Monday 20 October 2014

Guilty Pleasures: chapter 46

The dragon didn't come out and eat us right away. In fact, the place was quiet. As the cliche goes, too quiet.

Anita steps closer to Edward, wondering where everyone is. Well, it is kinda bedtime for everyone associated with vampires, so I'd be more worried if people were around because that means they saw you coming a mile away and that you'll probably be dead soon.

They enter a huge room that's about the same size as Nicky's throne room, and that means nothing to me as I don't remember if she even told us how big the throne room was and I'm not going to skim backwards because you're too freaking lazy to put important descriptions in!
Either way instead of chairs in this room it has coffins, how convenient that they found the vamps so freaking quick.

Edward mentions that the vampires are arrogant since most other vamps they've hunted have put some effort into hiding their coffins.
This is their main hideout, which is located under a circus and I'm assuming filled to bursting with security, if not for the rat hole of awesomeness you guys would not have stood a chance of gaining access to this place, so why would they bother hiding their coffins??

They go to the first coffin and lo and behold its occupant is Valentine,

Valentine never moved. I couldn't even see him breath. I wiped my sweating palms on my jeans and felt for a pulse in his wrist. Nothing. His skin was cool to the touch. He was dead/. It wasn't murder, no matter what the new laws said. You can't kill a corpse.
The wrist pulsed. I jerked back like he'd burned me.

Wait, wait a moment... If he's dead WHY THE FUCK DOES HE HAVE A PULSE?!
You can't have this both ways here, either vamps die when dawn breaks or they don't! You cannot have your fucking cake and eat the damn thing too!

[...] If you waited long enough the heart did beat, blood did flow, but so slow that it was almost painful to watch. Dead. I was beginning to think I didn't know what that meant.

Get your lore then fucking run with it, don't near the end of your book try and change shit, it just makes Anita look like a fucking moron... Well, more so then usual.

Anita and Edward have a bit of a back and forth about how to kill the vampire, Anita was going to use a stake and hammer, Edward suggests the shotgun but since Anita doesn't want to let the entire city know that they are currently killing vamps she says no. So he suggests that they try something new.
Edward has needles filled with silver nitrate... I would've used holy water since VAMPIRES ARE NOT FUCKING WEREBEASTS!

But sure, whatever this book is almost over so silver can now randomly kill vampires, even though if I remember correctly it just made them heal human slow or some shit.

Edward injects the silver into Valentines neck, he wiggles and gasps for air before dying. Anita doesn't like it since he doesn't look dead. Staking and removing their heads makes certain that they won't come back to gnaw on you.

Oh, we also find out that Anita isn't a fan of needles... Because that is so original (not sure why this bothers me, I think I'm just sick of all these random 'flaws' thrown onto her character in an attempt to make her relate-able)

Anita goes to open another coffin, only it's empty. She flinches and looks around the room as if she's expecting the vamp to do a jump scare.
Figuring that it was probably Theresa's coffin, she moves onto the next one which holds the dark skinned vampire.

I knew what it meant coming in here. Not just defending yourself but taking out vampires as they lay helpless. As far as I knew, this vampire had never hurt anyone. I laughed then; he was Nikolao's protege. Did I really think he'd never tasted human blood? No.

I'm sorry, do you have synthetic blood that vampires can drink? Because if not you can't merely kill vampires for fucking drinking blood as that's their food source!
Its like those rabid vegans who go on about killing or doing some serious harm to those who eat meat, I wouldn't last a week on a diet that doesn't include meat, eggs, milk etc. We're human, we kinda need that stuff to survive. If you chose to live without it great, but like religion and genitals keep it to yourself until you find someone who wants to deal with it.

Edward calls out her name, she turns around to find Aubrey has him by the neck, thinking that she stupidly left her shotgun next to Valentines coffin (real professional there guys) she pulls out her 9mm and fires into Aubrey's head, the force of it throws his head back, but he only smiles and lifts Edward higher off the ground.
Anita runs for her shotgun, Edward has wrapped both hands around Aubrey's wrist in an attempt not to be strangled by his own weight, he drops a hand to grope for his machine gun, but Aubrey grabs his wrist, stopping Edward from being able to rescue himself. (Because face it, Anita has to be good for something)

Anita walks up to Aubrey and fires pointblank into his head, making it explode. Edward is lowered back to the ground but he has yet to be released from the vamps grasp.
Stepping around Edward, Anita fires another shot into Aubrey's chest, taking out his heart and most of his chest in the process.
Edward drops to his knees as soon as he's released, struggling to breath, Anita asks if he can breath while hoping that his windpipe wasn't crushed in the process of being strangled.
Edward nods that he's fine, Anita goes over and blows Valentine's head off since she no longer trusts the silver nitrate. Apparently she's forgotten about the other vampire she injected.

Anita heads towards the child-sized coffin monologuing about how killing a master vampire is hard, they're super over powered yadda yadda yadda.
Edward stumbles over and opens the lid for her as she covers it with her shotgun, But oh no! It's empty!!!!!!

 Nicky appears behind them, telling them to freeze as Burchard advises them not to touch their guns.
Anita and Edward both put their hands up and turn around when ordered to do so, Burchard has some sort of semiautomatic that Anita doesn't recognize but is certain will put a big hole in them. Zack is also there, holding a gun two handed and stiff armed while looking extremely unhappy.

Burchard then orders them to drop their weapons and lace their fingers behind their heads, Anita does it thinking that they both had more guns on them.

Once they've done this, Nicky starts rambling on about how she's over a thousand years old and how could they be so stupid to think that the sun still holds sway over her blah blah blah.
She then orders her human servant (Burchard) to free them of their weapons as she has a special treat for Anita. Ordering her up against the wall and for Zack to shoot Edward if he moves, he frisks her thoroughly, he doesn't check or teeth or make her drop her pants but this time manages to find all of her weapons.

If he's this through with his searches how the fuck did he miss her ankle knife earlier on in this book?!

Whatever, he also removes her cross causing Anita to wonder if getting one tattooed on her would have the same effect as wearing one.
If she keeps losing her crosses I'd be more worried about them cutting the tattoo off her, plus it'd always have to be visible to be any use wouldn't it? So Unless she got it down on her forehead it'd be sorta pointless regardless right??

...And wouldn't it have to be blessed? Would you bless the ink and needle as they draw it on her? Bless it afterwards with holy water? Mix holy water into the ink? Would the blessing wear off? Would the tattoo burst into flames??????

I'm over thinking this entire thing, aren't I?

 Anita moves to stand next to Zack while Edward gets his turn of being stripped of weapons, while this is happening she taunts Zack about his secret, I thought vamps had almost super human hearing, how is Nicky not listening in on this and demanding more answers?!

Nicky demands to know if they have any idea what they were doing while she was destroying her people, Anita assumes its a rhetorical question and doesn't answer, Nicky continues that she was preparing a friend of hers, because apparently petty revenge is more important to her then protecting her subjects.

Anita freaks out, wondering if they dragged Catherine or Ronnie into this as revenge.

I heard shuffling footsteps; then Phillip walked into the room. The horrible wound at his throat was thick, white scar tissue. He stared around the room as if he didn't really see it.
I whispered, "Dear God."
they'd raised him from the dead.

I'm loving how badly LKH talks down to her readers here...

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