Friday 17 October 2014

Guilty Pleasures chapter 44

They drive in silence for a moment, before Edward disturbs the silence with probably one of the most pointless comments ever.

"I don't think we should go back to your apartment."

Anita agrees with him, so he offers to take her back to his hotel room unless she has somewhere better to go. As she debates this fact her beeper goes off, only it's on silence allowing her to bitch that she hates having it one this mode as it scares her everytime it goes off. Edward demands to know what's wrong since she just jumped.
Anita explains that since the beeper is on silence that there is no noise, only a vibration. I'm... Going to assume that this was all pretty new technology at this stage, otherwise I'm going to throw something at all this scenery chewing.

Edward orders her not to call work, since you know they've already been led into one trap through the guise of her job so I can actually understand his problem here.
Anita on the other hand doesn't agree with me as she tells him to sit down and shut up, her car her way.

I heard his breath ease out, but what could he say? I was driving. Short of drawing his gun and hijacking me, he was going along with the ride.

Anita takes the next exit, stopping to use a payphone (nostalgia hit!) she bitches because Edward doesn't get out of the car with her, thinking that she has her own gun and is big enough to protect herself so if he wants to sit in the car and pout then fuck him.
She calls work and Craig the night secretary (does this business ever close? I can't imagine too many people organizing a raising for their loved one past 5pm... Especially back when this book was published and 24 hour business was unheard of)
Either way Irving our friendly neighborhood wolf journalist called and left a message stating that if Anita doesn't call him back ASAP the meeting is off.
He must have rat friends in pretty high places after all, convenient that.

Insert short bitch about how over it all Anita feels, before she calls Irving who instantly bitches her out since she called him back so late and that she's almost about to miss the meeting, Anita shuts him down by stating that if he keeps bitching her out she'll miss the meeting regardless.
Irving picks up that she isn't sounding so hot, cue back and forth about how she isn't good and that if she needs to he could try and postphone the meeting but no promises. She states that she'll make it, Irving then bitches that he won't be there because one of the conditions of the meeting is that there is no journalists or police, which makes me wonder what sort of bloody meeting the rat king is expecting here.
Don't get me wrong, being this paranoid when you're leading a small minority group is a good thing, and if I was him I wouldn't exactly trust Anita either.

I had to smile. Poor Irving; he was getting left out of everything. He hadn't been attacked by ghouls and almost blown up though. Maybe I should save my pity for myself.

Considering that you've yet to feel pity for anyone but yourself I wouldn't keep talking if I were you Anita..
Which brings me to a completely random thought I've just had, so Zack is the evil guy in this book right? Why didn't Anita point out that she no longer works for Nicky after the whole murder/forced slavery attempt thing? Sure he killed a few vamps so he could keep breathing but she clearly doesn't have any issues with killing vamps herself and considering that he can control ghouls he seems like a pretty good ally in taking Nicky out. If he proves to be as useless as he has kinda appeared in this book you can always kill him afterwards and claim the he was simply a causality..      

Hanging up on Irving, she then calls Dolph (the large wrestling built copper we met earlier in the book then promptly forgot because he hasn't been in the book since) He answers on the sixth ring and naturally sounds sleepy, when Anita points out that she knows who the murderer is he becomes more alert demanding details off her.

I told him. He took notes and asked questions. The biggest question came at the end. "Can you prove any of this?"
"I can prive he wears a gris-gris. I can testify that he confessed to me. He tried to kill me; that I witnessed personally."
"It;s going to be tough to sell to a judge."


Anita then claims that they almost have a solid case against him... HOW? It's your word vs his word right now! He's wearing a gris-gris cool. I'm pretty sure that they are used for other things besides bringing people back from the dead so unless you dig up an expert you've literally got nothing. UNLESS YOU PROVE THAT HE IS FUCKING DEAD!

Getting back into her car she informs Edward that she has a meeting with the were-rats in 45 minutes, he's naturally a tad annoyed at all these side plot points that are appearing this late in the book and demands to know why this is so important.
Anita explains that the rats should be able to get them into Nicky's lair without going through the front door which if they did would more then likely result in them being extremely dead.
Edward then asks who else she called, making her think that he was paying more attention then she thought he was.
Anita? Honey? He's a mercenary that hunts and kills supernatural beings, you do not become good in that profession by being a fucking idiot.
Edward asks why she involved the police, she claims that if she gets killed in the process of doing whatever the fuck they are currently doing she wants someone else to finish what she started. Apparently not having an answer to what I have to admit is a good argument, he demands to know more about Nicky, Insert a rough brushing over what we already know about her without adding anything new to her personality.

