Saturday 4 July 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter 17

I'd seen enough crime scenes to know what to expect. It was like a play I'd seen too many times.[...]
It was silly to be offended that Dominga Salvador had attacked me in my own home. It was stupid, but there it was. She had broken a rule. One I hadn't even known I had. Thou shalt not attack the good guy in his, or her, own home. Shit.

I... What? If you didn't know about this unspoken rule, then how the hell do you expect Dominga to know this rule? Plus... I dunno, I might just be over tired, but did that sentence really make that much sense to anyone?
No? Just me? Alrighty then!

Anita goes on to think that she's going to make Dominga pay for trashing her crib, before suddenly changing the topic to how she's glad that she signed a two year lease so they can't simply kick her out.
Now I admit that I'm no expert in American housing laws, but I'm pretty sure that if you start shooting the place up and having the undead oozing all over the carpet, that'd be a pretty damn good reason to kick your sorry ass!

Dolph apparently is there and asks Anita to give him a statement, she asks if she can get changed first since she's covered in undead juice. A request Dolph allows as long as she gives her shirt to the techs since it's evidence, if it was that important why is she even still wearing it??

Anita wonders into the bathroom, glad that the cops had thrown sheets over the worst of the mess so she didn't end up tracking more mess through the flat, she enters her room thinking that it smells like total shit and even she has her limits so there's no way in hell she'll be sleeping here tonight.
Once in the bathroom she debates about having a shower (she's covered in evidence, shouldn't she be surrounded by techs right now?) Either way she decides that Dolph wouldn't be happy having to wait if she had one so merely changes.

Insert pointless clothes p0rn here.

Wait she does decide to have time for though is too fill the bath up with water and throw her zombie covered penguins into it in hopes of soaking them clean... I think you'd need something more then water, but at least you didn't completely forgot about them so kudos to you!

As she wonders back she notices Zerbrowski checking out her massive angel fish, he teases her about the fact that she could easily throw them in a pan and have a meal if she gets desperate enough, she smacks him down because she's too cool to joke around? Maybe still in shock? I dunno, either way he takes it all in stride so she wonders back into the kitchen where Dolph is waiting for her.

Anita offers both Dolph and Zerbrowski coffee, they banter about her being a coffee snob. While she makes coffee she explains that she was minding her own business sleeping, until she was rudely awoken by a zombie standing over her.
Dolph asks what woke her, Anita explains that the smell of rotting corpses didn't make sense with the dream she was having and that's what woke her....

I think this was mentioned in the last chapter, and I don't recall spazzing out about it, but I really, REALLY should have...
I don't know about you but I find the entire thing a little... Unbelievable at best. Then again I'm a horrible sleeper so what do I know?

Dolph asks if she thinking that Dominga could be the reason Anita had zombies stomping around her flat, Anita thinks that she is the reason it happened but she doesn't have proof, Dolph sounds annoyed seemingly forgetting that his job resolves around finding evidence to put the guilty away.

More coffee chatter as she passes out cups, Dolph asking her if he got a search warrant could she find proof that Dominga is behind this.
Anita admits that she'd probably find proof of something, she doubts it would be related to the zombie invasion though.

Dolph and Zerbrowski go on about how they want to get Dominga for this, Zerbrowski even going as far to point out that there's a high chance she'll try again once she realizes that Anita is still alive.
It does turn out though that someone picked Anita's lock to allow the zombies into the apartment, apparently it never crossed the cops minds that Zombies probably wouldn't have the fine motor skills required to pick a lock....

Blah blah, talk about how Ezio is probably the guy who unlocked the door since Antonio would hang around to watch, apparently everyone lets their personal pleasure effect their professional life in this universe.

Dolph says that there's heat from upstairs to solve this case, but it'll still take 48 hours to get a warrant, I think the main question that should be asked her, is what probable cause is he going to give the judge??

No, seriously... All they really have against her is the fact she practices Voodoo, and the words of an unreliable consultant claiming that weird shit is happening in her house and that she's behind the zombie attack that one could argue she did herself to throw suspicion onto her main competitor...

Just saying...

Blah blah, Anita bitches about how a lot can change in two days and she might even be dead by then, they discuss the chances of Dominga sending out more Zombies tonight, Anita doubts it now that the police are involved since everyone who isn't entirely human and breaks the law gets an automatic death sentence...

Wow, would kinda sucked if you got the wrong person. And I'm highly doubtful they're always 100% correct in their investigations (even though in these books they tend to be, because you know... Realism!) Hell, even today with all the tech we still get that shit wrong.

The police clear out so Anita can get some sleep. But before Dolph can make good of his escape, Anita asks if they could show Burke his brothers belongings (isn't that part of the investigation anyways? Too see if anything is missin... Oh whatever, Anita is a brilliant cop whatever..)
Dolph points out that she already has one Voodoo practitioner pissed at her, does she really want another one?
Why would Burke be piss... You know what? I honestly don't care.
Either way Anita points out that she'd rather have no one this pissed at her, but she wants to put those two days twiddling thumbs to good use and that's the chapter.

Bloody hell that was painful.

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