Sunday 31 August 2014

Guilty Pleasures: Chapter 35

I was back at the church at 8:45 that night. The sky was a rich purple. Pink clouds were stretched across it like cotton candy pulled apart by eager kids and left to melt. True dark was only minutes away. Ghouls would already be out and about. But the vampires had a few heartbeats of waiting left.

Jesus, how late does the bloody sunset over there? Even in summer the sun is well gone by 7:30... Also, what the fuck is with the bad metaphors in this book?!
And this is the opening sentence for this chapter.... Oi...

Anita stands around admiring the sunset, somehow noting while doing this that the stairs are once again clean of blood, why would she think the vampires would leave blood lying around their premises? Not only would it seriously screw up their 'main-streaming' image, any new vamp that smells that would freak the living ever fuck out.
Queue a loving description of an arsenal she'll never use, hell, she even admits everything she is currently carrying wouldn't affect a vampire as old or powerful as Malcolm. Who in light of all the recent deaths has risen to be the third most powerful vamp in Anita-land.

Apparently she's outlined a letter with her suspicions regarding the church's involvement and everyone else she thinks is implicated in the murder plot in a safety deposit box. Should anything go wrong it'll be dropped off to Dolph monday morning unless she calls up to stop it.
Suddenly, people! Were these people came from isn't mentioned by they are apparently human church members, Anita zips her jacket up a bit thinking that she doesn't want to disturb the sermon by flashing her gun.
Anyways, she gets to the door of the church and the girl at the door welcoming everyone while handing them pamphlets smiles at Anita and asks if this is her first time, when she mentions that she has an appointment with Malcolm we get this..

Her smile didn't change. If anything it deepened, flashing a dimple to one side of her lipsticked mouth. Somehow, I didn't think she knew I had killed someone today. People don't generally smile at me when they know things like that.

What the hell does any of this have to do with the current scene?? Also, shouldn't the entire church be a crime scene right now? Someone did kinda you know... Get shot, right there... Where they are standing, right now... How is Anita not at the police station answering questions?? Did they really just let her... Oh forget it, Anita got away with murder, brilliant.

She came back, to me, hands smoothing alone the burgundy dress she wore. "If you'll follow me?"
She made it a question. What would she do if I said no? Probably look puzzled.

The number of issues I can see with that sentence alone, I should make a drinking game... For every pointless 'she/he/they made it a question' one shot, for every unnecessary comma, two shots. For every time her jokes make you want to shoot yourself, chug the bottle.
I'd be dead within three pages....

I glanced at a couple dressed in postmodern punk. Or whatever the phrase is common now. The girl's hair looked like Frankenstein's bride done in green and pink. A second glance and I wasn't sure; maybe the pink and green was a guy. If so, his girlfriend's hair was a buzz cut so close to her head, it looked like stubble.

Oh Anita, never change your judgmental ways.

So after all this bullshit, they finally enter the church and Anita starts off on a triad about how the only time she see's her church this full was Easter and Christmas and that maybe the murderer wasn't the real danger, but these innocent people trying to find there way is the real danger.
The women dumps Anita in the office to await Mal's awakening, Bruce, the guy Anita and Ronnie were tormenting in the last chapter is apparently a horrible receptionist since he leaves his bosses day planner just sitting around on his desk.
Anita naturally snoops through it, somehow when she spots an appointment for a 'Ned' that doesn't have any reasoning for the appointment penciled in next to it, she instantly assumes that it's a clue of some sort or another, leading me to once again wonder the vampires were so determined to get this moron to investigate the current murders.
Right, so it turns out that she thinks 'Ned' is actually Edward, and this meeting went down two days before the first death... This is all circumstantial, and since she obtained this illegally I'm not exactly sure what she plans to do with this new-found information.

Anita is idly leafing through a magazine when Malcolm waltzes into the room, we get the usual long and flowery description while boils down to him being tall, thin and blond. Give him another 900 or so years and he'll probably be powerful enough to rival Nicky.
She also notes that the last time she saw Mal he was painfully beautiful, only now he looks more normal. Making Anita wonder if JC has given her the power to see vampires true forms.
*sigh* If she starts clicking these clues together any faster I'd be worried that she'll replace Holmes as the greatest and most arrogant detective in history.

Mal asks why she's here, Anita straight up accuses him and his church being involved in the murders. Thinking that if she could prove that Mal did indeed meet with Edward then she'd have her murderers...

Anita goes on stating that some of his followers had raided the freak party and probably hurt people, Mal to his credit doesn't deny it, admitting that there is a small group of followers who keep persisting in violence, stating that while these sort of parties are wrong he'd prefer to stop them through legal channels.
Anita points out that he is a master vampire, his followers should be powerless to disobey him, when Mal claims that he doesn't police them in that fashion since he allows them to have their own minds. Anita doubts this since she can feel his power flowing over her arms or some crap, before asking him about the meeting he had two days before the first murder.
Mal moves the topic off him by asking why she's looking him in the eye since she's never trusted his word that he won't be-spell her before. He then mentions that she has been given the first mark and asks who has touched her in such a fashion. During all of this Anita draws her gun on 'pure instinct' and aims it calmly at his chest.
Anita says that it's a long story and he doesn't push for info. So Anita accuses him of hiring an assassin to murder the vampires, which he naturally denies,
She then asks if him or his church is connected in any way or form to the murders, admitting to herself that it isn't surprising that he's laughing at her since no one in their right mind would admit to something like that.

When Anita makes a statement out of him hiring an assassin, Mal asks her to leave, Anita points out that someone tried to kill her today. Mal responds that this fact is hardly his fault. Anita snarls that the assassin had fresh vampire bites on his neck... How this means Mal did it is never actually explained beside the fact that he's a vampire. Anita goes on to say the he was waiting for her one the church steps and that she was forced to kill him, not wanting to involve Ronnie anymore or some crap.
Mal states that he is aware and will be looking into the situation, Anita lowers the gun since she realizes how stupid she must look since Mal doesn't appear to be at all bothered by her pointing a gun at him.
She then goes on that he shouldn't be too hard on Bruce since he doesn't do well around violence, when Mal straightens his tie she smugly thinks to herself that she's managed to hit a nerve.

Mal asks her to leave, Anita leaves claiming that while she's leaving now, that doesn't mean she's going away.
He asks her if she knows what it means to be marked by a vampire, which she admits she doesn't, Mal gives her a cold smile informing her that if it ever becomes to much the church will be here to assist her, before closing his door in her face.

Anita hurries to her car, fully convinced that Edward is the killer. As she pulls away from the church she debates if she could hand him over to Nicky or not.

This entire chapter was a massive waste of time, we didn't learn anything new about the church besides being introduced to the leader. The entire thing is clearing a red-herring because nothing came of it besides the name of a guy we know can't be involved because Zac pretty much as a neon sign flashing that he's the culprit!

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