Friday 26 January 2018

Blue moon: Chapter four (part two)

Righto, so when we last left this rascally band of idiots. Jason, Cherry and Zane were moving/snarking about the luggage, Nate was laying on top of a coffin bitching at Anita that she never got around to watching his pornos...

Well, this should be an interesting half chapter... Letsa go!

Nate seems legit shocked that Anita never watched any of his porno vids (why is that something you'd gift to your supposed leader anyways? That's just... Weird)

Anita then notices that Nate has his hair held back with a silver clasp and asks him about it as silver apparently burns Lyans' in this universe.
Nate shrugs and says that it does burn, Anita snarks that pain makes the world go round or some shit before pointing out that even though Nate is only 19 he seems older as he's seen some shit y'all.

Jamil is asked if they have a car, turns out he brought a van and gets all huffy when asked to help load up, pointing out that once Richard has found a new Lupa he won't be forced to take Anita's shit anymore.

Uh... Why is Anita still Lupa of this pack? What? Richard can't fire her ass until he gets a new one? That's a stupid rule, from what I remember Lupa's aren't exactly an important aspect of the pack (Think first lady as females apparently aren't allowed to become alpha in this world)

Anita points out that until she is replaced he has to take her shit, and that this isn't shit. He'll know when she's giving him shit. Jamil just laughs then goes to help move the luggage.

Nate asks what they want him to do as everyone else moves towards the van with their shit. Anita tells him to put his shirt back on and stay with the coffins. Nate points out that he's had people pay good money for him to get semi naked. Anita snarks that she's not one of them, and holy hell Nate is just a younger more anime type Phillip from the first book!

Wow, so it turns out that even though Nate is working full time as a stripper, Anita is still paying for his apartment so he won't turn tricks to make ends meet. Bitching that he must be bad with money because the others seem to make it fine.

Well.. He's not going to learn if you keep coddling him Anita, I know it's been mentioned that Nate has had a shit life so far, but you can't hold his damn hand forever.

The van was large, black, and looked sinister. The sort of thing serial killers drive in made-for-TV movies. Serial killers did drive vans in real life, but they tended to be pale colours with rust spots.

Hahahaha, what? That's just... Wow... Just fucking wow... Way to stereotype there LKH, so much for your realism in your books huh? If this was true finding serial killers would be as simple as looking out for pale rusted out vans! Why do the police struggle so?!

Blah blah, talk about who sits where in the van and some landscape description before Jamil asks if she prefers to be dropped off at the cabins or police station first.
Anita asks about the cabins feeling relieved that they're not 'rustic' you know, they have power, indoor plumping and the like though apparently the interior isn't all that great, she also states that she'd prefer to go straight to the cop shop.

We then get a random tangent about how Cherry isn't wearing her seatbelt and how Anita's mum would still be alive if she'd worn hers. Then she tells Cherry that they're acting human on this trip so being flung through a windshield and shrugging it off would blow their cover... Seems like that's something they should have been briefed about either back in St. Louis or on the plane, or is Anita literally making this all up as she goes along??

Cherry bitches that she should have been informed of this as she would have dressed differently to blend in, Anita apologises and states that she only just thought of it. So she IS just making this up as they go along... Professionalism!!

Jamil asks if she wants them to wait outside the station for her, she says no as they stand out to much, Jamil then asks how she's going to get back to the cabins as this town doesn't have taxis' or something? Whatever, they end up agreeing to go to the cabins first before Anita goes to the station with the van and Jason.

Anita then asks why everyone is being all cautious about her not being alone... Uh, isn't that something we've already covered? Didn't they point out that if something happens to her they will most likely be killed? 

Anita bullies Cherry into admitting exactly that, Anita states that she doesn't understand so the others literally have to spell it out for her because she's a smart heroine!

We then get a FASCINATING conversation about how Jamil can't be a bodyguard to two people, then they have to explain to the others WHY he can't guard to people and holy hell literally nobody cares!

We then learn that the leopards have her as a leader because she can protect them (somehow) and not the other way around, Anita agrees thinking that she picked them not for security but because they'll let the vamps comp on their delicious, tasty blood.

Anita then makes like a five year old and chucks a stampy because she didn't agree to this damnit! 
Jamil gets all up in Anita's grill rightfully telling her that she'll get them all killed as even though she's the toughest person he's ever had the glory of looking at, she's merely human and literally everyone out to kill her isn't.

Jamil basically tells her to swallow her pride and let them guard her (fucking hell Anita, let these people guard you! It's not just your life you have to be worried about here!) She declines and they have a scuffle.  
Long story short Anita wins because she cheats and pulls a gun (after slicing his arm with a knife because most wolf fights end when first blood is drawn) 

Blah blah, they bicker back and forth about how she tots could have killed Jamil instead of bleeding and holding a gun on him. Jamil rightfully points out that if he was actually willing to kill her she'd be dead and that she's still only human and weak as fuck next to the supernatural in this world.

Anita then starts thinking about how Jamil is a good person at Richards back and she'd hate to kill him, but killing doesn't bother her as much as it used to. (That's worded like it's a good thing, personally I'd take it as a sign of a very, very bad thing. But whatever right?)

Jamil relaxes and states that she really would kill him, Anita agrees that she would. Jamil then stands and accepts that Anita is his lupa and outranks him, she's naturally fairly pissed that this was all part of some form of pissing contest.

Zane points out that without her weapons Anita wouldn't have stood a chance, she gets all pissed off and asks if that was a threat (holy fuckballs women, take that stick out of your ass) Zane raises his hands and says it was merely an observation.

Before Anita can start beating down on her allies for pointing out a legit problem, a stranger ambles over asking if there's a problem. He comes to a halt and raises his hands as Anita points her gun at him... Uh... Don't you guys have laws regarding people waving a weapon around? How does she still hold her licence?!

Whatever, this is Verne, he's the owner of the cabins and the local Ulfric (Alpha) Verne, Anita and Jamil have a small conversation that really isn't interesting at all, then we're graced with this.

Verne laughed. He had one of those deep, rolling chuckles that matched his gravelly voice. "No wonder Richard's been having such a hard time finding a replacement for you. You are a solid, cast-iron, ball-busting bitch."

Anita thinks that she's going to take it as a compliment, and that she's not here to make friends but to save Richard and stay alive. Bitch for some reason strikes her as the best attitude to have to accomplish this.

Whatever, chapter's over thank fuck!

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