Thursday 29 January 2015

Twilight: Chapter five (Part one)

Bella wonders to her English class in so much of a daze that she doesn't realize at first that she's late until the teacher mildly gets up her.
It takes her the entire class to realize that Mike isn't in his usual seat next to her, and she feels a flash of guilt (?) but since he meets her at the door as usual she figures that she's been forgiven...

As they wonder towards the next class, Mike starts getting excited about the beach trip since there is apparently going to be a break in the rain or something.
Bella makes a big deal about how she's trying to act excited about this to make up for yesterday... (Took me a little while to remember that she rejected him and that's why she's being all angsty about talking to him)

The rest if the morning passed in a blur. It was difficult to believe that I hadn't just imagined what Edward had said, and the way his eyes had looked. Maybe it was just a very convincing dream that I'd confused with reality. That seemed more probable than that I really appealed to him on any level.

Bella enters the Cafeteria half expecting Edward to be ignoring her again, because he's such a nice guy!
While Bella moans about how little attention she is paying to her friends right now because she's completely stressing out about if Edward will be ignoring her or not.
We learn that her plan to hook her friends up with her would be boyfriends completely worked and she no longer has to worry about them following her around like lost puppies.

Because EVERYONE hates it when people pay them attention.

They enter the cafeteria, Bella notes that Edward isn't sitting in his usual spot so she grabs a lemonade (loss of appetite yo') and sits with her group to sulk.

Jessica mentions that Edward is staring at her again, Bella snaps her head up and once their eyes meet Edward beckons her over like the pox ridden servant she is!
Jess is insulted that he wants to speak to Bella or something, Bella brushes it off by saying that he might just need help with his Biology homework or something and wonders over. Bitching that she can feel Jessica's eyes burning holes in her back or some such.

Once Bella reaches Edward's table he mentions that maybe she would like to sit with him today, instead of her icky horrid friends.
Bella points out that this behavior is unexpected from him. Edward replies that since he's already going to hell he might as well do a good job of it.

You know... If I didn't already know how this book ended, I would start assuming that Edward was really a serial killer or something and had just pegged Bella as his next victim,...

Edward teases that Bella's friends seem pissed that he's stolen her from them (but she's not popular or anything, that would make her less relate-able to awkward teens!) Bella retorts that she's sure they'll survive Edward jokes that he might not give her back before we go down the rabbit hole of 'you look frightened of me being a weirdo,' 'no I'm just so not use to having a hawt guy paying me attention!' argument.

Blah blah, Edward acts all creepy about how he's going to be her friend regardless of how utterly dangerous he is, Bella acts completely confused by the entire exchange but is happy to have him as her friend for some undisclosed reason.

Ugh this scene is STILL fucking going! Only now Bella is calling Edward on his shit, telling him that his 'mysterious' persona he's got going is frustrating etc etc.

Honestly I'm skimming here because ANGST! SO MUCH POINTLESS ANGST!

Edward gets creepy, while at the same time pretty much forcing the fact he can read minds into Bella's face who doesn't seem able to get the hint.
Granted though, I'd have a hard time believing someone is able to read minds too unless they could prove it without a doubt so eh... Guess I can kinda let this slide... For now.

Bella gets Edward to promise to give her a heads up the next time he plans on ignoring her so she'll be prepared, because she's an independent women who don't need no man!
Edward agrees to this as long as she tells him one of her theories, insert back and forth here about how she doesn't want too and him forcing the issue because again, he's a nice fellow like that.

It turns out though that Bella has no imagination what-so-ever since all her theories come from comic books, Edward makes this all angst worthy by going on about how he might not be a hero, he might actually be the villain!

Bella FINALLY catches onto the fact that Edward is dangerous but doesn't believe he's bad... I guess anyone male spends more time doing their hair and clothes then actual life is destined to have females think they can do no wrong. Just look at the 1D fandom.. (Or any fandom right now that includes cute pom boys)

They stare at each other for a bit, Bella realizes that they're going to be late to class and jumps to her feet. Edward, continuing with his bad boy act tells her that he's not going since.

"It's healthy to ditch class now and then."

Great message you're spreading there Meyer, because you know I'm SURE teenagers everywhere aren't clinging to this excuse whenever they don't feel like attending a class.

Right, so remember AGES ago I said that it was the infamous blood scene? Well, I was really, REALLY off on that prediction but it IS the next scene which I'll do by itself because I envision either a lot of .gifs stating my annoyance or a lot of caps... Maybe if you're lucky both.

Either way I leave you with a picture of the sites mascot because I haven't uploaded one in freaking ages.

The look of an unimpressed dog who dislikes having his sleep interrupted by the flash of a picture being taken.

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