Tuesday 9 September 2014

Twilight: Chapter two (part one)

Bella wakes up and thinks that the day is better and worse. It's better because it's not raining yet, it's also easier because she knows what to expect from the day. Queue the boys starting to fight over Bella's hotness.
Mike sits next to her in class and walks her to the next one while Eric glares at him. Bella thinks that this is all quite flattering since apparently everyone knew her well enough in Phoenix to not want to touch her brand of crazy.
She then starts on the worse, like the fact that she's tired because she couldn't sleep the night before, the fact that a teacher called on her for an answer when her hand wasn't raised and she got the answer wrong, she had to once again play volleyball and because Edward wasn't there.

You know, huge world changing problems that every person in the world dreads having to face and pray every night before going to bed that the next day doesn't contain even one of these massive issues!

All morning I was dreading lunch, fearing his bizarre glares. Part of me wanted to confront him and demand to know what his problem was. While I was lying sleepless in bed, I even imagined what I would say. But I knew myself too well to think I would really have the guts to do it. I made the Cowardly Lion look  like the terminator.

We've all had these sorts of fantasies, trust me Bella you're nothing special regarding this situation. As for the whole cowardly lion thing (besides the random capitals) it doesn't make her look modest or low in confidence. That sort of pose just reminds me of how big a drama llama she is.

So Bella walks into the cafeteria, trying and failing not to scan for Edward. Noting that while his siblings are creepily hanging out with themselves he isn't with them.
Instead of being happy that the person she was dreading to see isn't there that day, she sits and obsesses about it. Getting tenser and tenser as time goes on.

If I were her that would be the complete opposite, if he was there I'd get tenser every minute expecting him to come over and glare at me in his silent creepy way. If he wasn't there I'd be far more relaxed... Unless I got into my head that he was hiding somewhere so he could glare at me in peace without anyone interfering.

So she goes to the lab and relaxes when she notices that Edward isn't there either, she takes her seat and Mike lingers, happily chatting about an upcoming trip to the beach.

Then he smiled at me wistfully and went to sit by a girl with braces and a bad perm. It looked like I was going to have to do something about Mike, and it wouldn't be easy. In a town like this, where everyone lived on top of everyone else, diplomacy was essential. I had never been enormously tactful; I had no practice dealing with overly friendly boys.

Right, so we all know that she's not interested in Mike because EdTard is her one and true love. But if you're reading through this book for the first time this is pretty glaring. I mean, she's given no indication why she doesn't want to even entertain the thought of dating Mike and the above sentence just makes her sound like she's too good to date anyone from this town.
Saying that it's true doesn't make it so!

Bella then gets all paranoid that she's the reason that he's not there today, while us readers know this is true why Bella should be thinking it is not explained. Hell she's met him once and is utterly convinced that by sitting next to him she's managed to chase him out of town...

Oh and she refers to Mike as her retriever friend, nice job enforcing why I dislike you with the heat of a thousand suns Bella!
Well no, that's a lie. Bella isn't interesting enough for that sort of hate, Joffery from Game of Thrones is someone that everyone can relate to hating, Hell, they could probably create world peace from this! Who cares what God you believe in, we're both the same because we hate this little turd of a king in a fictional land, lets make it our goal to ensure we never get a leader like that in reality!

Where was I again? Right, Bella and her massive issues...

It turns out that Charlie can't cook anything besides bacon and eggs, making me wonder how he managed to survive since I doubt he has a fast food joint a short drive away, regardless Bella has taken over food duties, raided a money jar labeled 'food money' (seriously, does anyone actually do this??) and is going shopping after school because she's a mature adult like that.

As she drives out of the school parking lot she passes the Cullens who all drive Volvo's as... Rich people do I guess? I dunno, but Volvo has never been what I'd call rich people cars.... But what do I know? I can barely afford to keep my extremely masculine Suzuki Swift on the road.
Randomly she also notices that they wear designer clothes, thinking that she never noted this before because she was too memorized by their faces..

Anyways, she has a ramble about how it seems unfair that not only are they insanely rich but unrealistically beautiful, she also figures that they chose to isolate themselves on purpose because there isn't any doors that their beauty wouldn't open,

Clearly Bella is shallow as all hell, since I'm guessing that she's never heard of personality and that they are isolated because nobody wants to deal with their elitist attitude or something.

Bella then goes shopping, luckily she brushes over this so we don't have to hear every detail about it, I'm guessing the only reason we didn't hear about it is because it didn't involve Edward or her angst involving Edward.

We now get one and a half pages of Bella and her mum emailing back and forth, it's all pretty boring and I'm not going to go into it.

Bella then starts reading  Wuthering heights, they are covering it in English but of course Bella has already read it multiple times and knows the entire thing backwards.
She's clearly so over the book that she looses time while reading it and has to rush to get dinner started as her dad comes home.

He hung up his gun belt and stepped out of his boots as I bustled about the kitchen. As far as I was aware, he'd never shot the gun on the job. But he kept it ready. When I came here as a child, he would always remove the bullets as soon as he walked into the door. I guess he considered me old enough now not to shoot myself by accident, and not depressed enough to shoot myself on purpose.

No, I wouldn't be that lucky...

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