Tuesday 31 March 2015

Stalking in shadows: Chapter two!

Chapter two

"What do you mean you don't know?" Mark barked at us as he paced his small office.
It was seven thirty Sunday morning; neither Zac nor I had been allowed to leave the building since we had returned with the VCOA paramedics who had moved the body to the VCOA morgue. My boots were still covered in blood and gore, and both Zac and I smelled vaguely of vomit and dead flesh.
So far we've both had to listen to Mark yell and scream at us for the past three or so hours, it gave me the distant feeling that he might've been slightly pissed at us.
"It means that we just found the damn body." Zac bit back tiredly, he wasn't looking too good and the amount of white that was showing in his eyes stated that he might be in slight shock. After six months you'd think he would be getting use to the state of the bodies by now, monsters don't tend to be clean killers.
"Do not use that tone with me! We have a body that we have no way of identifying and you two were off twiddling your thumbs while a human was being killed!"
"Actually, we don't know if she was human or not." I answered, wondering if I was signing my resignation papers by arguing with this idiot.
Mark's eyes bulged and I could see his vein sticking out of the side of his neck, before turning around and pointing at the door savagely. "Just, get the hell out of my office. Get the details off Ann, congrates; you're both on this murder case. Don't solve it and I'll have your badges!"
Oh yeah, he was pissed at us. I grabbed Zac's elbow and lead him out of Mark's office before he could say whatever retort was on his mind. I shoved him into the elevator, breathing easier once the doors had closed and we were on the way back down to the lobby.
"Arrogant fuck!" Zac suddenly shouted as his fist made contact with the elevators wall, leaving a slight indent and destroying my slightly more relaxed mood. "If we didn't help that goddamn alpha then Mark would have had our badges for not ‘protecting the monster's rights!’”
I rested a hand carefully on his shoulder as I inspected his bloodied fist. "Just breathe mate, no point in screaming and bashing up defenceless walls over something you have no hope in hell of changing."
Zac took a deep breath, before nodding slowly. "You're right, he loves revving people up." He muttered softly, as he poked at his knuckles.
We spent the rest of the trip down in complete silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts. I was glad when we finally hit the ground floor, the tense silence emitting between us didn't bode well in the confined space of the elevator.
The layout of the VCOA lobby was a large airy room with long windows and plants lining all three walls. A long dark brown receptionist desk sat in front of a plague that took up most of the back wall that held the VCOA logo which was a cross with a dragon entwined around it, apparently representing that we serve both God and the Monsters, under the logo our motto "For God and the human race we fight!" was blazed underneath it in bold silver. Reminding me that we served the human interests over the Monsters if it ever came down to the nitty gritty.
I leaned against the desk as the small petite female with her brown hair tied back into a stern bun finished with her customer and turned to face us with a blank, professional smile, which changed instantly into her usual playful grin when she realised who she was serving.
"Tor! It’s been ages." She exclaimed happily.
"Really?" I asked with a playful grin of my own. "Every second spent away from you is a blessing in my eyes."
Zac rolled his eyes with a groan as he shoved his way next to me. "Please, enough already. I don't think my stomach can handle any more of your mushiness!"
Ann punched me on the shoulder, bluntly ignoring Zac. "Now, what can I do for my handsome hunter?"
When Ann first started casually flirting like that with me back in our uni days, I thought she liked me and continued to do so until she introduced me to Starling, her girlfriend of five years.
"What? No sweet talking me?" Zac asked, trying and failing to look heartbroken. "Is it so? The lesbian receptionist has finally fallen for our sweet talking and mysterious Tor?"
Ann merely rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, shut up already. Mark e-mailed me something about giving you two the files on the murder victim." She stated, suddenly all business like as she messed around on her computer.
"Yeah, Tor and I found the body. Mark isn't exactly jumping for joy over its discovery though." Zac grumbled as he tossed up and caught a piece of bubblegum in his mouth.
Ann raised her eyebrows, looking at us curiously. "He has been acting strangely lately, but we both know that if the cops found the body he'd have put you on paper duty for the rest of the year."
"What do you have?" I asked, not really wanting to be caught gossiping about the boss.
Ann passed a slim folder over to both of us. "Not much I'm afraid. Just that the Vic was completely waxed and hair free, her finger and toe prints were burnt off by acid, completely washed down, beheaded then dumped, effectively leaving us no way of identifying her."
"Fuck." I muttered, biting my lower lip nervously. This case was going to be a bitch to solve, I just knew it.
"Still, whoever did this didn't want us to find something. Apparently they gutted her for a specific reason; her intestines and bowels were emptied." Zac muttered as he read over the file. "They also found something strange in her blood. Strands of a lycanthrope thread were in her blood, but they can claim for certain that it wasn't enough to make her any type of Lycan."
"Could have been a victim of a fanatical cult trying save her from becoming a Lycan," I muttered. "If she was bitten before a full moon the disease would lie dormant in her blood stream giving us that sort of result.”
"But why kill her?" Ann asked, looking slightly pale around the edges.
"If she was pretty high in one of the movements they could have been removing a chip or small vial containing information on the cult, including passwords, security info and locations of their main bases. Some of those chips can tell if the host has been bitten by a monster and releases a deadly toxin, killing them before the change can be completed." I replied idly, flipping though the file.
"You've never told me how you happen to be privy to that sort of shit from secretive cults." Zac said suddenly.
I sighed; Zac had being trying to dig up my past for a very long time now. Luckily for me though, I've become very adept at hiding.
"Knock it off Zac, I know you've read my file so go and annoy someone else." I growled, nodding my thanks to Ann as I picked up the files and headed for the exit, glad to be able to relax.
"And I know that you're file is filled with bullshit." Zac countered.
Or not.
I sighed, looking at Zac in annoyance. "Fine I'm living a double life, great just don't hassle me about till you've found the proof. If I were you though, I'd just go home, sleep, eat, and drink whatever. Just meet me back here at 6pm so we can go and talk to Doyle about the Vic. Good, see you later then. Adios."
With that I turned on my heel and walked out into the car park, leaving a rather shocked Zac behind.

