Friday 26 December 2014

Twilight: Chapter 3 (part 2)

Bella's dad freaks the fuck out when he see's that she's been taking away in a stretcher. Bella tries to tell him that she's fine, but he turns to the EMT for a professional opinion.
She tunes out whatever the EMT is telling her dad, turning her thoughts back to Edward.

[...] I'd seen the dent in the tan car's bumper - a very distinct dent that fit the contours of Edwards shoulders... as if he had braced himself against the car with enough force to damage the metal frame...
And then there was his family, looking on from the distance, with expressions that ranged from disapproval to fury but held no hint of concern for their brother's safety.

How have these vampires gone undetected for so long?? And how has no one noticed the damn dent in the car? It's not like you have to have Sherlockian observation skills to notice it!

Also... Doesn't Alice see the future or something? How did she not see this happening?!

Bella then has a bitch and moan because the ambulance had a police escort to the hospital.

I'm not entirely sure why they bothered taking Edward to the hospital since he just wonders into emergency while they wheel Bella in all dramatic like.
They stick her in one of those awful waiting rooms, but since they didn't close the curtain she figures that she doesn't need the neck brace and removes it.
Women, you just got hit by a fucking car, I'd be less blase about risking spine injury if I were you...

They wheel Tyler into the room next to her, he looks pretty banged up and has a bloodied bandage around his head. He looks over at Bella and instantly starts apologizing about nearly killing her.
Don't worry man, we all know you tried. It's not your fault she has a vampire bodyguard.

The nurse peels the bandage back, revealing a bunch of shallow wounds all over his forehead and cheek, while this is happening Tyler keeps apologizing saying that he was going to fast and hit a patch of ice before losing control...
Seriously, don't you people have driving lessons that cover this sort of thing? It's basic defense driving, even I have an idea how to not skid out on ice and the closest I've gotten to skidding on ice is when I dropped an ice cube before stepping on it!
I still have the scar from that incident.

Tyler then asks how she got out of the way so fast, since according to him she was there then she wasn't. Bella tries to feed him the same BS story Edward gave her about him standing next to her, which Tyler doesn't buy but shrugs off anyways because who gives a fuck right?

She then goes and gets a x-ray, it turns out that she does in fact know more then the people who've spent half their live studying as it turns out that she doesn't have a concussion and is completely fine, when she asks the nurse if she can leave, she's informed that it's up to the doctor to decide that.

So I was trapped in the ER, waiting, harassed by Tyler's constant apologies and promises to make it up to me. No matter how many times I tried to convince him that I was fine, he continued to torment himself. Finally I closed my eyes and ignored him. He kept up his remorseful mumbling. 

Yes, I can see how that would be a struggle to live with. Ungrateful bitch...
Either way Edward wonders in and oozes awesomeness as he manages to brush Tyler off a lot faster then Bella. It turns out that Edward has free rein of the hospital because having a doctor as a dad gives you that right?
He tells Bella that he's here to spring her as his dad walks in behind him. Insert description here of how hawt and drool worthy Dr. Cullen is.

Bella is actually annoyed that the good doctor requested that she should take the day off even though Edward gets to go to school.
Bella, you fail at being a teenager, getting a day off school AND having everyone talk about you? It's the teenage dream right there, think of all the attention seeking crap you could post on social media!
Apparently the school just lets it's students leave in the middle of a school day as Cullen goes on to say that half the school is out in the waiting room. Bella dies from embarrassment and there was much rejoicing,

Bella freaks out, gets out of bed and instantly staggers. Cullen catches her looking concerned as she thinks that she doesn't need to tell him that her bad balance isn't caused by the head injury.
She's just that klutzy ya'll!

The doctor tells her to take pain killers if it hurts, Bella says she's not in pain. Cullen tells her that she's lucky to have gotten out of this situation as well as she has. Edward repeats the word lucky while glaring at Bella. Cullen agrees not meeting their eyes before moving onto Tyler, telling him that he's there guest for awhile longer.

Bella has an internal freakout as she realizes that Cullen is in on the whole thing. She pulls Edward aside and demands answers, he tries to dodge by telling her that her dad is waiting for her. She doesn't budge so he gives in and follows her to a less crowded hallway.
She demands answers, he gets all bitchy and refuses to play along. Stating that she hit her head and doesn't know what she's talking about.
Bella explains how he came out of no-where, stopped a speeding van then promptly lifted it off her. He looks at her as though she's crazy like anyone in that situation would.
When he says as much she just gets more suspicious because it sounded like a line delivered by a skilled actor or some such.

Seriously, how has Edward survived over 100yrs without either outing himself or his family?!

Edward tells her that no one will believe her story anyways, Bella fires back that she wasn't planning on telling anyone. Surprise flickers over Edwards face before then demanding what it matters if she wasn't going to start an online blog about all this.
Bella retorts that she doesn't like lying and would like a reason for why she has to, just to protect his skinny ass.
Edward just wants her to say thank you and get on with her life, Bella replies with a tense thank you but won't let the topic drop.
Bella then demands to know why he even bothered to save her, Edward looks confused before admitting that he doesn't know why he did before turning around and walking away.

The waiting room was more unpleasant than I'd feared. It seemed like every face I knew in Forks was there, staring at me.

She tells Charlie that the doctor has given her permission to go home, she see's her friends starting to converge on them so begs her dad to take her home, like yesterday.
You know, I'm pretty bloody anti-social, but this makes me look like the biggest social butterfly in the freaking world.

She gets into the cruiser, waves at her friends hoping to convey to them that she's fine and they don't need to call her or anything. (I just realized, no one has a mobile phone in this book... WHY?? Phones were common in 2006)
She ponders about Edward and his secret before her dad tells her that she needs to ring her mum because he dared to ring her and inform of what happened!
That bastard.
Bella of course is appalled by this horrendous act, slamming the door in a childish manner when they finally get home.

She calls her mum who is naturally freaking out that her kid almost got killed while at school, Bella brushes her off, getting snarky when her mum offers for her to come back home... Even though no one is 'home' at the moment.
She comes to the conclusion that she's obsessed over Edward in a hardcore fangirl way, which makes resisting her mum's offer that much easier to refuse.

I decided I might as well go to bed early that night. Charlie continued to watch me anxiously, and it was getting on my nerves.
I stopped on my way to grab three Tylenol from the bathroom. They did help, and, as the pain eased, I drifted to sleep.
That was the first night I dreamed of Edward Cullen.

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