Seriously, Nicky's defining personality in this book to to be young, over a thousand years old and sadistic, Now, I'm not a huge fan of the Sookie Stackhouse series, but at least her vampires had decent backgrounds, even if they were secondary characters you still had a basic idea of what makes them tick.
Nicky? Nada, she's a creepy little girl trope with fangs, fuck giving her any other sort of defining feature.

There aren't that many places open at one-thirty A.M., but Denny's is. There was something wrong with meeting wererats in Denny's over coffee and donuts. Shouldn't we be meeting in some dark alley? I wasn't complaining, mind you. It just struck me as . . .  Funny.

Why would it strike you as funny? Unless they are furry you can't tell a were from a human so no one will know you're meeting with a wererat unless you string up some banners and balloons with massive arrows pointing to said wererat stating that he is in fact a rat.
Of course, considering that were's are in this world no one should really give a flying fuck...,

Edward takes point, entering the restaurant to ensure that this wasn't another trap. If he took a table that indicates that it's safe for Anita to enter, if he doesn't then she pulls her gun and goes out of this world in blazing glory!
Unfortunately for the literary world Edward takes a seat.

Anita enters the restaurant, bitches that the place is too artificial, bright and the waitress has dark circles under her eyes that she tries to hide under her base.
A male waves her over to his table like an arsehole waves to a waitress or anyone he deems beneath him. I get that he's a ratking, but somehow I seriously doubt that he would you know, get this sort of fucking royal treatment, or at least I hope not since we're no longer in the 1700's.

There are a few couples idly spread out in the restaurant, Anita thinks that she would bet good money that they are wererats, Edward sits close enough to be helpful if shit hits the fan but far enough away not to arouse the suspicions of the weres.
For some reason Anita describes one of the random rats nearby before reaching the ratking who happens to be Mexican, again I've read somewhere that this is racist, but my jury is out at the moment since rats are looked at as a pest any nationality would get insulted as having someone from their country being king of a rat clan, if she keeps the stereotypes out of it I don't think I could get offended by this. But then again I don't have the animosity of the whole American/Mexican thing happening so what I say here would mean diddlysquat even if I was offended.

Anita slips into the booth, cutting straight to the chase the king demands to know what she wants from him. She doesn't ask for much, only that the rats show her and one other male how to get into the freaking vampire lair, you know... Stuff you'd feel comfortable asking a stranger of.
Insert the usual back and forth of negotiations regarding about how can he possibly trust her and that Nicky does hold sway over the rats regardless if they like it or not. Normally I'd go into more detail of this but I haven't slept for more then 3 hours the past three nights and honestly beyond giving any fucks at this moment, plus it's SO BORING!

Either way they strike a deal, the king asks if she'd like to head in after a few days. Anita shoots this apart by claiming that she wants to go in tomorrow night.
The king seems surprised by this as he claims that she's hurt and thought she'd want to heal up a bit before risking pissing off every single vampire in the city.
Anita is SHOCKED that he knew she was injured, demanding to know how he knew this.

"You smell like has brushed you close tonight."

I stared at him. Irving never does this to me, the supernatural powers bit. I'm not saying he can't, but he works hard at being human. This man did not.

If I was asked to lead someone into enemy territory, doing so meant putting my people at risk and knowing that the person who is suppose to save us all is injured I wouldn't fuck around either.
The king tells her to stay by her phone since someone will contact her with the time and place. Anita thinking that there is nothing else to say (how about a fucking thank you?!) gets to her feet and leaves.
Ten minutes later Edward joins her in her car, he asks her what now. She replies that they'll head back to his hotel room and get some sleep before heading out and ruining Nicky's night.

He grinned at me. "I love my work." he said.
I had to smile. Truth was, I loved my work, too.

Do you think LKH realized how psychotic and murderous she just made her heroine with those words??

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