Wednesday 8 June 2016

Stalking in Shadow: Chapter four

Chapter four.

The medic took one look at me, subscripted me a 50-page book of medication then sent me home for the next two days to fully recover. He at first wanted me to take a month off but I promised to take the drugs, rest and use the herbal crap that the VCOA hired witch also handed me if he let me back to work in under the week.
He wasn’t going to let it happen until Mark came in and demanded a report, abfter hearing what the witch doctor had to say he gave me the next two days off, before coming back for a another check up if I could pass the usual physical I would be put back on the streets, if not I was a desk jockey until further notice. Oh yeah, I was so going to take the drugs and lots of rest, even if I died of boredom in the process.

 I pulled my dark blue Kawasaki ninja over to the curb outside of my unit. I frowned at the dark haired, dark eyed female that was once again leaning against the fence opposite, I slide slowly off my bike, grimacing at the feel of my ribs aching in complaint before determinedly heading over towards her, and I was going to end this stalking business once and for all. 
The women didn’t even look concerned as I stomped over to her angrily, leaving my little plastic bag full of drugs swinging off my bike handle.
“Why the hell are you following me?” I demanded as I hit her hearing range.
As I got closer I noticed that she had dark brown almost black eyes that shimmered purple as she turned to face me with a decidedly bored look on her admittedly pretty face, the second thing I noted was her scent, it was floral of sort a mixture of lavender, jasmine and cypress. I started to feel my temper dim slightly, no matter how much I clung to it.
“Don’t start to feel too honoured now.” She purred in a dangerously sultry tone. “How do you know that it is in fact me that is apparently following you?” I frowned slightly, even to me that sounded like an awful argument.
“Because I’ve seen you trailing me,” I growled, clinging tightly to me anger despite the soothing smell.
“Is that so?” She asked. “Are you absolutely sure that it was actually me that you were seeing? I’m sure there is a lot of other dark haired and eyed female’s out there.” She replied, her tone lightly taunting me.
I frowned. “But you’re the only one I’ve ever seen with purple eyes.” I replied with an easy grin, knowing my argument was pretty firm, moved to grab my handcuffs off my belt. “And following VCOA hunters is against the law. Not to mention you might actually know something about the latest murders.”
The female shifted to rest a hand lightly on her hip, looking up at me with a look that made me shift my weight nervously. “So, that means I’m under arrest right?” She purred softly.
I nodded, grabbing her shoulder so I could shove her to her knees. Faster then I believed she could move she grabbed my wrist and shoved me to my knees by bending my wrist back. I couldn’t help but grit my teeth from the pain that was rushing up my arm.
“I could break your wrist for being a bastard.” She purred softly, before her eyes light up dangerously. “Or I could castrate you for touching your betters.”
Well damn, this psychopath, psychotic bitch was going to fucking kill me. That is, if I don’t kill her first, I thought as I sneaked my hand around to reach my blade sheathed in my boot to find it… Empty. Double fuck.
A look of annoyance flickered quickly over the females face before she grabbed the back of my head and face planted me to the ground, resting her hand on the back of my neck to keep in place, muttering softly against my ear.
“Just be glad that you’re important to those who are following you.” She growled softly. Keeping me pinned as I bucked and struggled under her weight. Effectively throwing myself off balance and onto my back as her restraints suddenly vanished.
Lying still on my back I watched the slowly rising sun until I was sure that the violent female had retreated for now. Slowly sitting up I winched as my ribs stabbing me painfully as if to remind me that they had taken enough abuse for one day.
Slowly climbing to my feet, I grabbed my ribs, wondering what the still nameless female had said about me being important to those who followed me. Was there another party in this ever-growing mystery? If so how the hell had I missed them? Or was she just trying to get me to jump at shadows?
With a sigh I rubbed my forehead as I grabbed the plastic bag off my bike and slowly limped towards my unit. “Fuck this shit.” I grumbled softly. “Trust me to get my ass kicked on my first day off.”
Opening my door I slinked painfully into my flat, moving to the bathroom to take the required pills, praying silently to God that one would help with the growing pain. Reaching my bathroom I took my shirt off to take a closer look at the number Sebastian and Cass did to me. My face was a mess of bruises that were tender to the touch, my chest hadn’t fared any better, and the bruises over my left ribs had already turned a nasty purple-ish green colour.
 Brushing my hair out of my eyes I swallowed the three appropriate pills with a glass of water and a grimace of distaste, Number one pet peeve in my life, swallowing pills large enough to choke a horse.
Trudging back into the lounge room I turned the TV on before grabbing a bottle of rum out of the fridge, sitting down carefully into the couch as I frowned, watching Mark himself get interviewed by an overzealous reporter on the latest murders.
Apparently someone had let slip that we had a well respected doctor held as a suspect, as I watched Mark calmly inform the reporter that he had an elite team constantly working on solving these new profound murderer that seemed to have an taste for both human and monster blood, he also mentioned that a member of a cult had stepped forward and mentioned that these murders might be related to their versions of ‘curing’ human’s of various monster virus’s such as lycanthropy.
I jumped slightly as my phone blared to life, grumbling softly to myself I slide it open and answered with a grumpy “hello?”
“Tor? It’s Mark,” Came the curt reply.
Oh shit, trust my boss to ring once I’ve hit the bottle for the night, taking another mouthful of my sweet poison, I mentally waved my two-day R & R goodbye.
“So, how can I help you Mark?” I asked, switching my TV onto mute.
“We’ve got Cass to talk, she said the cults have become more agitated of late and are quicker to act without evidence. Also they have all been joined under the one umbrella.”
I sighed, rubbing my forehead slowly, Great, just what we fucking needed a more organized and hostile group of cultist out to clean this world of monsters. “Did she happen to mention which cultist group was leading this reform?”
“No, she wasn’t high enough in the ranks for that sort of info.” Mark replied with a resigned sigh, before hesitating. “Tor, I need you to go and speak to Paul.”
“No.” I answered firmly. “I haven’t spoken to him for over two years now. What makes you think he’ll do me a favour now?” I asked, trying to swallow my looming anger.
“Well, he won’t speak to anyone but you, that’s on his own terms.” Mark replied, sounding both annoyed and tired. “I’m guessing he assumed you’d never agree to talk to him. So, this is now an order. You’re going to drag your ass off to speak to Paul about the cultist activities then you report back to me or you’re going to find yourself a desk jockey for the next 6 months. Understand?”
I frowned, running a hand slowly though my hair, blackmailing bastard. “Right you are boss.” I managed to say before he hung up on me. I glared at the phone angrily before sliding it shut and pocketing it. Great, just fucking great, to keep my job I had to go and speak to my dad. My job fucking sucked.