Doyle was the current head honcho of the largest vampiric coven in Brisbane, if not all of Queensland.
As we pulled up in front of a large three story house with a brick wall that circled the entire property with cameras, guards and a large iron wrought gate.
"Still, you'd think they would live in an old style house with shutters." Zac muttered as I walked over to the communication button.
"Get over the stereotypes man, right now we're dealing with the real things." I grumbled as I pushed down on the button. "This is Tobias from the VCOA. I need to have a quick word with Doyle." I let go of the button, 30 seconds later the gates slowly eased open. With a contented grunt I headed back to the car.
"Those gates could have at least creaked!" Zac complained as I turned the engine. "There is no creepy atmosphere here what so ever!"
"Shut up already Zac!"
A small male with mousy coloured hair met us at the front door, his neck; wrists, elbows and collarbone were filled with small puncture scars causing me to remember why I really didn't like vamps and their pets. He hustled us though the house filled with sleep tousled vampires wondering around, all of them looking at us curiously, if not hungrily causing my hand to itch in the need to pull out the cross I had hidden under my shirt.
Doyle met us in a extremely normal looking lounge room filled with two comfortably looking couches, three overflowing bookshelves and a wide screen plasma that took up the entire wall next to the door, a pleasant smile was on his face, no matter how many times I have to talk to him I was always seemed to be thrown off balance by his confidence and charisma.
His pure white hair was shoulder length and tied back into a tight plait at the back of his head, his pale blue eyes held nothing but good humour and serenity. "Tor, my old friend, how is business?" He asked in a rich Irish accent.
I had to fight the urge to keep a scowl off my face. "I'm not your friend Doyle, and don’t call me Tor.” I all but growled as I shifted into a relaxed pose. “Just here to ask a few questions then we'll be on our way." I stated in a polite business like tone, feeling Zac's comforting presence against my back.
Doyle nodded, his smile never wavering as he looked expectedly at me. "Ask away Tobias, I have nothing to hide."
Now, that I seriously doubted.
"Do you know any radical anti-monster movements operating in the valley?" I asked carefully studying the admittedly 500yr old vamp, praying for a slip in his pleasant mask.
Doyle shook his head slowly. "Naturally we get the various members wonder though causing the usual trouble, but those that try and set up shop..." Doyle's voice trailed off with a shrug and a nasty looking grin. "Well, let’s just say that they tend to disappear."
"Do you have any female members missing?" I asked, ignoring his hint at murder because if I took him in front of the VCOA or court he would just claim self-defence, even if I could find the proof.
Doyle frowned slightly in thought. "Now that you mentioned it, one of my lieutenants didn't come home this morning."
"Do you know if she had anyone who would want her well...? Dead?" I asked.
Doyle shook his head, almost looking sad. "No, everyone I know loved her, one of the nicest vamps that didn't die before their 100th year.
I couldn't imagine a kind undead, kindness came with humanity right? And, well. Didn't they lose that after a few years of...? Apparently being dead?
Doyle shook his head, almost getting to his feet before catching himself just in time and grinning at us charmingly.
"Maybe ask those pesky elves? They've been screaming that we're an abomination against nature, you know since we’re dead yet still walking. So they might have finally taken a more direct route to cleaning the world and all that."
I couldn't help but frown slightly, I'd dealings with the elves before and they didn't care what happened on the surface as long as we left them the fuck alone.
"Now, if you don't mind. I need to go and eat, I'm sure you two need to go and talk to those tree huggers about the murder anyways."
I nodded. "Yeah, we should go. Thanks for your time Doyle. We'll be in touch."
Doyle nodded with a smile wide enough to show his fangs as he turned to leave the room. “I’m sure you will.” He said before walking out of the room.
The male human who lead us into the room re-entered my line of sight.
"Do you know which female Doyle was talking about?" Zac asked him casually, making me release with a jolt that Doyle hadn't actually given me a name.
"Sarah Bard." The male answered straight away. "She's always staying out with her boyfriends, I don't know why the master told you."
"Stayed over? I thought vamps... You know, died at dawn."
I again barely resisted the urge to slap my forehead at Zac's slowness. The male on the other hand grinned in amusement.
"Been reading one too many horror books, eh? No, vamps only sleep doing the day. The whole "soul leaving" and "dying" at dawn is priests trying to prove that God has nothing to do with them." He opened the door, allowing us to note that full darkness had fallen. "And, like humans vampires are not actually required to sleep. Have a good night now."
"Heh, that’s got to make hunting them hard if you cannot rely on dawn," Zac muttered.
I shrugged. "Not really, you just got to use your brains more than your bullets during a hunt."

