Friday 2 January 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter 7

After yesterdays massive chapter of massiviness this one is nice and short. Also I'm aware the last post spazzed out randomly half way though and no I have no idea how to fix it so I'm sorry but you're just going to have to deal.

The air conditioner blasted cold air into the car. Manny drove though the residential streets. Most of the driveways were empty. People off to work. Small children playing in the yards. A few moms out on the front steps. I didn't see any daddies at home with the kids. Things change, but not that much.

... Uh, wow.. Where do I even start with this?

The awkward silence continues until Anita beaks it by casually asking him about slaughtering people for sacrifice.
Manny asks if she'd prefer he'd lie, which turns into a circular argument about how she'd prefer to continue living in ignorance about this fact. Manny basically calls her an idiot, before sitting back and asking what she plans to do about her newfound information.

Anita plans to do nothing about it, no rants or raves which Manny thanks her for, she quickly shoots him down though by telling him that she doesn't find it alright, she's just not going to scream at him about it yet.
... I thought she was pissed about this, she's being pretty laid back about the entire thing so far.

We then get a random section where a car load of stereotypical gangsters pull up next to them with their loud music and outrageous fashion sense. The driver makes kissy faces at Anita who has to swallow the urge to flip them off as this would somehow encourage them or something. Honestly in this situation I would be more worried about being shot, but hey whatever. It's pointless because literally the next sentence says that they turn right while Anita and Manny go straight.

We get some more scenery chewing as Anita describes which route they're taking back to her place and the fact that it'll be a 45 or so min drive.

Manny pushes Anita to talk to him, she gets snarky as anyone would, pointing out that she's known him for four years, that he's a loving family man and that she clearly doesn't know him at all.
He rebuts her by claiming that what she described is who he is. And that it's been twenty years since this shit went down.
Anita snaps back that there is no statue of limitation on murder, Manny quietly asks if that means she's going to go to the police with this evidence. Dude, I get that you're worried, but it's not like she has evidence against you here.

Anita tells him as much, going on to state that Dominga isn't exactly what she'd call a reliable witness, she then asks if his wife knows.
Manny thinks that she suspects it but has never pushed the issue, Anita gets all narky saying that she doesn't want to know.

... Anita, literally two seconds ago you were singing the same fucking tune, sit back down and shut up already!

Manny almost crashes into a ute that's slammed its breaks on in front of them, Anita bitches him out about his driving. He drives quietly for a few moments before asking if she's going to go and tell his wife.

Anita tells him no because she doesn't belief that the wife would be able to handle the news, Manny agrees telling her that she'd leave him and take the kids if she found out for sure since strongly believing in your religion that frowns on human sacrifice makes you a horrid person I guess.
Anita keeps on the wife bashing train by saying that Rosita (the wife) didn't have an issue with Manny raising zombies until the pope threatened to excommunicate all animators unless they gave up their evil ways.

That sounds like an extremely bad play on the pope's part, think about it. The church while making it clear they don't approve are very careful about what they say about the gay community. I imagine it would work in the same kind of way for this, you're born with this problem and picking on minorities rarely work out well for anyone.

Anita shrugs, telling Manny to change churches because it's that simple you know. Manny again practically calls her an idiot.
Anita changes the topic back to the human sacrifices, asking if there was a way he could explain why he did it that would make sense to her.
He tells her no, which makes sense. She has views about this and I doubt nothing he said would change her mind on it.

I don't blame her about this, but I can see why Manny is starting to get defensive.

The entire conversation boils down to the fact that Anita's view of Manny has changed though she's not entirely certain how yet and informs of this much.
He seems pretty laid back about it before changing the topic to how Dominga is going to send some sort of horror to Anita's window to prove a point.

Manny then demands to know why Anita threatened Dominga since if she'd just left she wouldn't be facing this mess now.
Anita's brilliant response? She didn't like Dominga, I truly wish I was kidding.

Manny goes on to explain that more then likely whatever she sends will be to scare her not do any actual harm since she is intrigued with Anita's powers and still hopes to bring her into the whole zombie making process.

Seriously, what's with people in this series and not understanding the word 'no' it's becoming a bigger issue then the cliche vampire disease that was unleashed in the first book!

Yadda yadda, Manny tries to enforce how much bad news Dominga actually is, Anita tries to brush it off before admitting that she's scared and that he should get off her neck since she's still pissed at him.
Manny goes on to explain that the only way he would be confident that Dominga is truly dead is if Anita treats her like a vampire. Take her head, heart then burn the body to ash.

Anita then stops to consider that they're talking about killing someone in cold blood as if she was going to take Dominga down it'd be best to ambush her. She debates if she could actually do it, and admits to herself at least that she totally could.
She then wonders why she doesn't feel bad about it, thinking that the thought of knowing she could push Dominga back if she came at her filled her with some confidence before realizing that right now she is in no position to throw stones at Manny's 20 year old crimes.

I'm pretty sure you still have the moral high ground Anita... I actually feel dirty for defending Anita, but there you go.

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