Monday 12 January 2015

The laughing corpse: Chapter 10

The phone was ringing as I shoved the keys into my apartment door. I yelled at it, "I'm coming, I'm coming!" Why do people do that? Yell at the phone as if the other person can hear you and will wait?

First off.. That's what she said!!!
Secondly, people do that because it's habit? I dunno, I'm sure there is an actual scientific reason but googly is in a different tab and I'm sure if you actually care enough you're internet savvy enough to do your own damn research.
It's Dolph on the phone because the plot will prevail though all the side quests in this book!
He 'thinks' he has found a body since it's in the same mangled state as the first murdered folk, he tells Anita to go to Burrell cemetery which she's done work in before, he tells her to get her ass there ASAP because he wants to go home and hug his wife. Anita starts to state that she understands but because this guy has the social skills that put my own to shame, she's talking to a buzzing headset as he's already hung up on her.

Anita looks down at her formal clothes, thinking that it would take to long for her to change... Really? How long does it really take for someone to shimmy out of a dress, pull on some pants and shirt before rushing out the door????
Either way, she grabs some sneakers since apparently you can never get blood out of dress shoes and heads off for the crime scene.

I just realized, there's a lot of murders in cemeteries in these books, sure it'll make the clean up easier, but really? Why would you kill someone in an cemetery, which is full of awesome places to hide a body, only to LEAVE IT SITTING OUT IN THE FUCKING OPEN?!
No freaking wonder the supernatural haven't taken over this world yet...

Yadda yadda, gun porn and details of how thigh holsters chafe or some crap that I'm beyond interested reading about. Some knife porn and she finally leaves too meet the plot.

Burrell Cemetery is at the crest of a hill. Some of the gravestones go back centuries. The soft, weathered limestone is almost unreadable, like hard candy that has been sucked clean.

I'd actually managed to erase LKH's weird food orientated descriptions in these books... Glad to have been reminded.

The caretaker's house was surrounded by police cars and the coroner's van. My Nova seemed underdressed. Maybe I should get some buggy whip antenna, or plaster Zombies 'R' Us on the side of the car. Bert would probably get mad.

 I'm seriously starting to wonder if I suffered some sort of brain damage when I was 17... How the ever living fuck did I think this was amusing??
And no, I'm not sure why under dressed is one word, just remember this is a best selling author writing it which means I know nothing and are clearly wrong for even questioning why this brutal bashing of the English language is happening!
(Strong words coming from me I know... I will get to editing my older posts... Someday)

She puts on coveralls (Or overalls for the rest of the world) bitching that she's so short that the crotch sits at knee level on her because she's so fucking short ya'll!
Back story about how she got the overalls for vampire hunting but doesn't want to ruin her dress blah blah fucking blah.

A page later and she finally gets to Doyle who goes on to explain that while this scene isn't nearly as bloody as the last one, it does involve a young boy. Again with the horror for horror elements, Blegh.

[...] It was always worse when it was a child. I never knew exactly why. Maybe it was some primal instinct to protect the young. Some deep hormonal thing. Whatever, kids were always worse.

I don't know how my life would have turned out without this sort of mind altering information that's in this series!

So the body is of Ben Reynolds, his belly has been torn open and all vital organs devoured. It takes almost two pages for Anita to describe the horror of all of this. About 70% of it is her angsting about how she doesn't want to do this and nightmares yadda yadda.

He was killed either early this morning or late last night, not entirely sure why they needed Anita out here to tell them this... How exactly she could tell without doing a body temp or anything is actually pretty amazing.

Dolph demands to know what Anita had found out on Dominga, Anita explains that she doesn't think Dominga is involved because this is far too dramatic and that if she wanted someone dead she could simply wish them to death.
Dolph takes her seriously for some reason, I know I certainly wouldn't have. But then again I'm not a police detective so what do I know?
Anita then throws John Burke under the bus without any evidence behind her accusation.

We then learn that Vampires need to crash somewhere safe before dawn, Ghouls live in massive burrows during the day but Zombies aren't affected by sunlight and are free to move around whenever they damn well feel like it. So if it was any of the above two they might find evidence of them (Vampires can move incredibly fast and don't eat flesh... Why would she mention them?)

Anita is also apparently psychic since she pretty much knows the killer Zombie was raised in this cemetery and if she's right they should find signs of the ritual.
Because some chicken blood and salt circles would be so uncommon in a cemetery that Anita herself has admitted to working in...

 Oh, Anita meant a Voodoo ritual, because OF COURSE it's not an animator that raised a killer zombie.
Gods I hate this book.

Anita goes on to explain that she might be able to able to find out which grave the zombie came from through her mystical powers of animating dead flesh. BUT her powers don't really kick in till after dark, because this sort of thing is clearly affected by where the sun is in the freaking sky. So if he wants her help Dolph will have to wait a few hours until the sun fully sets.

Apparently the best way to take a killer zombie down is to burn it to death, so Anita demands that any backup she has wondering around the graveyard with her are carrying flamethrowers, which Dolph seems to feel obliged to point out aren't standard issue for freaking coppers.
Anita simply tells him to call some exterminators in then, because burning Ghouls and Zombies to death is someones job in this world...

Anita then asks Dolph to keep his ear to the ground about Peter Burke's death since it would be a good excuse to keep his brother in touch with the police, that is probably the smartest thing I've read all chapter... Not that, that's stating much.

Dolph agrees before telling Anita to get back here at sunset so he doesn't have to pay his people more overtime then he has too. Anita explains that she'll have to cancel some appointments which will naturally piss Bert off, which makes her happy because she's a horrible employee.

We get some conversation about Anita asking Dolph about his family before wondering back to her car with another detective and asking about his family.
Insert another convo between Anita and detective Perry about how how sooner or later they will bag the person or thing doing this and so ends this chapter.

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