Thursday 8 January 2015

Twilight: Chapter four (part two)

Mike has wondered off back to his seat and the class officially starts, Edward keeps staring at Anita with a look of confusion and frustration on his face. Bella looks over at him in surprise, expecting him to look away. Only, PLOT TWIST, he doesn't!!!!

He continues to stare deep into Bella's eyes, she realizes that she can't turn away and her hands start shaking because, romance!
Mr. Banner calls out Edwards name, who quickly answers the question that Bella didn't even hear. He reluctantly looks away from Bella to look at the teacher.
Bella quickly looks down at her book, stumbling to find where they're up too, brushing her hair over her shoulder so that there is a barrier between them. Feeling surprised at all the emotions she felt as they stared at each other.
So basically hormones, excitement!

I couldn't allow him to have this level of influence over me. It was pathetic. More than pathetic, it was unhealthy.

Don't worry, it doesn't last.

She goes on about how for the rest of the class she ignores him, but since she can't manage that she tries to let him know that she's ignoring him or some such.
Class ends, she starts gathering up her things but before she can make good on her escape, Edward calls her name and she's reluctant to look at him because she doesn't want to feel what she knows she will feel when she looks at him.

Bella gets snarky, asking if this means that he's actually talking to her again. Edward half smiles before admitting that no, it doesn't mean that. Bella closes her eyes, grinds her teeth before demanding to know what he wants.
Edward apologizes, saying that he knows he's being rude but that it's honestly better this way. Because you know, saying that sort of thing doesn't melt the panties off hormonal females.
And don't even try and tell me that he doesn't know what he's doing. The damn vampire is over 100 years old!

Bella mentions that she doesn't understand what he's talking about, Edward goes on about how not being friends is for her benefit really because he's nothing but bad news blah blah.
Bella isn't taking this shit though! She hisses at him that she knows he regrets saving her life, he looks at her in surprise, stating that he doesn't regret doing that.
Bella goes to make a swooping exit from the room, but because she's such a klutz she catches her toe on the corner of the door and drops all her books.
Edward is instantly there to pick them up and hand them to her, she icily says thank you. He just as coldly says that she's welcome before she sweeps off to gym.

Apparently she's more of a klutz then usual in gym because her mind is filled with Edward, which somehow messes with her balance or something.

At the end of the day she runs for her truck, glad that the day is over and that she has a lot of people to avoid because... Reasons?
She gets to her truck thinking that all she needed to do after the accident was replace the taillight and if she had a paint job touch that up. But that Tyler's parents had to sell the van for parts, because you know, new cars that crumble around points of impact are horrible and life saving, while cars that don't move an inch and fuck the occupants up pretty badly are brilliant!

She rounds the corner only to find someone leaning up against the side of her truck, it turns out to be Eric. He's there to ask her to the dance, his voice breaks from nerves as he asks though which makes me feel that much more secure in my manliness. Bella points out that it's the girls choice for this dance and that while she's happy that he asked, she's going to be in Seattle that day and won't be able to go.
Eric slouches off at this news, and Bella turns around as she hears someone chuckling. The arsehole laughing is naturally Edward as he wonders past her truck.
Bella yanks the door open and hops in, feeling pissed off for some reason. She revves the engine before reversing out of the parking space. She gets a couple of cars down before Edward smoothly reverses his car in front of her. Clearly sitting there waiting for the rest of his family, who while are clearly walking towards the car was still quite a bit away.

I considered taking out the rear of his shiny volvo, but there were too many witnesses. 

... Showing your psycho side there a little Bella. I get being pissed in this scenario (I dare you to name someone who wouldn't be) but actually considering crashing into his car and not doing it only because people will see?
No.. Psycho Bella is fucking psycho.

Tyler walks up to her truck and knocks on the window, she rolls it down and starts to apologize and explain that it's the Cullen's fault everyone is locked in.
He explains that he knows but since she has no escape he wanted to know if she would go to the dance with him. Because you know, the best way to make up hitting a girl with your car is to corner them and ask them to a dance...
Bella again explains that she won't be in town for the dance, Tyler admits that he already heard that because Mike told him... Because you know, when your competing with another guy for a girl you tell him all about your rejection... Tyler is asking because he was just hoping she was letting him down easy. By then going to the dance anyway with another guy, yep, that's how you let someone down easy girls!
When Bella points out that she honestly won't be there for the dance Tyler shrugs it off by saying that they still have prom before walking back to his car.
Holy crap dude, your starting to creep into some serious stalker territory now...

Bella looks forward, noting that the rest of the Cullen's were getting into the car and that Edward was laughing at the situation she was just in. Because he's an awesome guy THAT EVERYONE SHOULD LOVE AND DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME ANY DIFFERENT!

,.. I'm thinking I should end the chapter here before I start squealing with delight every time I a pasty skinny guy out in public, and writing bad fanfiction about how Edward and I will get married and have a happy happy life on a liquid diet while we rent ourselves out as disco balls.

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