Three nights later found me leaning casually against a VCOA standard 4WD; chewing idly on a toothpick I waited for Zac to finish questioning a witch we found wondering around the murder site.
I had just spat out the well-chewed and splintered toothpick and about to order him to hurry the fuck up when I noticed her. At first glance she didn't look anything special from all the others that were wondering around, but, well she was looking right at me and the look she gave me was filled with considering anger, yeah, I said considering, almost like she wasn't sure if I was worth the effort of actually hating.
She pulled her red hoodie up over her head, her eyes shimmering purple at the movement, giving me one last look before vanishing into the shadows. I shook my head with a small frown before slamming my fist against the back window of the car.
"Hurry the fuck up Zac, time to get a move on." I growled under my breath as the two-way radio in the car crackled to life.
"Command to car 29, command to car 29."
"Car 29 here, what's up command?" I asked, knowing that I wasn't going to get home on time tonight.
"There has been a body located behind the Chermside shopping centre. Mark has ordered that you go out there and have a look."
"What the Chermside shopping centres right?" I asked in surprise. The Chermside shopping centre was the largest shopping centre in Queensland if not in the whole of Australia. How a murder could happen in that freaking maze was a little beyond me. I rested my head against the top of the car. "Sure, we'll be there in roughly 20min."
I placed the 2 ways back on the stand before kicking the back door in anger. "Move your ass Zac, we've got to fucking go now!"

