Friday 29 August 2014

Twilight: Preface

Some back story! So I have read this entire series before. A) Because it was because this was before Twilight become famous and hated by pretty much everyone. B) My girlfriend at the time bet me $100 that I couldn't finish the entire series and C) I'm a firm believer in that you can't hate something without trying it.
If I hate it that much, why am I doing this flog? Because I'm stupid and allowed you lot to do a vote and Twilight won... Naturally.

Also to those who read my first attempt at doing this my apologies it was awful and I shouldn't have ever published that mess of a flog. This one will be better, honest.

So the preface, as I said in my original everyone who is anyone regardless of how much you've tried to avoid Twilight has seen/heard this in some form or another and I'll be willing to put money behind that statement. Now onto the flog!

It starts off with Bella stating that she had never put much thought into dying, this is actually an astoundingly good way to start this novel off because even though you know horrors like those rarely witnessed is just a few pages away it's interesting and engaging... As long as you can over look the overly dramatic flowery pose of it all.

Surely it was a good way to die, in a place of someone else I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something.

Would anyone actually think about this while certain death is sauntering towards you? I doubt I would, even if I was doing it for a 'noble' cause, I imagine myself silently begging to all kinds of gods that if I get out of this alive my soul would be theirs do to with as they please.
But then again I'm not sexually attracted to sparkling statue like vampires, so it could just be a taste thing.

She goes on to think that if she had never gone to Forks she wouldn't be in this situation now, but when life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end.

Ok, so if I manage to get my dream job, win a million bucks and the love of my life I'm suppose to be happy when all of that goes up in a massive flame of regret and horror?  Yeah, no... Sorry Bella, expect me to rant, rave and generally be pissed off when my life goes to shit.
Sorry I'm not as bloody prefect as you, urgh.

And this entire thing ends with a hunter smiling at her in a friendly way as he saunters closer, selfishly trying to save the world from the next three books that follow.

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