Thursday 15 January 2015

Twilight: Chapter four (part two)

Since Bella has decided that ramming someone's car in front of a couple hundred teens would be bad she drives home and starts cooking dinner. Halfway though dinner the phone rings and Bella is afraid to answer it in case it's one of her parents, not sure why she's avoiding them now... Teenage drama?

Jessica is the one who dares to ring the almighty Bella, Jess is beyond happy since Mike caught up with her after school and accepted her invite to the school dance. Ah highschool drama.. How I've missed hearing (or in this case reading) about all the pointless angst and raging hormones.

Since Jess is going to go and tell Angela and Lauren all about the good news, Bella 'innocently' mentions that Angela (the quiet female in the group) should hook up with Eric, while Lauren (the bitchy standoffish one) should hook up with Tyler. Jess agrees that's the best idea she's ever heard ever! Bella than goes on to comment that since Jess is sure that she has Mike practically wearing a ring, that she sounds sincere when she mentions that she wishes Bella could come to the dance,

Are teenage females really as bitchy as vapid as media and this hack of a book portrays them to be? I wasn't exactly paying much attention to females and their issues back in highschool, I had other.. Things in mind *cough*

After that rather pointless scene in the book, Bella returns to cooking dinner. Cutting everything carefully as she doesn't want another trip to the emergency ward because she's so klutzy ya'll!
While she's doing this her mind is spinning as she over analyzes everything that Edward said ti her today.

What did he mean, it was better if we weren't friends?

This women is all kinds of stupid isn't she? I get it teens are still learning blah blah blah. But seriously? Bella isn't thinking that Edward just wants in her pants? Then again, I'm old and know all the tricks so yeah... Nevermind.

Mu stomach twisted as I realized what he must have meant. He must see ow absorbed I was by him; he must not wan to lead me on... so we couldn't even be friends... because he wasn't interested in me at all.

Seriously, that made me headbutt my desk...


She's not interesting, he's the bestest thing ever to grace the earth with his awesomeness blah blah fucking blah.

She then decides that she'll suffer through the horror of being ignored by him and then hope she gets a scholarship somewhere near a beach where she'll become awesomesauce and forget all about the emo kid she met in highschool twice.

Charlie comes home, is suspicious of the Mexican dish that Bella cooked, but ends up liking it and Bella gets a boost from the fact that her dad enjoys her cooking.
She then states that she's going to Seattle on the day on the dance, before realizing that she's coming across as rude and tacks 'if that's ok' onto the end of it.

Charlie isn't overly happy about it, I'll skip over him using her truck mileage and that Seattle is a big city and she might get lost because honestly I don't care.
The conversation comes to a end when Charlie realizes that Bella is just as clumsy as he is (how did he become a cop then? I don't know about over there, but here you have to be pretty fit/have good hand eye coordination)

Thankfully the book skips over Bella doing the dishes and her homework as she's now pulling into school. She parks as far away from Edward's car as possible, hops out of the truck, drops her keys (because she's so klutzy ya'll!) before she can grab it though someone with pale skin snatches it off the ground. She jerks upright to see Edward casually leaning against her truck, keys in hand.
She demands to know how he keeps appearing out of thin air as he hands her keys back. He brushes her off by stating it's not his fault that she's blind and can't be bothered to watch his every breath.

Bella then demands to know why he held her up yesterday as she thought he was ignoring her, not planning to annoy her to death. Edward sniggers because he's a nice guy like that, stating that he wanted to give Tyler an opportunity to ask her out.
Bella again accuses Edward of wishing that Tyler's van had killed her off. He naturally gets pretty fucking pissed off at this, telling her that she's absurd.
For some reason this makes Bella so angry that she wants to punch something, so she simply turns and walks away.
Edward catches up to her, telling her that he was rude... She's completely wrong, but how he reacted was rude and he apologies for it. See? This alone would tip someone off that he's not a normal teenager, number one rule in this age group is to never admit you're wrong. Especially when it involves the opposite sex, it's a rule. Look it up.

Blah blah bad banter here, it turns out that Edward wants to go to Seattle with her. Bella demands to know why, Edward explains that he was thinking of heading out there soon anyways and he isn't sure her truck will actually make it so he could give her a lift.
When Bella gets annoyed, Edward gets all high and mighty by pointing out that her truck would use up two years worth of fuel getting there and back, while his car would only need one tank. And that wasting fuel is every bodies issue... I have to admit, I wasn't expecting this to turn into a Green Peace pamphlet.

Bella points out that he said yesterday that he didn't want to be her friend and this is making it harder for her to understand what he wants from her.
Edward responds that he said it's better if they weren't friends, not that he didn't want to be friends...
Uh... What??

After Bella agrees to go to Seattle with him, he points out that she really would be better off staying away from him before walking off.

Because right now he does not come across as a crazy psycho killer, not one bit! Ya'll be crazy if you actually think that!

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