital clock. Surely to God, I'd hit the snooze button soon.

What sort of person doesn't know how to snooze their alarm without opening their eyes? Screw your weapon training Anita, we both know what is more important here!
Either way it's 6am, she's bitching because she only got to bed at 3 and can't remember why she set her alarm for so freaking early.
She makes to go back to sleep before jerking awake as she remembers that she agreed to meet up with Dominga at 7am.
Really? You couldn't have pointed out that you work nights and something that early in the morning would end well for anyone involved? No..? Alrighty then.

Fifteen minutes later I was dressed. I always showered after coming in from work no matter how late it was. I couldn't stand the thought of going to bed between nice clean sheets smeared with chicken blood. Sometimes it's goat blood, but more often chicken.

Insert clothes porn complete with gun porn here and we get more description regarding her apartment. Like the fact she's ordered heavy blinds blocking out the sun and the fact that she owns a tank of Angle fish, she goes on to think that fish are her ideal pet since you don't have to train it or give them much attention between a clean tank and feed 'em. Unlike moody old dogs like mine, they don't give a damn how many hours you work.

[...] I sat in my little two-seater kitchen table sipping hot, black Colombian vintage. Beans fresh from my freezer, ground on the spot. There was no other way to drink coffee. Though in a pinch I'll take it just about anyway I can get it.

Great, so not only is she a horrid person, she's also a coffee snob. Brilliant, also, do you think she realizes how stupid this entire set up sounds?
I have fresh ground beans from my freezer. And that there is no other way to drink coffee, though I'll take it just about any other way.
Consistency she has it!

The door bell rings and Manny Rodriguez (her mentor she constantly bitched about in the first book) is on the other side, Anita lets him in and then they bitch and moan about females since his wife is worried about how skinny she is and the fact that no male seems to want to touch her with a ten-foot pole.

Insert here Anita being not only one of the boys, but BETTER at her job then all the boys at work. She give him coffee in a mug that has 'I'm a coldhearted bitch, but I'm good at it' sprawled out on the side, and no... There isn't a space between cold and hearted. Why do you ask?
Either way Manny finds this mug to be so hilarious that he laughs with his mouth full off coffee before asking her why she doesn't bring her penguin mug to work.

Bert's latest brainstorm was that we all use personalized coffee cups at work. He thought it would add a homey note to the office. I had brought in a grey on grey cup that said, 'it's a dirty job and I get to do it.' Bert had made me take it home.

Ah, Anita's professionalism just oozes out of her doesn't it? I get having amusing mugs, but that's not amusing either from a co-worker or customer prospective. Remind me why she still has a job again?
She tells Manny that she enjoy's yanking Bert's chain to much to bring an accepted mug to work that expresses her without being sarcastic or bitchy.
Basically, she's an angry and insecure person.

It turns out that Manny is here to accompany Anita to see Dominga. Whom he calls 'the devil women' making Anita pause as she wonders if that's a nickname or insult.

Anita? Love? I've yet to hear anyone call someone 'the devil women' in an endearing manner... Just saying.

He spots Anita's gun and points out that if it comes down to a shooting match it'll be too late because she has bodyguards, like any innocent civilian I guess.
They have a back and forth about how awkward it'll be to ask the most powerful women this side of the border if she's raised a rampaging zombie lately. Before Manny points out that if Anita manages to insult Dominga feeling awkward will be the least of her problems.

Anita now pampers to Manny's ego as he mentions that out of everyone she could have called in for backup she called in the old man which is a massive compliment to him.
Insert a conversation about how evil is wife is since she's stopped him from hunting vampires after he nearly died and has yet to stop him from raising zombies.

It now turns out that not only was Manny Vaudun before his current wife converted him to Christianity. he was also Dominga's lover. It also appears that not only did Manny agree to accompany Anita on this errand, but he's the one who set the entire thing up.
This situation is sounding worse and worse...

Anita asks Manny why he didn't tell her this before, he points out that he knows her and was worried that she'll try and see Dominga without him if she knew just how involved he use to be.
She picks her guns up, thinking about how many bullets she has. Before realizing that if the situation called for her running out of ammo both of them would be dead before it could actually happen.

Great, just freaking, bloody great. Why was I doing this? 
The image of Benjamin Reynold's blood-coated teddy bear flashed into my mind. All right, I knew why I was doing it. If there was even a remote chance that the boy could still be alive, I'd go into hell itself - if I stood a chance of coming back out. I didn't mention this out loud. I did not know if hell was a good analogy too.

This sentence paints Anita with a very grey coloured brush, she'll do almost anything to save this boys life unless it means affecting her. Not entirely sure how I feel about this, I like grey characters a lot, most of mine tend to be pretty grey. But considering that she's suppose to be this massive heroine who will risk limb and life and to track and kill vampires. Why isn't she more willing to save the kid?? 


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