Monday 5 January 2015

The Laughing Corpse: Chapter eight

Manny drops Anita off at her flat, he doesn't ask to come up and she doesn't offer since she's still unsure of how she feels about the whole human sacrifice thing he was once involved in.

She's happy that she has Judo this afternoon as she doesn't want to really think about the events that happened today, and physical activity is the best way to avoid all of life's little problems.

I have a black belt, which sounds a lot more impressive than it actually is. In the Dojo with referees and rules, I do okay.
Out in the real world where most bad guys outweigh me by a hundred pounds, I trust my gun.

-sighs- Where do I being with this stupid sentence? Alright, having marital arts behind you ALWAYS benefits you in a fight. Especially with the like of Judo or Jujitsu where the entire thing is based around using your opponents weight and strength against them. When I did Jujitsu my partner who was half my size would constantly pawn my ass because she had the advantage of not only being closer to the ground due to her height but the fact that every move I made just made it easier for her to use against me since I was taller and stronger.
Not to mention that 90% of Anita's 'bad guys' are just muscular males with guns, I fail to see how them being stronger would help them out in a fight at all if they don't know how to use it.
Believe it or not there is more to fighting then swinging your fists/grabbing their hair.

Just as Anita grabs the door handle, someone pushes the bell. She makes a big scene out of how she has to get on tippy toes to see out of the peephole because she's so short.
The guy who knocks is Tommy, Gaynor's bodyguard from WAY back in the first chapter. Anita is clearly thrilled about this, she then goes on about how she doesn't usually wear a gun to her Judo class because it's daylight and the things that hunt her don't come out till dark yadda yadda.
She grabs a gun and clips it onto her belt, bitching that if she knew she was going to need it she would have worn looser jeans..
How would wearing looser jeans help at all in this scenario??

Tommy rings the doorbell again, then after a few seconds he leans on it. Taking a deep breath Anita opens the door then demands to know what he wants. Tommy asks if she'll ask him in, Anita tells him where to shove it.
This fascinating debate comes to a grinding stop when one of Anita's neighbors steps out into the hallway with a toddler. They exchange pleasantries before the neighbor moves off. Tommy asks if Anita really wants to conduct their business in a public hallway, stating the Gaynor is willing to offer her more money.
Anita lets Tommy in, they have a banter about the state of her unit (clean) and her appointment (business or pleasure) before Tommy says that he has a million five (whatever the fuck that means) sitting in his car. Half now, half when the job is done.
Anita tells him that she's already given his boss her answer, Tommy points out that, it happened in front of Bert though. If she takes the money now no one will have to know.

Anita explains that she didn't take it because of a witness, she didn't take it because she doesn't do human sacrifice. Tommy pushes the point by stating everyone has a price, all she has to do is name it and Gaynor will meet it.
(Gaynor's name hasn't actually been mentioned in this chapter as Tommy is being careful. I just don't want to play the pronoun game)
Anita tells him where to shove it, and that she isn't wearing a wire.. That's not why he's being careful, but sure whatever.

Tommy puts the price up to two million, Anita finally starts asking smarter questions. Like what zombie would be worth two million dollars? And what could he possible gain from spending that much money on a corpse?
Tommy tells her that it's need to know and she doesn't need to know. Anita tells him to leave, he gets all macho, making to move towards her. But she pulls a gun and points it at his chest.
He freezes and looks at her with cold eyes, hands balled up into fists.
Anita warns him not to do it, he calls her a bitch. She tells him to play nice so they can all go on enjoying this day. Tommy calls her on relaying on her gun to be tough. Anita warns him to back off because all his muscle won't help him stop a bullet.

There's a tense second then Tommy relaxes, stating that she got the drop on him today, but if she keeps turning down his boss he'll wait and find her without the gun.
She tells Tommy to get out and inform Gaynor if he keeps hassling her she'll start sending his messengers back in boxes. Tommy stalks out, Anita grabs her bag and heads out to Judo and that's the end of this extremely short chapter.


  1. >>Tommy says that he has a million five (whatever the fuck that means) sitting in his car.<<
    He means he has $1.5 million in his car. It doesn't make any sense at all, in the context of this discussion, for him to offer her half now and half when the job is done, especially now that he's disclosed he's carrying the entire amount with him. She could shoot him, make off with the money, and feed the body to ghouls.
    Also: carrying around that kind of cash in any US city is a pretty terrible idea. If he were to be stopped by the police (broken tail light, failure to signal a turn, whatever), and they saw the cash, that fact in itself is enough to make his activities suspicious, and the cash could be seized.
    So somebody (the bodyguard, the villain, or the author) is super dumb.

  2. I think carrying around that sort of cash in any country would be asking for trouble.
    That does bring up the question of why he was carrying around more then the offered price to begin with.. Unless he figured she'd demand 3mil and wanted to be able to pay upfront.
    As for the dumb part, I think it's just easier to assume that everyone involved in this transaction is incredibly stupid.
