Thursday 29 January 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter 13

The sweltering darkness closed around me like a hot, sticky fist.

That is literally the first sentence on the page... And it sent my thoughts straight into dark imaginative areas.

Anita rambles on about how the area she's currently standing in looks, bitches that the street lights give the sense of darkness without the reality.

Anita starts off towards her car, internally bitching about how noisy Irving is compared to her and how most Lycanthropes she's come across tend to be pretty quiet, but Irving just comes across as a overgrown puppy or some shit like that. Not degrading at all is what I'm getting at.

Couples and small groups passed us, laughing, talking, voices too shrill. They had come to see vampires. Real-live vampires, or was that real-dead vampires? Tourists, all of them amateurs. Voyeurs. I had seen more undead than any of them. I'd lay money on that. The fascination escaped me.

Well, for starters they're tourists, why are you calling them amateurs? I'm pretty certain they are not here to kill any vamps... Either way Anita's 'woe is me' attitude here is annoying as all fuck.

Anita suddenly remembers that the coppers are at the cemetery waiting for her, she also has a bitch about how she's going to ditch Irving yet somehow keep hold of the file.
Before she can think up of a devious plan to put into action she notes a shadow standing nearby, handing the file to Irving thinking that she needs her hands free so she can go for her gun.

JC steps out of the shadows, I'll sum the next half a page up with a .gif or two...

We get the obligatory 'ma petite' 'don't call me, ma petite' conversation that happens for the next handful of books. 
Anita introduces Irving to JC, Irving is smart enough to not look a vampire in the eyes and JC creeps around him like a creep because you know... JC is sooooo HAWT!

JC then demands to know when Anita was planning to come visit him, call her 'little animator' because he's not into degrading her at all!

Anita tells him tomorrow night, he demands tonight, Anita says she can't, JC pushes the issue. Anita tell him that he's so demanding causing him to laugh and call her exasperating.

I get the feeling that they are flirting... But if you want nothing to do with him Anita why are you getting involved in this game??

And then just like that the flirting aspect of this is gone, Anita asks JC to leave her alone and his reply is... Interesting.

"Too many of my followers know you are my human servant, ma petite. Bringing you under control is part of consolidating my power."


Insert 'i'm not your human servant' 'yes you are' argument here. 

Irving pipes up that this must mean that JC is the new master of the city (plot twist of epic surprise I know) JC turns his attention to him, asking if he's the reporter who's been hounding him for a interview.
Irving agrees that's him, JC says he'll give him the interview once he's done talking to Anita. Irving gets excited, JC tells him to shut up it's all very exciting stuff let me tell you.

Anita and JC idly threaten each others lives before coming to a truce since neither of them want to die/end up in jail because you know witnesses not because of morals or anything.

Great we're back to the whole 'I'm not you servant' 'yes you are' aspect of this book... Thrilling.

Apparently they're arguing so loud that they are attracting a crowd, Anita points out that since neither of them want to air their dirty laundry out in public that they should meet up tomorrow night to discuss this.
JC agrees, allowing her to choice the location.

Anita choices a new comedy club called 'the laughing corpse' (roll credits... Oh.. Wait...) as their meeting place. This seems to amuse JC who agrees to the meet up, telling her he'll wait for her in his office.
This catches Anita off guard as it turns out that JC owns the laughing corpse (plot twist!) 

Anita makes to leave and tells Irving to follow her, JC points out that he hasn't had his interview yet and should stay.
Anita and JC bicker over Irving like he's some small child who doesn't understand what they're saying, Irving talks up and tells Anita where to shove it, he appreciates that she's looking out for him but this is kinda his job and he knows the risks involved.

Irving does hand over the file though, telling her to drop it by tomorrow morning or Madeline (I'm guessing the reporter whose file this actually belongs too) will murder him.

As Anita leaves a tourists holds his camera up, she stops and says that if he takes her picture she'll break his camera. Going on about how the fact she's smiling takes away any insult the words might deliver.
the tourist pushes the issue, not sure why though. She's not a vamp and I doubt they know or care that she's the local vampire hunter...

Gotta appear to be famous regardless of how little sense it actually makes I guess.

We then get the intro of her worrying about Irving and JC finding out his secret, if it would make any difference before sweeping it all under the rug of her own problems because you know... Gaynor and Dominga are pissed at her, which is probably bad news for our heroine.


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