Monday 20 October 2014

Twilight: Chapter 3

Bella wakes up, instantly knowing that something was different. Looking out the window she's amazed to see that not only is there no fog covering her window, but that it's snowing!!!!!
She's naturally extremely happy about this as she's a highly optimistic person.

But that wasn't the worst part. All the rain from yesterday had frozen solid -- coating the needles on the trees in fantastic, gorgeous patterns, and making the driveway a deadly ice slick. I had enough trouble not falling down when the ground was dry; it might be safer for me to go back to bed now.

I'm honestly surprised this women can breath and walk at the same time! Now the closest I ever get to walking on ice is dealing with the giant walk-in freezer at work and while it's not the easiest thing to shuffle through I've managed to do it for three years now without face planting.

Bella heads downstairs to find that Charlie has already left for work, which makes her think that leaving with him is a lot like having her own place, but instead of feeling lonely she enjoys being on her own.
If this suppose to make us think she is special or something? Most introverts prefer to live or be on their own most the time. THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU A FUCKING INTROVERT!

Turning her thoughts towards Edward she admits that while she is excited of going to school, she's also worried about it because you know. Edward is a freaking psycho!
She ponders about why he would lie about his eyes as she's certain that they've changed colour since she first met him. She's pretty bloody observant I'll give her this, when I'm stuck next to a clearly hostile person I try not to pay that much attention to them in fear they kill me for looking at them or some shit.

After nearly braining herself trying to get in her truck she starts off for school, thinking about how guys react differently here then back in Phoenix since she currently has two boys falling over themselves to be with her.
Wondering if it's because the boys back 'home' had seen her go through her awkward adolescence stage (that would be making the assumption that she's no longer awkward, which is something this book goes out of it's way to prove is in fact a lie) if it's just a novelty thing since nothing appears to ever happen in this town, or maybe they see her clumsiness as a sign of endearment or damsel in distress thing.

Bella states her amazement that her truck isn't having any trouble on the ice covered roads, when she gets to school she notices a flash of silver out of the corner of her eyes, stumbling back to her truck she realizes that her dad had gotten up early in the morning to place chains on her tires. For some reason this show of concern shocks her, not entirely sure why, Charlie has always come across as a caring if slightly awkward father.

As she straightens up she hears screeching tyres and looks around in surprise, somehow managing not to fall flat on her face in the process.
Through the flash of adrenaline she notices Edward standing four cars down with a look of horror on his face and a dark blue van that has lost control and is currently on a direct crash course with her truck.
She closes her eyes, something hits her hard but from the wrong direction sending her flying. The next thing she knows something is pinning her down and she's laying next to the tan car she parked next to.
This van must be skidding pretty bloody slowly as it's STILL coming towards her, she someone say an oath near her and the voice is instantly recognizable, but the audience is currently not privy to this important information.

The suspense right now is honestly killing me!

Either way someone sticks both hands out protectively in front of her as the truck comes towards them, managing to stop it inches from Bella's face dooming the world to a much longer book then it would have been otherwise.

There is the usual crunch of protesting metal, then silence for a second or two before the screaming starts. Bella can hear someone screaming her name, but Edward's voice which is right next to her ear demands to know if she's alright.
Bella states that she's fine and makes to move, only to realize that Edward currently has her in a cast iron hold. Because you know, not creepy at all!

He tells her not to move since she's hit her head pretty badly, Bella stops for a moment to realize that her head actually does hurt, when she says 'ouch' in a surprised way, Edward shows us how much of a douche monkey he really is but failing to suppress his laughter.

Bella demands to know how he got to her so fast, Edward continuing with his douche monkey theme tells to convince her that he was right next to her the whole time.
Before our heroine can call him out on his bullshit, the rescue party arrives, whoever has assumed control is shouting for them to get Tyler out of the van and for Bella and co not to move.

Bella brings up the fact that Edward was nowhere near her when the van started it's crash course, Edward gets grumpy that she isn't believing him before basically telling her that it's in her best interest to shut her mouth and just go with his story. Bella, never one to use her brains keeps insisting so Edward promises to tell her later if she drops the damn subject for now.

They get Bella and Edward out from behind the van, Edward refuses to be put on a stretcher but when Bella attempts to do the same, he tells the EMTs that she's hit her head and showing signs of a concussion.

I almost died of humiliation when they put on the neck brace. It looked like the entire school was there, watching soberly as they loaded me into the ambulance. Edward got to ride up front. It was maddening.
To make matters worse, Chief Swan arrived before they could get me safely away.

Since when can people drive in the front of ambulances??? I know we can't here for obvious reasons (two seats, two EMTs) that's why they have seats in the BACK of the damn ambulance!
And god-fucking-forbid her dad is horrified that she's been injured! No, he should have just stayed at work and assumed that everything will be okey fucking dokey.

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