Saturday 30 April 2016

The Laughing corpse: Chapter 20 part one

10:30 that night and Anita is wondering down in the vampire district, resuming that plot thread that happened all the way back in chapter thirteen where she agreed to meet up with JC at his new club.

She gets to the club (which is named after the book in case you couldn't remember) and there is a line going completely around the block, she bitches about the fact that while she might find vampires sexy, she sure as hell doesn't find them funny...
Maybe it's because she's been killing them off? It's a little hard to hear someone's sense of humor while hammering a stake into their heart is all that I'm saying.

Realizing that she hadn't ordered a reservation or anything, she figures that because she knows the boss she doesn't have to wait in line with the peasants and wonders to the front of the line.

Dates, I remember dates. It's just been awhile. Maybe if I wasn't always ass deep in alligators, I'd date more. Maybe.

I seriously doubt that Anita is ALWAYS on some sort of deadly case, there's usually a few months between books if I remember correctly in which I assume nothing read worthy happened meaning you do have time to date!
I think it's merely more likely that no one in their right mind wants to date someone as psycho as you...
Anyways, being the overly polite person that she is, Anita cuts to the front of the line. Halfheartedly apologising to the ticked off people behind her while being condescending to the poor ticket girl in front of her. Apparently calling someone ma'am is an insult?

Anita informs the ticket lady that she isn't here to see the show, but is in fact here to see JC. For some reason instead of calling up the boss the lady asks her if she's a reporter and practically gets Anita to beg before turning around and calling him.
Normally watching a character like Anita beg would amuse the hell out of me, but LKH somehow makes this just as annoying to read as it shouldn't be.

So the ticket lady gets the all clear from JC and Anita is let into the place.

The entire line of waiting people glared at me. I could feel their hot stares on my back. But I've been stared at by experts, so I was careful not to flinch. No one likes a line jumper.

Wow, I'm so glad that Anita was here to tell me that no one likes people who skip out on the line. I never would have figured this out otherwise!

As soon as Anita gets through the door she's held up by a beef cake who demands to see her ticket, oh... And apparently the bad marketing team JC has is keeping up the good work since the clubs slogan is 'The laughing corpse, it's a scream.'

Anita points out that the manager let her in, the guard turns around and magically the manager (who also happens to be Willie McCoy from the first book) is standing behind her.
Anita is surprised that she's happy to see him since vampires usually make her anything but happy. For now. 
-insert long character description here of a badly dressed vampire here-

Ugh, they say hello. He's only been manager here for about two weeks, he steps forward she steps back thinking that it's nothing personal she's just that cautious yadda yadda blah fucking blah.

Willie then mentions that JC is currently busy and he's been instructed to give her a table nice and close to the stage until he's ready to grace her with his presence.
She then asks if Willie would be happy to go and tell JC to hurry up, when Willie denies her this privilege she basically shrugs and says that she'll do it herself if he takes to long. This naturally impresses all the vamps with her manly manliness of maleness!

Willie then leads her to the table, as they pass through the crowd Anita rambles on about how everyone is laughing, drinking, holding hands. You know... Actually having a good time which some how makes her think of this.

I glanced at Willie, did he feel it? Did the warm press of humanity make his stomach knot with hunger? Did he go home at night and dream of ripping into the loud, roaring crowd? I almost asked him, but I liked Willie as much as I could like a vampire. I did not want to know if the answer was yes.

Women... You need some serious help... Why would you think that? As much as I enjoy meat I don't go home at night and think about the animals being murdered, that's just a weird comparison since these vampires are pretty much humans with a strange diet and random dues ex machina powers. 

Willie leads her to an empty table near the front of the stage with a reserved sign on it, Willie makes to pull out her chair but she waves him back because... Uh, I'll let Anita explain hrm?

It wasn't women's liberation. I simply never understood what I was suppose to do while the guy shoved my chair in under me. Did I sit there and watch him to strain to scoot the chair with me in it? Embarrassing. I usually hovered just above the chair and got it shoved into the back of my knees. Hell with it.

I don't feel educated enough to really touch on that so... MOVING ON!

Willie offers her a drink, she asks for coke and he asks if she doesn't want something stronger. Is everyone an alcoholic in this universe or something? Seriously.

And life has just happened so I'll post this to tide you over and to convince you that I'm not dead. 
Still working on getting a schedule set up, one day guys. One day! 


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