Thursday 16 October 2014

Twilight: Chapter two part three

Twilight is back!!!!

Also I lied about this being the blood scene, I have no idea what I was thinking with the last review, probably too drunk/over the chapter to actually realize where I was in the book.

Right, so Bella enters the classroom and is relieved that her desk is still empty. The teacher is walking around the room setting a microscope and a box of slides on each table.
Since she got there early, she sits at her table. Idly doodling on her book cover, carefully not looking at the door as the room fills with the usual buzz of excitement that happens when students realize that they aren't expected to stare blankly at a book/board for the entire class.

Bella is fully aware when the chair next to her moves, indicating that her lab buddy has finally decided to show up to class, not looking up from her doodle she is shocked when he actually says hello to her. Not that I blame her here... For once.

I looked up, stunned that he was speaking to me. His was sitting as far away from me as the desk allowed, but his chair was angled towards me.

She goes on to state that even though his hair is wet and disheveled he still looked a model that escaped from  a photo shoot. As she drools uncontrollable over the desk, Edward introduced himself stating that they didn't get the chance to last week.
Probably due to the fact that he spent the entire freaking class trying to glare her to death, but what do I know? I've clearly never experienced this sort of awesome love.

Bella feeling confused by the fact that he's being friendly this week finds herself speechless and unable to think of a good way to add to the conversation, instead asking how he knew her name. He laughs in a creepy stalkerish way (spoilers) claiming that everyone in town is talking about her. Bloody hell, clearly no one has problems of their own in this town, I'd have thought that by now they'd have a scandal that would be far more interesting then a new person.

OH! It turns out that she was more confused by the fact that he knew to call her Bella, not Isabella. Even though we've only had one other person call her this in the entire book from what I remember and that was Eric (our geek for this book) whom she quickly corrected.
Edward naturally confused by this asks if she prefers Isabella, Bella says no, stuttering that she's convinced Charlie calls her Isabella behind her back hence why everyone calls her this.

I dunno, I'd simply call that respect. Even us Aussie's who have a bad habit of shortening every single word in our vocabulary will call you by your complete name until we know which shortened version you will answer to. 

Apparently both Bella and Edward are awkward with this entire conversation but thankfully the teacher starts the class.
Basically the point of this class is to put the slides in the correct order, they have twenty minutes to do this without using their books, the teacher will be coming around to see how they are going.

The next couple of paraphrase is a montage of Bella and Edward discussing the order they should be going in, Bella allowing Edward to write the answers down because his handwriting is so awesome, showing off how smart they are since they both agree on the order it should be done in (spoilers, it's all correct) and that every touch that they accidental make is like a shock of electricity to Bella.  

We were finished before anyone else was close. Mike and his partner comparing two slides again and again, and another group had their book open under a table.

Apparently this leaves Bella with nothing to do but try not to stare at Edward, failing that she asks if he's gotten contacts since his eyes have changed colour. A fact that Edward denies and we sink into yet another awkward silence.
Basically his eyes have changed from a dark black colour to a more honey golden colour, You know, basically making him a Gary Stu (think Mary Sue but with a penis)

Noting that two of his students are just sitting there trying not to make googly eyes at each other, the teacher wonders around to see how they are progressing. 
Noting that all the answers are done in Edwards handwriting he asks if Edward had even given Bella a chance at answering the questions.
Edward corrects that Bella had correctly identified three out of the five answers, the teacher then turns to Bella asking if she's already covered this subject, which she has only with whitefish blastula, he also correctly guesses the she was in the advantaged placement program back in Phoenix.

You know, at least Anita Blake started off as trying to be a overwhelmed person. Bella just starts off as a massive Mary Sue!

The teacher seems to agree with me as he grumbles that it's a good thing that they are both lab partners then before ambling off to deal with the less fortunate people in his class. Allowing Bella to resume doodling on her notebook.
Clearly attempting to engage his partner in basic conversation Edward comments that it's too bad that it has stopped snowing.
This makes Bella all paranoid as she thinks that it's almost like he overheard her conversation with Jessica over lunch and is determined to prove her wrong.

...WHERE THE FUCK DID THIS COME FROM?! Seriously, Bella needs to see a doctor about her paranoia at this point, it's clearly reaching dangerous levels!

