Tuesday 14 June 2016

Circus of the damned: Chapter One

There was dried blood imbedded under my fingernails. When you raise the dead for a living, you have to spill a little blood.

Anita goes on to ponder the fact that while she tried to clean up before this meeting but she'd need an actual shower or something to wash all the blood off.

Which leaves me wondering how exactly she ended up covered in so much blood to begin with, like... Doesn't she just need to slit the sacrifices throat to raise the dead? Not... Bathe naked in said blood or whatever.

For some reason she also mentions that she has an 'amusing' cup  she's currently drinking out of. Professionalism for the motherfucking win!

So she has two guys sitting opposite her, one is Jeremy Ruebens who is short, dark and grumpy. Anita goes on to elaborate that she's never seen him when he wasn't frowning or shouting. He is also fidgeting which is driving her insane.
The second male is Karl Inger, she hasn't met before. But he's over 6ft, with red hair with muttonchops and a moustache.

Pointing out that Ruebens is still fidgeting, she points it out to him while saying that she never took him for the twitchy type. He calls her 'Miss Blake' she corrects him to 'Ms' before he points out that he's not use to coming to her sort for help. Calls her a zombie queen before tacking on the end that he doesn't mean offence. 
Anita takes this like the professional that she is, telling him to get the hell out of her office if he's there just to call her names. And if he does have business too bad, get the hell out anyways.

So it turns out that both of these people use to be members of Humans Against Vampires (HAV) but have decided that that group isn't crazy enough for them so have made a new group called Humans First, Ruebens goes on to point out that while they have the same beliefs as HAV they intend their methods to be more... Direct.

You know, the sort of thing you would want to tell someone who works for the police and is known to have vampires allies...

We then get a rough background on HAV how they want to make vampires illegal again, so they can be hunted down like animals. Anita goes on about how she's a vampire executioner and that she needed a warrant to kill vamps otherwise she'd find herself in jail for murder. And how that meant the kill count of the vamp had to be high enough, the lowest being 5 people, the highest being 23. Which... Makes me wonder what are the cops doing about this? Do they just let the vamp murder at will until they can get a warrant? What happens if they catch the vamp before he gets a high enough kill count? Do they put him in jail? Let him go?

... I'm over thinking again aren't I?

Ok, so these guys are fucking idiots. Anita asks them what they mean by more 'direct methods' and he FUCKING TELLS HER THEY BLAME TO KILL ALL VAMPIRES! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME RIGHT NOW?!

Anita points out that what they're planning is murder, Ruebens retorts that she gets paid to kill them so how can she look at it like murder, and that if the new legislation goes through Vampires will be allowed to vote and doesn't that scare her, which is does.

Now, again... Not an American, but I do not understand your weird fascination about minority groups having a vote, like would vampires voting really make that much of a difference to your governments? 
Then again, voting is compulsory over here and our government is a goddamn joke right now... So bad argument, moving on! 

Ruebens finally gets to the reason they paid to meet her, in her office, and her work, to discuss illegal dealings... Yeah, let that sink in for a moment.
The reason is that they want the daytime resting place of the master of the city... Because apparently no one bothers to look under the fucking hub of vampires.

Inger isn't much smarter then Ruebens, as when Anita balks at answering he points out that if they can admit to illegal doings, she can admit to knowing the location...

The stupidity of this book, it burns!!! 
... And I'm only on page four...

They have a bit more back and forth, Anita thinking that Reubens is getting a hard-on just thinking about staking the master, and that they worked out he was male from that interview that Irving did in the last book.

Anita goes on to say that she doesn't know where the daytime location is, I... Guess she gives JC more credit then he deserves? So... I can, kinda get behind her logic?

They then ask if she could get the location, which she admits that she probably could, but that she wouldn't give it to them if she did.
Reubens blows up at this, saying that she's in league with the vamps, Inger calms him down, reminding him about their cause or something.

Anita points out that if they want after the master, they would get their asses handed to them. Since she's never killed a master with a stake like they were planning on doing.
Reubens gets excited and asks how she did it then, Anita smacks him down. Stating that she doesn't want to be an accessory to murder so he'll have to go elsewhere for vampire killing techniques.

Inger then asks if she'll tell them the location if they get a better plan together. Anita stops to think about JC actually being out of her life before admitting that she doesn't know if she'll tell them or not. When they ask why not, she replies that he'll kill them and she doesn't give humans over to the monsters. No matter how much they hate her.

Inger points out that they don't hate her, Anita responds that he mightn't but Reubens clearly does. He doesn't bother to argue that fact with her.

Inger thanks her and shakes her hand, Reubens issues her with a threat that the next time they ask she'll be more helpful and that Humans First believes that the means justifies the end.
Anita shows off her gun, saying that when it comes to survival she has the same motto.

Anita and Reubens threaten each other for a few moments, before Inger puts a stop to it and leaves. But not before Anita and Reubens throw another barb at each other.

Ruebens stopped in the doorway and hissed at me. "You are an abomination before God!"
"Jesus loves you, too." I said, smiling.

Anita hangs out in her office for a bit, not believing that they won't do anything to her, but she doesn't want to take the risk right now.
She's thinking of going home, showering and grabbing some sleep when her beeper goes off, its the cops and we get the usual spiel about the spook squad aka RIPIT. Near the end of this her beeper goes off again, thinking that if they're calling her just before dawn then they need her expertise on something.

She calls Dolph, he tells her that there's been a murder and need on onsite. Anita snarls that she's not in the mood for 20 questions so whats wrong. Dolph comments that she got out of the wrong side of bed. Anita bites back that she has yet to get to bed.

Turns out that they are 45min away with a possible vampire murder, Anita goes on to think that she's never seen a vampire murder one person then stop. So... Accidents never happen in this 'verse then? Really??

She goes on to think that the doesn't want to do this, but Dolph wouldn't understand and that cops have very little humour when it comes to murder cases, and now that she thinks about it, same with her.


Ugh, this book is going to be a fucking mess, I can already tell....


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