Tuesday 7 June 2016

Blue Moon - Chapter One

This exciting new book kicks off with Anita dreaming, what exactly is she dreaming of I hear you begging??
Well, she's dreaming of 'cool flesh and sheets the color of flesh blood'
Wana bet its a sexual dream? I bet its a sexual dream...

Her dream is shattered by a phone call... From her exs brother...

In Anita's own words, Daniel Zeeman is as cute as a bugs ear... What??

Whatever, Anita then reminisces about the fact that she cheated on Richard (Said ex) with JC, which apparently puts a crimp in ones dating game. Amazingly though Anita does actually blame herself for this... I wonder how long that'll last...

It turns out that it's currently 03:10, Anita then inparts this wisdom on us.. No one calls at ten after the witching hour with good news.

Uh... Right, moving on!

It turns out that baby Zeeman is calling because Richard has gotten himself locked up for rape and he wants Anita to help bail him out or some such.
I've gotta wonder why he called Anita in on this, she's not a lawyer, or has anything to do with law. Plus you know, she's his freaking ex! If I was Dan I would be outside slashing her tyres or something, not begging the cheating bitch for help!

But then again I'm vindictive and weirdly protective of my family like that...

Anita and Daniel have a back and forth about how Richard is the ultimate boy scout and wouldn't rape anyone, before they move onto the fact that he's actually in Tennessee doing something for his master degree or something. Highly fascinating stuff let me tell you!

Richard is also apparently a tad stupid as he won't hire a lawyer because he knows he is innocent, since the women who is making the complaint is local the population is naturally siding with her. 
Oh, and apparently it's a blue moon this month which is bad because Richard is a werewolf, but is hiding the fact. But somehow is still the alpha of the local pack... I would have thought that he would need to be out of the closet for that sort of thing since he'd need to bail out fellow pack members and such, but clearly not.

Whatever, Anita then goes on about how she chose a bloodsucker over the flesh eater because after JC eats there isn't chunks in his teeth... Wow.. Keep up that classy act there girl!

The next full moon is in five days, and no shifter, even an alpha can ignore the pull off a full moon so they have to get him out of jail before then or his cover will be blown five ways to hell.
Oh, Richard is a teacher and would lose his job if he was outed because no one want's there kids to be taught by a furry... Even though it is technically illegal to discriminate against shifters they'll find a way to ditch him.

They talk some more about how Richard is stupid for not wanting a lawyer and how his stubbornness will ruin his life blah blah blah... Anita agrees to fly down to help.


Anita further enforces this fact by telling Daniel that she'll get in touch with the local lawyer to help bail him out and that she's surprised their mum hasn't forced Richard into getting one already since apparently everyone in the family is afraid of her or some such...

You know LKH, you can have a strong women without making them a bitch or psychotic right?.. Right?!

They hang up and while Anita packs she asks herself why she's even doing this since they're no longer dating, but decides that she's doing this because they done fucked up and tied each other magically to each other.
So if one dies, they all die and that they're all less powerful if one wants nothing to do with the others, and no... It's not reversible.
This sounds like a rather stupid thing to do JC, why tie yourself up to a flaky alpha and a bitchy vindictive necromancer?!

Anita tosses the last thing into the suitcase before going on about how she can at least admit to herself that she still loves Richard and that's the main reason she's going down. 
Wow, that was a rollercoaster of fast random thoughts and feelings... 

She then wonders how JC is going to take the news that she's running off to save his main competitor, before deciding that it didn't matter.

Love sucks. Sometimes it feels good. Sometimes it's just another way to bleed.

I feel like I've been transported back to 2006... And this was released before then! 

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