The next day found me parked outside a trailer park. Leaning forward on my bikes handlebars I tried to convince myself that this meeting wasn’t going to be as bad as I kept thinking, and that the sooner I get my ass off my bike the sooner I’ll get to crawl home and pass out.
So, fifteen minutes later I slowly and carefully slide off my bike, pulling a piece of paper out of my pocket that had my dad’s current address sprawled on it. Slowly walking down the small road that weaved between the various trailers, campervans and permanent housing I stopped in front of a small campervan.
Knocking on the door firmly I then took a deep breath and stepped back off the small stairs, running a hand slowly through my hair. Noting that I was making a nervous habit of it I shoved my hand into my jeans pockets. Fighting to keep my face pleasant as a tall man going to seed with short black hair that had silver weaved though it and a stubbly face. Looking at me curiously from eyes that matched mine with a grim smile.
“And so the prodigal son returns.” He replied gruffly before smiling and adding good- naturally. “About time you arrived, I thought you had attracted Alzheimer’s.” 
I had to fight to keep a look of utter surprise off my face, dad was rarely ever glad to see me. I’m kind of a massive let down, what being his only son and all. Still at least he took me away from the cult, unlike mum and my two older sisters who are still important high up members. But, well that’s another story…
“Good to see you too dad,” I replied, letting myself feel hopeful that he had gotten over the fact that I had decided to join the VCOA.
“So, come on in.” Dad said, moving aside to let me into his comfortably messy campervan. “So, what caused this visit?”
I licked my lips slowly, feeling slightly nervous. “Work actually.” I answered, not surprised to see my dad’s face darken.
“If you mean the VCOA then you can forget it. I might have left the cult, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to help you monster loving scum.”
Oh, for crying out loud. I thought angrily. “Dad, cults have started doing twisted experiments on humans and monsters alike. Now someone has come forward and claim that the cults have become more hostile and organized under one umbrella.” I told him heatedly. “All we want you to do is earn your pay and tell us who the head cult is. Do that and I’ll get out of your hair.”
My dad frowned, shaking his head slowly. “I don’t mean it like that Tobias.” He muttered, waving me to sit down on one of his small comfortable couches. “I don’t have much contact with the cultists anymore, but I’ll do what I can for you and your monster loving corporation.”  
Why did Mark want my dad to be the mole? Surely we had someone in the actual cult that could do the snooping. But, admittedly dad did have some pretty hefty weight in the cults. Why? Because he was once a true blue believer till that night…
“Think they will still talk to you?” I asked, leaning forward slightly to meet dad’s eyes with my own piercing pair.
“Of course they’ll talk to me.” He huffed indignantly. “As long as you VCOA scum keep away from where I’m working, you’ll a report in the week.”
A week was admittedly longer then I would’ve liked, but I knew better then to try and push the old man to move faster. It would do me no good if my mole was rushed and tripped over his feet. As much as dad and I didn’t get on, having him tortured to death or something by the cultists I’d never forgive myself.
“That should be good.” I said with a slight smile. “You know my number so…”
“What the hell happened to you Tobias?” He suddenly demanded, cutting off my sentence, his eyes carefully tracking my bruised and battered face.
I had to fight hard not to squirm and frown, I had been sitting in front of the fools face for the last thirty minutes, and he had only just noticed the fact that I had been beaten half to death. Then again at least he noticed, when I got my wolf tattoo done it had taken him almost four months to realise.
“Just from work,” I muttered, making a scene of getting ready to leave. “An overzealous vampire decided that he didn’t like how my face was arranged.”
Dad’s frowned deepened, but for once he kept his mouth shut. I picked up my shoulder bag and smiled slightly at him. “Thanks for doing this dad, I’d better get going and report to Mark before he chains me to a desk for the next couple of months.” I said, easing myself to my feet. Trying and failing to ignore the waves of pain that rushed down my back and legs. Nodding once again at Paul in goodbye I shuffled my way out of the campervan,
Eager to get home and put this horrid experience behind me while I sleep.