The stench hit me long before we rounded the corner to the lower part of the underground car park of the complex. The purple lights of the VCOA flashed and bounced off the concrete walls as the owners of the VCOA cars struggled to keep the cops and curious on lookers behind the safety tape.
Joseph, one of the VCOA's head field officers rushed towards us, his dyed blond hair was slightly spiked as if he had been constantly running his hand through it, and his hazel eyes were taunt and haunted looking, the only sign that this scene bothered him. "Tor, bout fucking time you got here." He growled as he looked at Zac before dismissing him.
"What’s the status?" I asked as I fell into step with him.
"Female, same MO as the last murder." Joseph replied, wiping the sweat off his face.
"Shit" I muttered as I knelt down next to the body, again there was no way to ID her, the only difference between this one and the last one was that her stomach wasn't sliced open. "I think this might be a copycat." I muttered.
"This soon?" Zac asked as he knelt next to me.
“Well sure, why not?” I asked, snapping on some gloves before running my fingers slowly over the unbroken flesh, “If it wasn’t then why cut open one person’s stomach but not this one, besides the fact that the whole stomach slicing act wasn’t released to the public?”
Joseph frowned. "Ok, I'll enter that into my report." He whistled and motioned to the two males standing over near a van in purple jumpsuits. They both hurried over and started prepping the body for movement. I nodded at Joseph before turning and leaving the carport.
"What sort of sick bastard are we dealing with here?" Zac asked, looking a little green around the gills.
I really had no answer for him; in the two years, I'd been part of the VCOA I'd seen much worse. But then again, this was only Zac's third official murder scene. I was saved from having to think of an answer by the radio crackling to life.
"Command to car 29, command to car 29."
I sighed and picked up the radio. "Car 29, what’s up? Better not be another body, I only have 30 minutes left of my shift."
"Tor, Daniels pet shop on Gympie road has been reported for selling illegal paranormals."
I growled softly, just what I needed. "Sure thing, I'll head right over."
"Come back here before you head home, I have a pile of papers here the size of Mount Everest here waiting for you."
I rested my head against the steering wheel. "Sure thing Ann," I placed the radio back before coxing the engine to life, ignoring Zac's teasing grin. He was more Nazi about paperwork then Ann.
Daniels Pet shop was just down the road from the Aspley hypermarket. The expensive front had pure-breed animals in his front window also told one that if they asked nicely and had enough money he would sell them the exotic and illegal.
Daniel was an average looking male with short grey hair and a wide friendly smile. “Costumers, welcome. What may I do for you?"
I showed him my badge. "Heard that you've started selling illegal again. This if your third time Danny boy, that’s a 12 year jail sentence."
"Awe, come now officer. It’s just rumours I assure you." Daniel replied his smile didn't even slip. Yet I was positive that he had an ace up his sleeve.
"Well then, you won't mind us having a quick looksee around." Zac said with a smile as he popped a large yellow gum bubble.
"Don't you need a warrant for that?" Dan demanded, hell even I could hear the fear under all that anger.
"We're VCOA, not cops. If it involves the monsters we don't have red tape." I growled. "Now, I'm currently on overtime so let’s get this over with shall we?"
Daniel ran his tongue slowly over his lips. "Right this way then." He mentioned towards the back door.
I smiled grimly. "You're the host. You go first."
With a resigned sigh Daniel pushed open the door and walked into the small storage area that held nothing but straw, pet food and a small safe. A search of his shop revealed the same results. Yet, I was 110% sure that he was hiding something.
I was just about to use some more forceful tactics when Zac's muffled voice called from the front of the shop.
"C'mon Tor, I've found something!"
I walked into the shop behind the increasingly nervous Dan. I could help but raise an eyebrow at the seemingly empty shop.
"Zac?" I called, swearing to God that if Zac was pulling a stunt... Zac's head popped out though the far wall that seemed to be holding an array of empty fish tanks, effectively cutting me off mid-triad.
"Looks like Danny boy here, has more money than we thought. This spells cost most people their first born."
I looked at Daniel seriously. "How did you afford a concealment spell Dan? For that matter, why would an honest shop owner need one?"
Zac gave me a sick look. "Once you see what’s in here, you won't need his answer."
Oh boy, this was going to be bad...
Walking though the concealment spell felt weird and almost painful. You know when you’ve lain to long on your arm and lost circulation, then when you move you get that weird prickly almost painful sensation? Yeah imagine getting that all over your body. I'd closed my eyes with a grimace as the residue of the spell washed off me.
As I slowly opened my eyes I had to swallow an urge to swing a punch at Dan; in front of us was a were-jackal that was clearly sedated and retrained on a large medical table, its right foreleg was sliced open to the bone where the smallest sliver of silver rested between its bones, not enough to effectively affect its blood system, but enough to prevent it from changing back to human form.
Slavery in its worst forms.
"Least we now know how he keeps them trapped in animal form." Zac muttered as I walked closer to the Were.
"This Were cannot be more then 10 years." I glanced up at Zac and Dan with a small sick smile, "Human years that is."
Zac's jaw clenched as he nodded curtly and walked further into the hidden storeroom that was filled with small cages. As I slowly walked down the aisle I noted that he only had a restricted selection of were's and they ranged widely from the very young to the very old. No, Dan was no breeder and seemed that there were no real active breeders currently in Queensland.
"Oh Danny boy, you are in massive trouble." I growled at him as I returned to where Zac had restrained the small, nail chewing shopkeeper. His kind never seemed to last long in prison.
"C'mon now officer. I'm sure we can come to a mutual agreement." He stuttered as he pulled out a reasonable wad of cash out of his pocket. "How much to look the other way? I have $10,000 right here, but if you require more I can get it within the week."
I scowled at him angrily. Zac on the other hand had a greedy glint to his eyes.
Admittedly VCOA officers were not immune to bribes, hell; even I had taken my fair share back in the day. But my morals had yet to sink this low. No matter how much cash the shop owner could wave in my face, humans do have to draw the line somewhere, least they become the monsters.
"Daniel, you realize that you are trying to bribe a Federal agent right? That is punishable with a $35,000 fine and at least 12 months in prison." I asked, as I slowly unhitched my cuffs from my belt.
"Not if the officers don't say anything to the uppity ups." Daniel replied with a small smirk.
I just shook my head at him slowly, before hooking my foot behind his knee. Dropping him to his knees before slamming my cuffs around his wrists, "Call command and call in the Lycan retrieval team, they'll clean up this mess." I ordered Zac over my shoulder.
"No! You cannot do this to me!" Daniel screamed as he fought his capture.
"I can, and I have. Now get to your feet and act like a bloody adult already. You're only embarrassing yourself." I growled before looking angrily at Zac who was watching us with a strange expression on his face. "Get on that fucking radio and call in the backup already." I snarled as he jumped and quickly got to it.
As I surveyed the now silent were's I couldn't help but wonder if the gap between humans and monsters was shrinking at a faster rate than I actually believed possible.

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