Insert a boring conversation about how Bella doesn't like the wet or cold, Edward comments that this must be a hard place to live in then. When she replies that he has no idea this seems to fascinate him for some sort of unstated reason.
They then talk about WHY Bella came here, apparently her is actually remarried to Phil who plays baseball for a living but apparently doesn't do it well as he's strictly minor league and travels around a lot... When I think Minor league I think being stuck playing for one town or city, traveling would indicate that he does a lot of matches outside of his home state.

Then again, I watch cricket and even the Aussie based teams vs other states so it might be the same in America? Do you guys even have an international baseball team or is it all interstate?
(I'm actually curious and google doesn't explain it well, any American followers out there willing to answer this I would be much obliged)

ANYWAYS, Edward then asks Bella if her mum sent her here so she could travel with her new husband, a question that Bella takes offence to as she raises her chin, stating that her mum sent her nowhere, she sent herself! Thank you very much!

Edward frowns, admitting that he doesn't understand... For some reason, I'm not sure what's so confusing about her answer.............

Bella responds that her mum stayed with her for awhile but it made her depressed so Bella decided to exile herself to this horrid place.
Why didn't she just move out? I'm guessing that she's around 17 years old? Doesn't that give her the right to find a place of her own and get government benefits/a job?

Basically this all comes down to how hard done by life Bella is which makes me want to chew on some furniture because bitch having your parents break up and having to move a small town isn't the end of the fucking world. Hate to break it to you there.
Hell, look at my parents, staying together actually made my life worse, so be glad that you can enjoy the benefit of having two loving parents and STOP FUCKING BITCHING!

-Cough- Got a tad personal there, but lets move on!

Blah Blah Blah, Edward finds her hard to read since he can usually read people so easily, before this topic can continue the teacher calls the classes attention back to him. Bella finds herself thinking about how strange Edward is considering that he went from hating her to talking to her in a friendly manner. She notes that he is leaning away from her as much as possible now that he doesn't have the conversation as a distraction.

The class ends and Edward makes another speedy exit, leaving Bella to watch him leave in confusion. Mike appears at her desk, picking up both her books and bag being the good friendzoned dog that he is, hell even Bella mentions that she can easily imagine him with a wagging tail.

Either way, Mike bitches about how hard the class was since he thought they all looked the same and that she was lucky to have Edward as a partner because he's a smartypants ya'll!

Bella smacks him down, stating that she had no issues with the test, Realizing that she probably hurt his feelings, she goes on to admit that she's done this before.
Mike ignore this for some reason, stating that Edward seems more friendly towards her today, Bella notes that he doesn't seem pleased by this as they shrug into their raincoats.
Instead wondering allowed what his problem was last week.

Bella being the nice person that she is, can't be fucked listening to Mike as he chats to her on the way to PE. Since he is also on her team this week he goes out of his way to protect her from the evils of exercise via ball games.
You'd think she'd be grateful about this, but nothing in the text even hints at it making her seem like even more of a bitch then normal.

Her school day ends and she gratefully gets into her car, ignoring the loud engine as she turns the heat up. As she gets ready to leave she noticed Edward leaning against his volvo three parks down.
Chucking her car into reverse she almost slams into another car since she wasn't looking where she was going.
As she dives part Edward, she notes out of her peripheral version (because she's determined not to look at him) she's convinced that it looks like he is laughing.

1 comment:

  1. >>Do you guys even have an international baseball team or is it all interstate?<<
    It's all interstate, except for the Olympic team and the occasional exposition game. I mean, unless you count Canada as international (the argment could be made, but they're RIGHT THERE at the top of the country. So it's not like Japan or something.)
    The thing with minor league players is that most minor league teams are owned by major league teams, as kind of a farm system to train up younger players. So he's either traveling a lot because his team plays a lot of teams out of their state/region (unlikely), or he's traveling because he gets traded a lot (more likely). Or he's actively trying to change teams. There's also spring training, which is usually in one of the southern states (Arizona, Florida, places with nice climates), and he could be traveling for that, depending on when this book starts. I can't remember. But opening day is generally in April, and spring training is over by then.