“What do you mean you can’t give me the all clear?” I growled angrily at the small squat male in front of me.
He looked up at me from under his bushy eyebrows, his hairy face and strong stature put me strongly in mind of a dwarf, probably a hybrid of some form as the VCOA tries not to hire anything with pure monster blood in them, and well, full blood dwarfs cannot do magic. “Though you’ve done everything requested, your body still shows signs of stress. If I let you back out on the streets there is a very good sign that you’ll injure yourself even worse.”
Just as I opened my mouth to give him my option of this crap the door slide open and Mark stuttered in with a confident look on his freshly shaven face.
“How’s my hunter?” He asked the squat witch doctor. I could tell from the look on his face that he was not going to enjoy the doctor’s reply.
“Afraid that he isn’t ready to re-enter the field just yet,” The witch replied, running his hands slowly down my bruised chest, pointing out the more discoloured parts. “He risks making his injuries even worse.”
Mark frowned, his eyebrows crinkling up in what I could now recognise as barely contained anger. “Well how long do you think he’s going to be bed bound?” He asked, his grey eyes hardened as the doctor suggested a week at the very least. “That’s really not good enough, Tor and Zac are the heads of this investigation and since Zac is still in training. I need Tor back on those streets tonight!”
I settled back on the medical bed, glad not to be Mark’s target for once, the doctor merely frowned at his boss’s outburst. How the hell he remained calm in the face of one of Mark’s moods was completely beyond me, lucky breeding I guess. That or all that magic fried his temper modules.
Running a hand through his blue/black hair he looked at me with a thoughtful shrug. Clearly the doctor knew a losing battle when he saw one.
“Even movement is going to cause pain; his entire chest took a severe beating from that vamp. His ribs have healed but the bruising surrounding his ribs is extremely bad.”
“Then give him a pain amulet.” Mark growled as the doctor frowned, I think he’d just realized that there was going to be no compromising. I was going to be hitting the streets tonight whether he liked it or not.
“Fine, Tor.” He said, turning his back on Mark as he pulled out a bunch of wooden amulets attached to simple twine. “These amulets last for three to four hours once activated you’re either going to have to get a witch on your team or arrange a time for me to make you new ones.”
I nodded, taking a one of the delicately carved wooden amulet into my hand after he had smeared his blood onto the smooth surface. As soon as it touched my flesh the pain eased. I closed my eyes as the relief washed over my body.
“… Zac will be waiting for you in the car park; I want a report as soon as you get back.” The large man said, snapping me out of my contentment at lack of pain before turning on his heel and hurriedly leaving.
Heh, have to hope that Zac knew what the hell we were doing then. Cause I clearly missed that. Placing the amulet around my neck and tucking it under my shirt so that it touched bare skin.  Nodding at the doc I left the room, and slowly walked towards the car park, feeling my muscles distantly aching from the constant movement, barely hidden by the amulet.

“God Tor, you look like hell.” Zac commented as I left the lobby and almost ran into him. “Are you sure you should be back on duty?”
I shook my head with a soft laugh. “Hell no, but Mark bullied the doctor so here I am.”
Zac frowned, his eyes crinkling at the corners slightly in worry. “Did Mark tell you what we’re supposed to be sticking our noses into?”
I shook my head, not really liking the tone he was using; obviously there had been a reason on why Mark had made a quick retreat from the medic.
“Well, remember victim two?” Zac asked.
“Sophia the necromancer,” I replied with a nod. “Have you guys found a lead on her or something?”
“Not exactly,” Zac grumbled, as he unlocked the door to the car we had been given for the day. “Joseph has managed to track down the cult she was a member of.” I stopped and looked at Zac in horror. Mark was sending an injured hunter and his intern to snoop around a death cult? What the hell was wrong with him?
“Holy shit,” I muttered softly, sliding into the passenger seat.
Zac nodded. “Holy shit indeed. You’re going to love where and how we’re supposed to apprehend them.” I looked over at him in a mixture of curiosity and horror. Once content that he had enough tension Zac continued. “Well, Joseph’s sources say that that the cult will be summoning their demon tonight, so most if not all of the cultists will be there tonight, our job is to round up as many as possible. Extra points for the head priest of course.” He muttered as he started the car engine.
I stared at Zac in silent horror for a second before slowly shaking my head. We were going on a fucking suicide mission.

