Friday 15 May 2015

Twilight: Chapter 5 (part three)

Right, when we last left this book I was filled with rage over the whole 'you can't smell blood' thing that UF writers seem to enjoy pulling out of there arses.
But we're back so lets get this crap train back on the rails!

Bella states that blood smells of rust and salt to her... Uh... Alright, it's always smelt more like copper to me, but sure. Lets just go with it.

Edward looks at her with an unfathomable expression, though he won't explain what his problem is when Bella asks.
Mike ambles out of the sick room (since he transported another person there) looks at Edward with obvious ate before turning back to Bella with glum eyes, stating that she looks better in an accusatory tone.

Bella simply replies that Mike needs to keep his hand in his pocket, which he points out that it's already stopped bleeding before asking if she's returning to class.
Our awesome heroine of awesome-sauce points out that if she does go back to class she'll simply have to turn around and come straight back because she's a delicate little snowflake. Mike agrees with her, before asking if she's still coming to the beach on the weekend, forcing enthusiasm into her voice because she's an awesome friend like that, Bella points out that she said she would and so she will.
Mike cheers up a bit, though he keeps side-eyeing Edward, using his body language to make it clear that it wasn't an open invite, he tells Bella that they're meeting at his dads shop at 10.
Bella mentions that she'll be there and that she'll see him in gym, Mike looks at her for a second before wondering off looking all sad like.

Bella moans about gym, thinking that she'll have to deal with his mopey-ness, Edward mentions that he can help with that before ordering her to sit down and look pale... I... I would think sick would be the better word there, but if he mentioned that then Bella could rave on about how she always looks pale so this isn't exactly something that'll strain her acting skills.

Edward wonders over to the counter and goes on to prove that this school is bloody awful since the administrator is allowing another teen to take one claiming to be sick home without notifying the parent or Edwards teacher since he claims that she won't mind...


Edward, again proving how much of an awesome bloke he is, asks Bella if she can walk or if she needs to be carried again with a sarcastic look on his face.

Swoon damn you!

No wonder I've been single for so long, I need to up my douchebag levels.

As they wonder towards the carpark Bella showing all the social skills of a dying walrus invites Edward to the beach gathering to which not only he wasn't invited to but she wasn't extended inviting rights.
Edward declines pointing out that Mike would happily castrate him and use his sparkly undead balls as a rearview mirror decoration.
Bella grumbles slightly, though she gets all tingly since Edward uses the phrase you and I.

Awh, she feels involved.

Bella makes to go to her truck, but Edward grabs her by the back of her jacket. Getting all me man me angry as he promised to get her home safe, not allow her to crash because of her pride.
He also promises that his sister Alice will drive the truck back after school without asking her first.
Such a nice guy.

Edward then literally drags her to his volvo, only letting her go once he's at the passenger side and the car door is unlocked... Uh... Bella? Love? Hunny bun? This would be your cue to GTFO before he goes all mass murderer on your ass, THIS IS NOT ATTRACTIVE AT ALL!

Edward gets into the car, rolling his window down as Bella doesn't instantly hop in. She ponders her luck with reaching her truck but Edward threatens to merely drag her back if she tries.


Bella hops into the car, more worried about how she looks then the fact that she was pressured into the car by an unknown creepy male.
They start off and Bella is surprised to hear that Edward listens to Debussy (classical something something, not my genre go google if interested) Edward is surprised that Bella knows who it is.

I'm just sick of these two being displayed as freaking perfect.

Edward speeds in the pouring rain, making him a complete retard, faster reflexes won't do shit against psychics!

Edward then asks about her mum, rehash that her mum looks like Bella only prettier (uh.. huh, I believe your fake modesty) is a horrible mum and can't cook, but is Bella's best friend and she misses her.
He then demands to know how old she is, claiming that she seems older then 17 once he gets his answer, for some reason sounding frustrated by the entire thing.

When Bella points the same thing out about him, he pulls a face and changes that subject back to her mum, asking why she decided to marry Phil.
Bella goes on about how her mum is young for her age and Phil must make her feel even younger, before shrugging and admitting that she doesn't understand the attraction.
Edward mentions that's very generous of her before asking if she thinks her mum would be so forgiving if the roles were reversed.

This... This is a strange fucking conversation for two teenagers to have while sitting in a car, outside the females house in the pouring rain.

Or I was even more immature as a teen then I give myself credit for and this is a normal thing for teens to do or something... Sounds boring either way, you're skipping school for crying out loud! Go do something fun and make this book less tedious for me to plow through!!!

Bella points out that parents have a different stance and investment in these sort of scenarios then the kids, Edward goes on about how they wouldn't approve anyone too scary then, before asking if she thinks he could be scary.

Seriously... How the fuck do these vamps remain undercover? He's practically wearing one of those old novelty programmable belts that flashes 'I'm a vampire!'

Bella states that he could be scary if he wanted to be, Edward gets all serious and asks if she's scared now. Bella quickly replies no, and Edward grins before Bella changes the subject to Edward's family since you know. He just interrogated her.

He gets evasive but mostly answers the basic questions she asks like the fact the he is adopted and his parents died a long time ago, when Bella asks about his siblings he simply points out that they'll be pissed if they have to wait for him to get back so they can go home, he also points out that she'll probably need to explain to her dad why she's home so early.

Bella points out that there are no secrets in Forks, before asking if she'll see him tomorrow. Which she won't because Emmett and he are starting their weekend early and going camping... I seriously love how chill and laidback this bloody school is.

Edward asks if she could do something for him this weekend, she nods all helpless like because apparently she can't stay strong around hot males or some bullshit.

He points out that she seems to attract stupidity to her like a magnet and to not fall into the ocean or get run over since he won't be there to save her ass.
Showing the first sign of logic in a while she gets all pissed and hops out of the car, slamming the door shut as she does.

Edward drives away all smarmy like and that's the end of this chapter... Finally.    

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