Friday 8 May 2015

Laughing Corpse: Chapter 16

This chapter starts off with a dream... A dream of exposition!

Child Anita is at the scene of a car crash, it turns out to be the crash that her mum died in. According to this dream we are made to believe that she was allowed to crawl into the car while it was still at the crash site.
Either her dad or cops are extremely bad at their job... Why was she at the crash in the first place since she wasn't actually involved in the crash??

Basically, this dream is asking more questions than answering!

Whatever, the dream proceeds as usual until the smell of rotten flesh enters it, which has apparently never happened before. It takes her a little while to realize that the smell of rotting flesh isn't actually part of the dream at all. It is in face real!

Anita wakes up, reaching for the gun she keeps on her beds headboard, because you know... She constantly has monsters breaking into her unit or some such.
Either way her paranoia has paid off for tonight as there is the outline of a man standing in her room, it doesn't react to either her movement or the fact it now as a gun pointed directly at it, it continues shuffling forward, messing up her penguin collection as it does so.

Which proves to me without one doubt in my mind that this is clearly an extremely evil being!

Keeping the gun trained on the shambling assassin Anita reaches over with her spare hand to turn her bedside light on.
Blah blah the guy is tall and muscular like pretty much all of Anita's bad guys, the only difference being is that this one is already dead.

Clearly Dominga wasn't kidding about sending some guests over to Anita's.

Anita then gives us a quick lesson on her bullets (Glazar safety rounds) which apparently will leave a massive hole in whatever you shoot it at. Not entirely sure why this was inserted but... Yay, bullet p0rn?

The zombie is still shuffling forward and Anita is still internally rambling about non-important stuff like the fact that any idiot can lift a car, its only our own survival instincts that stop this from becoming a reality without loads of work first.
Zombies lack these skills so the weakest, smallest zombie could still easily rip you limp from limp.
You know, things people thing about while there's a fricking zombie shambling towards them.

Anita FINALLY starts firing at the zombie, since bullets can't actually kill zombies she does the next best thing and releases the zombie of it's limbs, bitching that the smell of rotting flesh gets worse with each forced removal.

The arms still move towards her even though they've been removed from the body, you know I never really understood why that was. Your limbs are controlled through your brain, remove them from you and they become useless slabs of meat. 
So why would the removed limbs still be able to move, or understand that they are going to try and murder someone?
Ideas? Anyone??

Backing up towards the living room, she fires into the zombies hands, effectively stopping the arms from trying to kill her at least, as she does she notices a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye seconds before a second zombie grabs her from behind.

The zombie whether by plan or not has managed to pin Anita's gun to her side before sinking it's teeth into her shoulder. 
Oh... apparently Anita turned to face the zombie at some point because now her face is buried in it's shoulder. 

I don't know what's happening anymore, before it said that her gun was pinned to her side, yet now she is able to fire into the zombies shoulder. Either way it's arm is removed and she manages to struggle free, the removed hand still clutching her arm.
Insert pointless description about zombie that will soon be dead and we're back into the 'action'

The newest zombie charges her, she fires into it's knee too late and it falls on top of her. She manages to keep both of her arms free, as the zombies leans back a bit to strike to closes her eyes (she stops the action for a moment to clarify it wasn't because she doesn't want to watch, but in an attempt to protect her eyes from blood/bone shards) and fires point blank into the zombie's head.

When she opens her eyes there's nothing left of the head but the lower jaw though it's arm is still trying to kill her and she can't fire because the angle is all wrong. While she is calmly (seriously, I don't think ANYONE would be this calm) she hears a noise and turns her head in time to see the first zombie worming its way towards her, its mouth the only thing she foolishly left with in which to harm her is wide open.

Somehow Anita manages to give the zombie above her it's own arm to strangle, which it does because you know... Zombies are stupid. More so once the brain is removed. 
While this happens a copper out in the hallway orders anyone inside to come out with their hands up. Anita screams at him to help her, instead of doing that the copper demands to know what is happening.

Anita shoves the barrel of her gun into the mouth of the first zombie and pulls the trigger, that seems to light a fire under the coppers ass as he than enters the unit. The second zombie (the one she first blew it's head off) makes to go for Anita again, but the copper grabs it by the belt and hauls it off her, ordering his partner to get Anita the hell out of there.

Anita doesn't give his partner the chance to help her, using her new freedom to scramble into the lounge room, the partner helps her to her feet, sliding the gun out from her hand in the process. She waxes on about how cops think everyone with a gun is a bad guy and doesn't argue with him because she knows the drill.

The fact that she's had her gun taken off her by cops enough times for her to know the drill has me a little worried...

We find out that the partner is roughly around the same age that Anita is, but that she feels a million times older, the copper fires off a shot and demands that his partner get his ass into the room and assist him. The partner hesitates until Anita tells him to go and save the copper...

I dunno, I get being worried about the victim but copper buddies tend to be more worried about their partner... Or at least that's what I was told when I was looking into joining the cops. 
Your partners health and well-being takes prudence over everything else.

The cops fire into the zombie, Anita bitches to herself that there normal bullets won't do shit against a zombie and informs them that her gun has safety rounds in it, the copper gets annoyed at his partner for not getting Anita out of there or something, even though like 2 seconds before he was asking for his help.

The partner goes to move her out of the unit, she asks for her gun back, he refuses, so she claims that she's part of the spook squad hoping that he'll assume she's also a cop, which he does. So she swans in to save the day!
~dramatic, emboldening music~

The leg collapsed under it. It pulled itself forward with the one arm, leg pushing against the rug. He was on his last leg. I started to smile then to laugh, but it choked in my throat.

Randomly a bunch of cops show up and they all shoot the zombie to pieces while it struggles to kill Anita and save the world from yet another Mary Sue, it ultimately fails though... Unfortunately.

We learn that the zombie will be examined on site before being burnt, they tried taking a zombie back to a lab before but pieces kept escaping and hiding out in the strangest places.

You know what I learnt from that? LKH doesn't have the faintest idea how secure some of these labs can get, bloody hell, I know this just from watching bloody Star Gate!

It strikes our brave heroine that she is currently wearing nothing but an over sized T-shirt and panties, though both are sticking to her as they are covered in zombie goop. She makes to go into the bedroom to grab some pants but stops when she see's the mid-section (the rest has been blown off by the cops) squirming around still trying to complete it's mission and kill her.

She realizes that Dominga actually meant to kill her with this attack, not just scare her as she originally thought, but doesn't have the faintest idea as to why, she can't stop her legally and Dominga gave her word that she didn't raise the killer zombie.

It slowly comes to her attention that Dominga might actually have ~el gasp~ lied to her!!!

She tosses this idea around in her mind for a moment or two, thinking that Dominga couldn't afford to have her reputation crushed if she did actually raise the zombie, than moves her thoughts onto the fact that the bullets she used doesn't go through walls which is why she likes them and the fact that her stuffed penguins are covered in blood and gore, but maybe her dry cleaner could get them clean because he does an excellent job with her suits.

.... I think I got whiplash from all the random topic changes there.

She than goes on to think that she's never been attacked in her own place before, and that there should be a rule about it. Before thinking that's what makes them the bad guys.

Which makes me want to point out that she breaks into vampires homes and attacks them in their beds, does that make her a bad guy?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Paramedics come in and sit her down so they can examine her, she points out that most of the blood isn't her's they naturally don't believe her. 

She then has an actual human moment! ( I know, I'm shocked as well) thinking that she doesn't care about the furniture or carpet those are easily replaced (wish I had that sort of financial confidence) but the fact that the penguins that she collected over years might not be salvageable makes her tear up.

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