Saturday 3 January 2015

Twilight: Chapter four (part one)

This chapter starts off with a dream of plot points and the worst foreshadowing I've ever seen... Which is saying something considering the other series I'm flogging on this site.

It (shocking) involves Edward, he's standing in a pitch black room and what little light there is (which makes no sense when you stop and think about it) is coming from him. He's walking away and Bella chases after him, though no matter how fast she ran or how loudly she called out to him he never responds.

Terrifying nightmare is terrifying.

She wakes up and isn't able to sleep, every night since then she's dreams about Edward though he's always out of reach and ignores her.
Swoon in his basking awesomeness... Swoon damn you!

To my dismay, I found myself the center of attention for the rest of that week. Tyler Crowly was impossible, following me around, obsessed with making amends to me somehow.I tried to convince him what I wanted more then anything else was for him to forget all about it - especially since nothing had actually happened to me - but he remained insistent. 
[...] Sat at our now-crowded lunch table. Mike and Eric were even less friendly toward him then they were each other, which made me worry that I'd gained another unwelcome fan.

Weep at how hard her life is guys! I'm glad I never had to live though this sort of traumatizing scenario.

Bella then goes on about how no one seems to be concerned about Edward, even though she's pointed out that he's the hero in this tale. Even though she tries to be convincing everyone mentions that they don't remember seeing Edward anywhere near her when the accident happened. Which makes her go on a emo trip about how no one else seems to watch Edward the same way she does.

Well, maybe that was true when this book was written, but I can almost guarantee that she'd be struggling to out fangirl the Edward fanbase right now, even though the whole Twilight thing has thankfully died off some, they still exist out there. Lurking in fanfiction sites and ready to troll you on the youtubes!
It's a serious issue guys.

Blah blah, everyone ignores Edward as usual, he's back to avoiding her and Bella's convinced it's because he regrets saving her from being squashed from the van.
While I'm on the whole 'I also wish that' train of thought, I'd be out of a hobby if she had died, not to mention all of the jokes we would living without.
Basically what I'm saying is that in a twisted way this crapfest has benefited a lot of people.
(No, not sure why I went all inspirational speaker there...)

Bella enters Biology and sits down, Edward ignores her as usual so she says hello to him. He gives her some serious side-eye before nodding briefly in hello. That is the extent of their interaction, Bella gets all emo about this because she's more obsessed with his private life then the 'Phandom' is with Dan and Phil's, and that is saying a lot, trust me with this.

Bella watches him from afar and gets all depressed, even though she tries and hides this fact, her mum picks up on it through her emails and rings a couple of times concerned about her daughters well-being.
Mike on the other hand is happy about Edward ignoring Bella, the fact that I'm basically reading an awful soap opera is starting to annoy me. The worst thing is that I have nothing to look forward to in this series as this pretty much is the tune for the entire bloody thing. -le sigh-

The next drama that is coming up in this thrilling book?? Jess wants to ask Mike to the spring dance and is asking Bella for permission, which she naturally grants because you know, who wants anything to do with the nice guy when you have the brooding arsehole to drool over??
We also find out that Jess might not like Bella for who she is!!! But for her popularity? Wait... Bella's popular? Since when??

Eh, whatever. The next day Mike and Jess aren't there usual happy selves and Bella is worried that Mike turned Jess down, because this would mean bad things for her or something, I dunno it's been years since I've had to deal with highschool drama's.

Once they get to Biology Mike broaches the subject, telling her that Jess invited him to the dance, Bella tells him that they seem awesome together and he should go with her. He frowns slightly at her, clearly trying to drive a point into her thick skull, saying that he told her that he'll need to think about it.
Bella asks him why he would do that, letting disapproval colour her tone, while feeling happy that he didn't outright tell Jess no.
Mike goes bright red, looks at the floor before stating that he was hoping Bella would ask him to the dance, man, this guy has bigger balls then I did at that age. I could barely talk to most females let alone let them know I fancied them.

-Shudders at repressed memories raising to surface-

Moving on!

Bella notes that Edward seems to be paying close attention to their conversation before telling Mike that he should tell Jess yes.
Mike glances at Edward, demanding to know if she has already asked someone else to the dance.
Bella informs him that she isn't going to the dance at all since she's going to Seattle that day, when Mike pushes the reason Bella brushes him off. Telling him that leaving Jess hanging like this is rude and he should accept her invitation or risk being the Nigel No Friends at the party.

Mike wonders off to his seat as the class starts and this seems like an excellent place to end this section of the chapter because I have things to procrastinate with.

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