The place where the cult of misfortune seemed to think was an awesome place to summon in an honest to God demon was a small national park that was located about 15min from the CBD and just up the road from a school that taught human kids by day and others at night.
Slipping slowly out of the car I silently walked down the concrete stairs that led down into the forest with Zac hot on my heels. Looking around slowly I realized that we were going to be pretty much screwed without some form of lighting, the rock strewn path was treacherous to walk on and the moon had yet to reach its brightest peak so the entire place was pitch black.
“This is stupid, if they weren’t going to give us back up at the very freaking least they could have given us night goggles.” He grumbled for the fifth time as we hobbled slowly down the path.
I laughed softly. “And what have to actually pay for them? What is wrong with you boy?”
Zac merely grumbled under his breath in reply, continuing to do so until the faint sound of chanting echoed off the trees.
“Heh, I think we’re getting close Tor.” Zac remarked sarcastically before pulling himself to a stop.
I rolled my eyes; also stopping to try and detect which direction the chanting was coming from before turning on my heel to face the North East. Picking up my pace to a steady jog, only slowing my pace as the chanting grew loud enough to easily understand, it sounded vaguely like old Latin, but I could’ve been wrong. A lot of death cultists twist languages so only their members can understand what the fuck they are talking about and/or summoning.
Getting down on our stomach we crawled closer to the edge of the forest that gave way to a sharp incline and large clearing. There were no torches or bonfire like there would be in a movie, but all members were cloaked in blood red cloaks with red masks that completely covered the top half of their faces, they were all on their knees, cowering slightly in the shadows as they chanted. The willing sacrifice for tonight was a young clean shaven male that couldn’t have hit puberty more then six months ago was lying on a stone alter as the head priest stood over him holding a ceremonial knife and like the rest of his cult had a half mask on, only his had a string of diamonds lining each of his eye holes preventing the demon from possessing him. Holding both of his hands up the priest remained like that until the entire assembly fell eerily quiet.
“We have gathered here on this night to bring forward Ornias, the demon of misfortune, as we have once a month for the past 100 years to hear her words of wisdom and offer her flesh and blood to prove that we are still her earth bound warriors!” The priest cried as the cultists shouted in agreement. Strange though, I’m positive that I’d heard a speech like that one before.
“Come my brothers and sisters; raise your voices in praise as we call forth our ever powerful mistress!” The priest finished as he looked over the assembly with a hearty look on his face as they again raised their voices in a chant.
After a few moments of them chanting a dark mist started growing in the centre of the clearing, outlining a tall muscular male and what appeared to be a hellhound next to him. As the chanting grew louder and both male and canine were pulled more firmly into our Para, or plane of existence, he gained form and substance you got a better look at the tall male with blood red hair, molten gold eyes, he had a swirling tattoo that started under his right eye that took up his entire cheek while ending at his chin. The brute next to him was pure black and appeared to be more muscular then his master, he had flames that ran down the back of his neck and the tip of his tail. His molten gold eyes were identical to his masters.
“Holy crap,” I murmured under my breath. “He’s a Roalver.”
 “What?” Zac asked, glancing over to me.
“Personal servant of a demon, they have more powers and will then Reavers.” I replied, slowly easing myself forward for a better look.
“Who summoned my mistress?” The male asked in a loud voice that had a hint of a growl.
“Faolon,” The priest said in obvious dislike.
Faolon’s eyes narrowed as his brutish companion tilted its head back, obviously sniffing the air carefully, both Zac and I slowly eased back slightly in hopes that it wouldn’t pick up our scent.
“Cleric, you called two moons early. My mistress is too busy to just randomly pop up whenever you get the whim, you’ve already been warned before about calling early.” The Roalver said in a tone that promised pain, with an annoyed huff he turned to look at the hellhound next to him for a silent minute or two before grumbling something under his breath and facing the priest. “You have two males that reek of gun powder hiding in the bushes behind us. You might want to apprehend them before we take this any further.”
“Fuck!” Zac swore as we both scrambled to our feet, turning to flee into the surrounding scrub.

The demon servant shouted something in Latin behind us, causing my ankles to snap together as if fastened by tape. Sliding face first along the leaf-shewn ground the last thing I saw before darkness took completely over was Zac hurried form vanishing into the night.

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