Tuesday 14 June 2016

Blue Moon: Chapter three

The private jet was like a long white egg with fins. Okay, it was longer then an egg and more pointy at the ends, but it seemed just as fragile.

So do you remember from the first book when she mentions that she has a phobia of needles? Well... She's swapped that out for a phobia of flying!!!!!

Anita is sitting so she can't really see out of any of the windows, and Jason plops down next to her laughing at the fact that she's scared of flying.
We get his description here, which is basically he has shoulder length blond hair, blue eyes and short at 5'3" oh... And he's just turned 21, who is also a werewolf... Who is JCs favorite snack, because apparently shapeshifter (which by the way is completely different from a were-animal LKH) has more of a kick to it then human blood... I, guess that makes some sense...

Jason is also a dick, he starts jumping up and down to prove to Anita that they're safe. Anita being the hardcore person that she is, calls for backup from a were-leopard called Zane.
His description basically boils down to, died yellow hair and leather... A lot of fucking leather, but no shirt. He's also over 6ft, in this 'verse if you spend too much time in animal form you don't fully come back to human, so Zane has a growly voice and top/bottom canines.

That, logic doesn't really sit well with me. As in theory shouldn't it also work that if you spend to much time in human form you can't fully transform into an animal? What I'm saying is that it's extremely flawed but I'm way to tired to get too worked up over it! Plus, I'm no biology major like LKH so what the fuck do I know??

Anita orders Zane to get Jason away from her, they stand there staring at each other. Zane trying to be all intimidating and Jason simply grinning in reply. Anita gets worried that they might start a fight, so tells them not to.
In response, Zane kisses Jason, who jerks back with a laugh calling him a bi-sexual son of a bitch. Zane responds that he's calling the kettle black.





Don't get me wrong, I like a bit of slash as much as the next person. But that was the most hamhanded way to point that out, plus, is she implying that because they are both bi Jason shouldn't have an issue with being kissbushed? Because, wow, rude.

And then... Jason just, kinda wonders off and we go back to Anita thinking that she's claustrophobic, which started when she was in a car crash, and got worse after she woke up in a coffin with a vampire.

Zane takes Jason's seat and idly pets Anita on the knee, she goes on to think that it's nothing personal and that a lot of were-animals (she calls it shapeshifter again, but I don't want this to turn into a 40 page rant, so ima gonna leave it) are touchy-feely... Which, doesn't make sense, especially for a leopard since they can barely get on long enough to mate, so in reality all the leopards should be holed up in their own corners of the plane, snarling aggressively...

Cherry now wonders over, another were-leopard who dresses like a goth. She used to be a nurse, but once they found out that she was a were she got the boot. New were's can't control themselves around freshly spilt blood, Anita goes on to think that Cherry is no longer a new were and that she was an extremely good nurse.

Anita then goes on to prove how understanding an open-minded she is, but calling Cherry the slut pride from planet X. 
Keep up the classy act there..

She then goes on about how Cherry has an awesome voice that would be good for phone sex and I literally just headbutted the desk.

Cherry asks whats going to happen once they land, Anita says that she'll call Daniel then head over to the prison. She wants the others to head over to whatever rooms JC has sorted out for them to use.
When they argue the point, Anita points out that since she'll be flashing her executioners license she'd be better off on her own.

Zane and Cherry point out that the MoC in this town could easily ambush her if she's on her own, t Anita admits that they might have a point but goes on to say that Cherry and Zane look like they belong on top of a BDSM cake, and that cops weren't impressed with the exotic since they usually turn out to be the bad guys...

LKH, I'm really happy for you, I'ma let you finish, BUT COPS DON'T FUCKING THINK THAT WAY!
Any idiot knows that the elderly upstanding member of the community is just as likely to have a hidden horror story, then the barely dressed goth teens hanging out in the park, the fact that you see everything so black and white is one of the reasons your series fails...

If I walked into the police station with Tweedle-punk and Tweedle-slut, it was going to raise the cop's antennae. They'd know I wasn't exactly who I was claiming to be, and that would complicate things.

Then we get CLOTHES AND GUN PORN!! Anita claims to be wearing 'vampire executioner casual' which basically a bunch of black, a crimson short sleeved dress shirt and enough weaponry to make an armoury green with envy.

Nathaniel then says that he can go, we get a rough description of him and he's basically an anime character complete with purple eyes and urban hair that reaches his knees. He's also a stripper (ex-pro) and another were-leopard. He's also short and 19.

Anita tells him no, going on to think that Gabriel the now deceased alpha of the leopards, pimped out all the leopards to the S & M crowd (I'm starting to think that LKH had no fucking idea what she was talking about when she wrote this) as Nate ended up in hospital after nearly being tortured to death. Once Gabs was gone Zane tried to take over but wasn't strong enough to keep them all safe and that's how Anita ended up being alpha... Because, you know... Were-animals aren't as tough as Anita or some shit.

Jason then says that he'll go while trying to snuggle up to Cherry, who moves away. Anita goes on again about how random touching isn't usually sexual for weres, and again I call bullshit BECAUSE ANIMALS DON'T FUCKING WORK THAT WAY!

Jason goes on to say that he has a normal suit he can wear, and that he'll even wear a tie. Anita thanks him before telling him to leave Cherry alone. Being the douchemonkey that he is, Jason points out that Zane kissed him to make him move.
Cherry threatens to bite his nose off if she doesn't get out of her personal space, Anita points out that she probably means it. So Jason relocates behind Anita, leaning on her while saying that he'll hide out behind her till it's safe.

I... Get the impression that this is suppose to be charming, but no. Jason comes across like every douchebag guy girls go out of their way to avoid. And it's annoying the fuck outta me.

Whatever, Jason points out that JC want's them to get into the police station, so they can't all look like collage students and porn stars.

Anita goes on to think that ol' Gabs also had his leopards involved with porn movies, she goes on to think that Gabs was a sick son of a bitch and made sure that his 'kitties' were as sick as him.

Nate has given Anita a box-set which she promptly hide behind some disney tapes, she's also very adamant that she didn't watch them. Ok? Cool? This better have some point later on...

The plane begins its decent, Cherry points out that Anita is very pale. Jason of course adds in his two cents, by stating that she's very cute when scared.
Anita tries to glare him into submission, but he merely grins forcing her to turn back around and think that the next few days were going to be long as hell.

Ugh, hopefully this book picks up it's pace soon... 


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