Wednesday 11 February 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter 14 (Part one)

The night sky was a curving bowl of liquid black. Stars like pinprick diamonds gave a cold, hard light. The moon was a glowing patchwork of greys and gold-ish silver. The city makes you forget how dark the night, how bright the moon, how very many stars.

That's literally the first paragraph in this chapter, not exactly what I'd call a promising start.

Burrell Cemetery doesn't have any street lights, not sure why Anita thinks this is noteworthy as I've yet to see ANY cemetery that has lighting... She then yaps on about how the body has since been removed from the site, and since she's already looked at it she'll never have to see it again, besides her dreams.

[...] waiting. Waiting for me to do ,my magic. To pull the rabbit out of the hat. The best that could happen was the rabbit be in and to destroy it. Next best thing was finding the hole it had come from. That could tell us something.


There are two exterminators there, one is a 50 something male, the other is a 20 something female that's slightly taller then Anita and has wide eyes as she searches her surrounds frantically.

One thing you will quickly notice in this series, no female is stronger or better then Anita... Ever.

Anita hopes the female exterminator doesn't have a itchy trigger finger since being burned alive seems about appealing, if not less so, then being eaten alive by a zombie.

We then get half a page of Anita bitching that both Dolph and the exterminators are walking too loud for her to concentrate on finding the zombie, she tells Dolph that she needs more room.
Dolph points out that if they back up any more they'll be too far behind to offer support if the Zombie tries to munch on her face. Anita then points out that if the zombie grabs someone the exterminators shouldn't fry it since you know... It'll kill the victim and since the chance of the victim being her is pretty bloody high,,,

Dolph is naturally annoyed by this since she's pretty much made him pay for experts to not do their job,
Anita also tells him to keep an eye on the other female since she looks terrified, she even admits that the girl has the right to be scared.
Only to completely undermine herself by going on that the female exterminator should pretend to be strong because you have to be a guy in this scenario, feminism, LKH clearly understands it.

Insert about a page of tension building that isn't as good as it should be... And I'm going to leave it here because I'm tired and struggling to really give a fuck right now. Tune back for more tomorrow!!!

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