Thursday 12 February 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter 14 (part two)

Alright, first off I now have Twitter for all your stalking needs.

No real idea on how to properly use it, so be prepared for some awesomely epic fails! (I also use it more then my facebook page because you know, who doesn't enjoy reading about my mundane life?!)

Now onto what people really come here for, Anita and her weird ass tendencies to make a complete and utter fool of herself!

So when I abruptly left you hanging in the last update, Anita was in a cemetery hoping to literally stumble across the killer zombie that is on the loose, bitching about how the female exterminator should be more manly and brave and worried about being burned alive because she didn't think her plan through at all.

Anita stalks off ahead, thinking that the wind blowing through the grass makes it sound afraid... Because, you know, killer zombies would be something grass is terrified of.

As she wonders idly between the tombstones she thinks that this zombie appears to be too smart since it's managed to evade all police efforts to capture it. So maybe it's not a zombie at all!
Blah Blah, she's not afraid of death but a killer zombie scares her more then vampires because being eaten to death would be something the majority of the human race would love to avoid, hence why zombie horror flicks take so much pleasure in making you watch people get eaten alive.

We then get a quick brush over on ghosts in this world, basically they're your every day practically harmless shade that is trapped here for some unknown reason. I'm not entirely sure why it's been inserted in, maybe to add to the whole tense, creepy atmosphere?
Whatever, Anita trips and manages to piss off an extremely weak ghost in the process which... Leads to nothing, something tells me the rest of this chapter will be nothing but filler..

Anita resumes her aimless wondering, silently admitting to herself that this was a dumb idea, randomly we then get a flashback to when she was a kid and had a dog, the dog died. Three nights later she felt it jump up onto her bed covered in dirt. For some reason she thinks Dominga would be shocked by the fact that she raised a dead animal... Not sure why, you'd think something like this is what would quicken most animators powers, longing a favorite pet back to the dead is what most people (regardless of age) do.

This then transitions to her thinking about her family, her stepmum Judith is horrified by the entire thing and doesn't talk about it (she gets bashed a lot in this series, though we've yet to see her) her dad ignores it as much as possible. Though he did take Anita to her Grandma's to learn how to control her powers.
Bert picked her up straight out of collage, at first she refused but he waved enough money at her and she agreed, blaming it on rebelling against her parents or some crap. She then bitches about how useless her Biology degree in creatures of legends is (duh)
Basically it all boils down to the fact that she's doing what she's doing now because of the blood.

Whatever the living fuck that means.

And after that random tangent down memory lane we're back in the present. Insert loads of description about Anita sweating, it being hot, how if this was a horror movie the wind would be up blah blah fucking blah.

It finally dawns on Anita that she should use her powers while finding this zombie....

She reaches out with her powers, thinking that this cemetery is so old that there actually isn't any decaying bodies left. As she ambles around something grabs her ankle, figuring that it's a ghost she doesn't look down because doing so would make it more real or some such, either way it lets her go and she continues with her wondering.

See what I mean about this being full of fillers??

Anita eventually finds an empty grave, kneeling down she notes that the grass has been disturbed over the grave, she rolls her power through the grave like rolling your tongue around you teeth. Coming to the conclusion that while the coffin is undisturbed the body is missing which means it became a zombie and was never returned.

Looking over at her backup, she bitches that they're too far behind before waving them closer and pouring some dirt off the grave into a ziplock bag she managed to pull out of thin air.

Dolph joins her by the grave, Anita explains that a zombie was risen from this grave. We then get a conversation between Dolph and Anita that boils down to 'is this the killer zombie?' 'I don't know, lets get a clairvoyant to take a look at this dirt'

Dolph doesn't trust Even (the clairvoyant) and no longer has him on retainer for his department, Anita shrugs and says that Animator Inc still uses him. And that she doesn't trust anyone which somehow makes sense in this conversation and makes Dolph smile.

Anita only NOW realizes that the headstone has been completely destroyed, explaining to Dolph that having the headstone could have answered some pretty obvious questions like who was buried here and what might have gone wrong, since she's going with the assumption whoever raised the zombie didn't mean for it to go all Rambo on their asses.

Anita adds some of the smashed tombstone to her bag of dirt, she then points out that even though the body is gone the coffin might have something they can use. Dolph agrees and says he'll get the paperwork going for the exhume order.
Anita demands to know why they can't just dig the coffin up now (being the awesome police assistant that she is) Dolph points out that this has to go through the proper channels otherwise it can't be used as evidence in court and if he comes back and finds out she's dug the coffin up it will end very badly for her.

Anita points out that all they have to do is destroy the zombie, Dolph points out that he's after whoever raised the damn thing so he can slap them with a murder charge.
Anita thinks that finding whoever raised the zombie is slim to none but he's a copper who worries about the law while she worries about simpler things like survival.

Yes, because Anita is so fucking practical isn't she? She doesn't do anything to jeopardize her life or a case she's working on by insulting everyone she meets, no that's crazy talk!

The chapter ends on the happy happy, cheerful thoughts that if the zombie isn't here then clearly they've fucked up their plan to stop it from feeding again, which it's probably doing right now...

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