Monday 2 March 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter 15

The chapter starts off by Anita bitching about the caravan park Evens (the psychic they were talking about at the end of the last chapter) lives.

When I was a kid, trailers could be hooked to the back of a car moved. Simple. It was one of their appeals. Some of the mobile homes had three and four bedrooms, multiple baths. The only thing moving these puppies was a semitruck or a tornado.

Awh, isn't the new trailer park to Anita's liking?? My heart does bleed for her... Really.

Evens trailer though is one of the older models that can be hooked up and moved, which she figures would be cheaper then hiring a moving truck and all the assorted stress that tend to follow such activities.
Not that she thinks he'll ever move since he hasn't even left his trailer in nearly a year.

Blah blah vague description of the trailer, the fact that Evens makes insomnia a disease, whatever the fuck that means... That Anita is back in her black on black outfit while hiding her evidence bags...

Which brings up an excellent point, wouldn't this little excursion break the evidence trail? There's no cops here and a stranger is going to be manhandling these pieces... Eh whatever.

She has them in her fanny pack...

I will not make a crass joke... I WILL NOT make a crass joke...

Because if she walks into his trailer waving them around he will get what she wants and freak the ever living fuck out.

Anita knocks, doesn't hear any noise inside and wonders if he's finally managed to get to sleep and it'd be her fault for disturbing him, she's just about to knock again (at least she thought about how bad it would be to wake him?) only to feel like she's being watched.

She looks to the left and see's his head poking between the curtains in the window, she waves and he disappears. 
Anita then hears the door unlock and open though there's no sign of Evens, she wonders in and Evens closes the door behind her, leaning against it he breaths heavily as though he's been out for a run.

Anita asks how he's been going, he doesn't reply, eyes wide, still breathing fast causing Anita to wonder if he's on something so asks him again how he's going just changes some words around, thinking that if you're ever in doubt just reverse your word order. 

Evens nods slowly, before demanding to know what she wants, Anita realizing that he isn't going to listen to any bullshit she pulls gets straight to the point telling him that she needs his help.

He declines, Anita points out that he doesn't know what she wants yet. Evens states that it doesn't matter he isn't going to help her.
Like pretty much everyone in this series, Anita doesn't take his no at face value and asks if she can sit. Which Evens agrees to for some unknown reason.

Anita then proceeds to bitch about how messy the place is, wondering if he'll freak if she tries to move anything or if the couch could handle her weight on top of everything else piled on it and that she'd even sit in the petrified pizza that's sitting on the table if he'd agree to help her.

She asks for a cup of coffee, Evens says he doesn't have any clean cups before demanding to know why she's here. Anita again states that she wants his help, he shakes his head, Anita shakes her head with him thinking that when he frowns at her there might be someone home after all (??)

Evens goes on to state that he doesn't do it anymore, Anita being the kind person that she is forces him to elaborate for the readers that he's a touch psychic which basically means whatever he touches he can get glimpses of the person who touched it before him.
Because he's been keeping his hands out of sight, Anita freaks out demanding that he show them to her since apparently it's been known for touch psychics to cut their own hands off (not entirely sure how'd you'd that without help, but lets just roll with it) 
He hasn't, and is insulted that she would think that he had.

We have another round of 'why are you here' 'I need your help' 'I don't do that anymore' Before Evens finally snaps and tells her to get out.
Anita pushes him by going on about how a 3yr old had been eaten alive, rubs his ego a little by stating that she needs the best, and he's the best and guilt trips him into it by stating that if he doesn't help others will die and it'll be all on his hands.

You know, shit you want to see your heroine doing.

Evens gives in to peer pressure and asks for the pieces, Anita makes a big thing about being careful not to touch his skin because it'll scare him too much since she's a big scary person.


 It turns out that someone slit some girls throat and smeared her blood on a tombstone, he didn't get anymore information. Anita states that she has two more items, to which Evens tells her where she can shove them.
Evens demands that Anita gets the fuck out of his house like yesterday, Anita pushes him to reveal more information, he tells her that the girl had on a bracelet with miniature hearts, bow and arrows, music on it.

Anita looks around the mess, feels incredibly guilty that she made him worse, offers to have someone drop by and clean the place for him which he declines because duh... They touch anything he can't touch it without knowing their entire life story.
(Which wouldn't be overly bad if they had a normal, bland life...)

Anita makes it worse by stating that he won't even have to pay since she owes him one, he finally looks at her with a face of pure, undiluted anger. 
Anita tells him to get help since he's tearing himself apart and not living a proper life right now.

Evens does what any sane person in that situation would do, scald her with his words and tell her to get out of his house now.
Anita has what I would like to call a guilty moment, but since she manages to make it all about her... Yeah...

She gets into her car thinking that abusing a horribly disturbed man to maybe save another family was totally worth it and she would happily beat him with a stick to make it happen, or let him beat her. 

This women has some serious issues... Just saying.

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