Sunday 25 January 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter 12 (Part two)

This part of the chapter kicks off with Luther throwing Anita under the bus by telling her that he has a message for her from the master.
Irving's ears perk at this as he wants to interview the master for some undisclosed reason... His a journo, don't question the logic behind his motivation.

Anita asks what the message is in a enthused tone, trying to tell Luther not to give her the message in front of Irving, either he doesn't get the message or he chooses to ignore it because he goes on to state that the master wants to see her bad and has spread the message that anyone who see's Anita should pass it on.

Anita tells Luther to consider the message given, Irving asks why she doesn't want to see the master off the record. Anita tells him where to shove it, Luther then warns her that right now the master is content to have people verbally hassle her, but if she keeps playing hard to get he will resort to kidnapping her.

You know, the old fashion way of winning a women over. 
(Spoiler alert, in case you have't twigged to the fact yet, the master is JC, you know the awesome womanizing French vampire)

Blah blah blah, shitting all over Irving because he's a reporter and apparently can't look after himself EVEN THOUGH HE'S A FUCKING WERE-WOLF!

Ok, now the book takes a turn for the slightly worse, Anita asks for a quick rundown on what Irving's reporter friend has found out on Gaynor since she won't have time to read the file before she needs to leave.

Irving explains that Gaynor is wheelchair bound and apparently has a kink for the disabled... You know "Blind, wheelchair, amputee, whatever, old Harry'll go for it."

While Gaynor has never been caught with his pants down so to say, the rumors surrounding him are real nasty. Like mob connections, killing off his ex-girlfriend who tried to sue him, you know, all the things that should mean he has cops crawling all over him but somehow comes out of it smelling like roses.

More back and forth of Anita trying to extract information from Irving as he does the same to her, she then threatens to harm him if he doesn't start talking, when he laughs she internally bitches that he didn't believe her and that he should.........

It terrifies me that Anita is suppose to be the heroine in this book....

Irving shows Anita a picture of a young female who until 5 months ago was dating Gaynor, she's also Wheelchair bound and apparently a prostitute going by the handle of 'wheelchair Wanda' 
And here I was thinking my handle was lazy... Yeesh.

Wanda won't talk to the press because she's terrified of Gaynor, but Anita (because she's such a people person) is convinced that she could get Wanda to talk to her.  

Irving reluctantly informs her that Wanda hangs out near the Grey Cat club, Anita makes some sort of joke (?) reference (?) about all cats looking grey in the dark...
Not sure what sort of cats see's been looking at during the night because I can generally tell what colour they are...

Luther informs Anita that she shouldn't go into that area alone because she doesn't look like she can handle herself and doesn't want some poor slob shot because he mistakes her for a pro or something.
The fact that everyone knows how trigger happy Anita is also kinda terrifies me...

Anita reluctantly agrees with them, saying that she'll take Charles with her because while he looks tough he's really a pussy cat, (why is this a good thing? It means she'll still have to shoot someone if they come onto her...) Either way Luther makes a joke about how she should make sure Charles keeps his eyes covered in case he faints.

Anita points out that if you faint once in public no one allows you to forget it... Did he see a stripper and pass out? Because otherwise it doesn't belong in this conversation.....

Insert background on Dead Dave who was a cop until he got turned into a leech and now feeds Anita information because he's too proud to help the cops outright or some such.

While she's thinking this Dead Dave himself wonders into the bar, Anita turns on her stool and looks out the window thinking that they looked the same as when she wondered in but if Dave is up then it must be full night and she now has to trump back to her car while surrounded by vampires, but she has her gun on her which comforts her for some reason.

I thought you needed a warrant to kill a vampire now, how is having a gun any sort of comfort if it just means you'll end up in jail or worse if you kill one??

Anita and Dave start talking, when Anita flashes him her gun Irving freaks out for some reason. Dave doesn't like Irving for some reason they don't discuss. Dave bluntly asks Anita if she's going to heed the message the master left or not.
Anita thinks that Dave is blunt but she likes him anyways, before telling him that she's probably going to do the dumb thing and ignore it.

Dave points out that having a special relationship with the master won't save her when things go pear shaped and that she shouldn't fuck with him, Anita points out that, that's exactly what she's trying to avoid. Dave naturally finds this funny, before stating that surely he wants her more then just being a good tail.

Anita takes this as a compliment (why do I get the feeling that Anita is the most inconsistent person in the world? She'll break up with a guy for saying that she looked cute and delicate but call her a good tail and she blushes... The fuck women??)

Irving apparently sucks at being a writer as he doesn't get the subtext of the conversation and demands to know what they're talking about, Anita tells him to quite pestering her. Irving bites back that he hasn't heard that word since his grandmother died.
Anita then tells him to fuck off, before making to leave.

Dave points out that some of the younger or more ambitious vampires might be a little overzealous in giving her the masters message (aka kidnap her) Anita points out that she's armed with a cross and gun so she'll be fine.

Dave clearly doesn't have the same confidence in her as he asks if she'd like him to escort her to the car. Anita declines the offer because she's a little retarded *cough* oh, I mean because she's a big girl who can look after herself.

We then learn that apparently no prison can hold a vampire, I find that... Extremely hard to believe. What you can't bless the doors? Soak the metal in holy water? Have a cult of fanatic priests running the place? 
But no, either you play by the rules or you die... And if I remember correctly you can be killed if someone cries blood rape without any proof so yeah... Vamps clearly have the same rights as every other true blooded American, am I right??

The crowd couldn't have overheard much, if any, of the conversation, but I could feel them staring at my back. I resisted the urge to whirl around and scream 'boo.' I bet somebody would have screamed.

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