Thursday 15 January 2015

The laughing corpse: Chapter 11

What was more important than bagging the critter that had eviscerated an entire family? Nothing, absolutely nothing. But it was awhile until full dark, and I had other problems.

What are those other problems that seems to currently be occupying her mind more then something murdering people? Gaynor and his goons of course! The side quest... At least I'm assuming it's the side quest, because you know... Murders are generally the main quest unless it's a love/drama book... Oh...

Anita decides that she needs information and to get that she needs to speak to Irving the werewolf that she mentioned briefly in the first book. She goes into his place of work, bitching that he works in a cubicle not an actual office, insert pointless description here and Anita's biased towards tall people as she states that because he's the same height as her that's all the reason she needs to like him or some bullshit like that.

Irving sat back in his chair. I leaned in the doorway of his cubicle. "How's tricks?" Irving said.
Do you really think you're funny, or is this just an annoying habit?" I asked.
He grinned. "I'm hilarious. Ask my girlfriend."

Let's for once not read about me ranting on how crappy the humor is in this book....
*Taps enter a bunch of times so I don't stare at it*

Anita offers an exchange, she'll help him get some insight on this new zombie legislation that's being thrown around like a information whore, and he'll dig up dirt for her on Gaynor.
They barter back and forth for a bit before agreeing to a deal, Irving types Gaynor's name into the system and apparently newspapers have access to police files or something because he comes up with  a lot information that'll take awhile for him to print out.

Irving tells her that he'll print it off, including any pictures and deliver it to her directly as long as it's at Dead Dave's because he wants the scoop on the new vampire master of the city because you know... People give a fuck about that I guess.
And if they do shouldn't a politic journalist be following that one up??

Anita tells him that he's stupid because he looks human... Were's don't smell different apparently, or are just incredibly stupid, your choice.
Either way Irving points out that they do speak to her, he wants to interview whoever is now the kingpin.
Anita naturally wants nothing to do with this, Irving pushes the face, Anita pushes back and he caves. Agrees to get everything together while still pushing her for information.
I get the feeling this is suppose to come across as cute or simply friendly banter. But holy hell is it annoying me right now.

He tells her to meet her at Dead Dave's in two hours (how long does it take for you to print out some pages man?!) Anita tells him one hour as she has shit to do tonight, she also wants to go home and change. (would've been easier to get changed before trumping through a murder scene, just saying...)

Blah blah convo about her wearing a dress, Irving doing this for the zombie story then Anita leaves thinking that if she's going to Blood square tonight she wants something she can wear a gun with...

Ugh, and that's the chapter... Thrilling and utterly pointless, I'm starting to sense a theme with this book.

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